

CAS号 931-64-6  checkY
化学式 C8H12
摩尔质量 108.18 g·mol−1
密度 0.9097 g·cm−3(0 °C)[1]
沸点 136.5~139 °C[1]
若非注明,所有数据均出自标准状态(25 ℃,100 kPa)下。


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  3. ^ Germain, J. E.; Blanchard, M. Isomerization of bicyclic olefins C8H12 on a silicophosphoric catalyst. Bulletin de la Societe Chimique de France, 1960: 473-481.
  4. ^ Brockway, Nolan M. Reactions of carbethoxycarbene with carbon-halogen bonds. Polar addition of deuterium bromide to bicyclo[2.2.2]-octene [Dissertation]. 1970. Univ. Oklahoma.
  5. ^ Hao Chen, Jianmin Wang, Xuechuan Hong, Hai-Bing Zhou, Chune Dong. A simple and straightforward approach toward selective C=C bond reduction by hydrazine. Canadian Journal of Chemistry. 2012-09, 90 (9): 758–761 [2021-11-12]. ISSN 0008-4042. doi:10.1139/v2012-057 (英语).