体侧线(lateral line;lateral line system (LLS);lateral line organ (LLO);側線管系;側線系;側線系統)是压力感受器官,又稱侧线感覺溝,俗称鱼腥线。几乎所有的、在水中生活的两栖动物蝾螈或是爪蟾,还有很多水生爬行动物,如鳄鱼等,都有体侧线。这种细小的感受器官成百上千的排列在身体侧边。在鱼类身体侧面大于正中,人们可以看见一条清晰的点状线,故名。体侧线感受水流和压力波。[1]

In this oblique view of a goldfish (Carassius auratus), some of the pored scales of the lateral line system are visible.

体侧线的组成有两种,一是劳伦氏壶腹(Ampullae of Lorenzini),二是神经丘(Neuromasts)。后者是众多的感受细胞,它们的感觉毛在胶质状的壶腹帽(Cupula)中。水流造成壶腹帽的偏移,产生神经冲动。


  1. ^ Budelmann, Bernd U.; Bleckmann, Horst. A lateral line analogue in cephalopods: Water waves generate microphonic potentials in the epidermal head lines of Sepia and Lolliguncula. Journal of Comparative Physiology A. 1988, 164 (1): 1–5. PMID 3236259. doi:10.1007/BF00612711. 


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