
必能宝股份有限公司[註 1](英語:Pitney Bowes Inc.)是一家美国科技公司[2],以生产邮资机及其他邮寄设备和服务而闻名[3][4][5],并向电子商务、软件和其他技术领域拓展[6][7][8]。公司于 1920 年 4 月 23 日由发明了第一台商用邮资机的亚瑟·皮特尼英语Arthur Pitney沃尔特·鲍斯英语Walter Bowes创立,当时名为"必能宝邮资机公司"(Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Company)。[2][9][10]

英語:Pitney Bowes Inc.
英語:Pitney Bowes Postage Meter Company
标普600成分股英语List of S&P 600 companies
總部 美国康涅狄格州斯坦福,3001 Summer Street
營業額 3.358 billion美元 (2022)[1]

截至2021年 (2021-Missing required parameter 1=month!)[11],该公司为全球约 75 万名客户提供邮寄和运输服务[12]、全球电子商务物流[13]和金融服务[14]。必能宝公司是美国邮政局认证的“工作共享合作伙伴”[15],每年帮助该机构分拣和处理150亿件邮件[16]。必能宝公司还受委托进行了与国际电子商务相关的调查。 [17]

必能宝总部位于康涅狄格州斯坦福,截至2021年10月 (2021-10)在全球拥有约11,000名员工。[18]



  1. ^ Pitney Bowes Inc Financial Statements Q4 2022. [1 February 2023]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-01). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 America's Best Employers: #478 Pitney Bowes. Forbes. 2016 [May 3, 2017]. ISSN 0015-6914. (原始内容存档于2023-04-14). 
  3. ^ Pitney Bowes Promotes Its President. The New York Times. March 20, 2007 [May 3, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-18). 
  4. ^ Profit Rises at Pitney Bowes and Its Shares Gain. The New York Times. February 5, 2010 [May 3, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-18). 
  5. ^ Tahmincioglu, Eve. Compete with Caution Against Past Employer. The New York Times. March 31, 2005 [May 3, 2017]. ISSN 0362-4331. OCLC 1645522. (原始内容存档于2023-04-18). 
  6. ^ Mail Giant Pitney Bowes Unveils Logo to Emphasize Digital Savvy. The Wall Street Journal. January 14, 2015 [2024-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2019-10-02). 
  7. ^ Baskin, Brian. Pitney Bowes Gauges New Path Away From Mass Mailings. The Wall Street Journal. March 25, 2016 [May 23, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-15). 
  8. ^ Tsidulko, Joseph. Legacy Tech Vendor Pitney Bowes Is Rolling Out Cutting-Edge Geospatial Software to the Channel. CRN (Westborough, Massachusetts). September 15, 2016 [May 4, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-19). 
  9. ^ America's Mailing Industry: Pitney Bowes. National Postal Museum (Smithsonian Institution). [May 3, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-29). 
  10. ^ Bosak, Chris. Innovation at Pitney Bowes impresses Esty. The News-Times (Danbury, Connecticut: Hearst Communications). August 4, 2016 [May 4, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-18). 
  11. ^ Brown, Steve. Business equipment firm lands at DFW Airport with shipping hub. Dallas Morning News. March 19, 2021 [March 22, 2022]. 
  12. ^ Singer, Stephen. Pitney Bowes, turning 100, shifts to ecommerce as its trusted postage meter recedes into the past. Hartford Courant. October 12, 2020 [March 22, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2022-12-02). 
  13. ^ Schott, Paul. Pitney Bowes sees revenues flatline, loss for first quarter. The Advocate. May 4, 2020 [March 22, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-19). 
  14. ^ Jakab, Spencer. Pitney Bowes Is Unboxing E-Commerce Bonanza. Wall Street Journal. August 21, 2020 [March 22, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-02). 
  15. ^ Pitney Bowes acquires Naperville's ProSORT. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, Illinois: Paddock Publications). February 15, 2017 [May 3, 2017]. OCLC 18030507. 
  16. ^ Stock, Kyle. Pitney Bowes, Maker of Postage Machines, Believes in Life After Mail. Bloomberg (Bloomberg L.P.). September 16, 2015 [May 5, 2017]. (原始内容存档于2024-04-09). 
  17. ^ Schott, Paul. Pitney Bowes survey: Online shopping goes global. The Advocate. October 18, 2016 [May 4, 2017]. 
  18. ^ Schott, Paul. Stamford-based Pitney Bowes awarded $79M federal contract. The Advocate. October 13, 2021 [March 22, 2022]. (原始内容存档于2023-04-19) (美国英语). 


  1. ^ 截至2024年 (2024-Missing required parameter 1=month!),于中国大陆的注册名称为“必渤寰宇商贸(上海)有限公司(简体中文)


  • Cahn, William. The Story of Pitney-Bowes. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1961. 
