地景流行病學是研究疾病與環境因素之間的關係的科學。類似地景生態學,[1] 地景流行病學經由分析風險模型和環境風險因素,來控制疾病的傳播。[2]
1996年,葉甫根尼·帕夫洛夫斯基提出了微觀上的病原體由環境系統整體決定的理論。[3] 隨著地理信息系統和遙感等技術的發展,以及地景生態學的完善,地景流行病學已經可以應用在研究許多疾病(例如瘧疾、漢他病毒、萊姆病和恰加斯氏病)上。[4]
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- ^ Pavlovsky, E.N. Natural Nidality of Transmissible Diseases, With Special Reference to the Landscape Epidemiology of Zooanthroponse. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1966.
- ^ Galuzo, I.G. "Landscape Epidemiology (epizootiology)." Advances in Veterinary Science & Comparative Medicine. 1975(19):73-96.
- ^ Brownstein, J.S.; Rosen, H.; Purdy, D.; Miller, J.; Merlino, M.; Mostashari, F.; Fish, D. "Spatial Analysis of West Nile Virus: Rapid Risk Assessment of an Introduced Vector-Borne Zoonosis." Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases. 2(3):157-164.