恐狒屬學名Dinopithecus,意思為「恐怖的猿猴」)是已滅絕的大型狒狒,生存於上新世更新世南非[1][2],是由蘇格蘭古生物學家Robert Broom英语Robert Broom於1937進行發表與命名[3]。恐狒屬下目前已知的物種為Dinopithecus ingens,而原屬於恐狒屬的D. quadratirostris則重新被分配至Soromandrillus屬之下[4]。恐狒屬的化石多發現於南非地層年代為更新世早期的洞穴化石遺址之中,包括Skurweberg、斯瓦特克朗英语Swartkrans史德克方頓英语Sterkfontein洞穴[1][2][5]

科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 哺乳纲 Mammalia
目: 灵长目 Primates
科: 猴科 Cercopithecidae
亚科: 猕猴亚科 Cercopithecinae
族: 狒狒族 Papionini
属: 恐狒屬 Dinopithecus
Broom, 1937
Dinopithecus ingens
Broom, 1937


恐狒的體型大約為現存狒狒的兩倍大,由臼齒化石大小來推斷,成年雄性體重可達46公斤(101英磅)而雌性可達29公斤(64英磅)[6],這樣大的體型在狒狒之中是很罕見的,只有獅尾狒屬中同樣已滅絕的Theropithecus brumpti英语Theropithecus brumptiTheropithecus oswaldi英语Theropithecus oswaldi體型可與恐狒比擬[6]。恐狒的顱骨與現存狒狒相近,但是口鼻與下顎側面缺乏凹陷處且口鼻部上方不具有嵴[2][4],不過恐狒有時依然會被認為是狒狒屬下的一個亞屬[2][7]





  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Freedman, Leonard. The fossil Cercopithecoidea of South Africa. Annals of the Transvaal Museum. 1957, 23: 121–257. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 Szalay, Frederick S.; Delson, Eric. Evolutionary history of the primates. New York: Academic Press. 1979. ISBN 0126801509. OCLC 5008038. 
  3. ^ Broom R. (1937). On some new Pleistocene mammals from limestone caves of the Transvaal. S Afr J Sci 33, 750-768.
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  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Delson, Eric; Terranova, Carl J.; Jungers, William J; Sargis, Eric J.; Jablonski, Nina G.; Dechow, Paul C. Body mass in Cercopithecidae (Primates, Mammalia): estimation and scaling in extinct and extant taxa. Anthropological Papers of the American Museum of Natural History. 2000, 83: 1–159. 
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  8. ^ G., Fleagle, John. Primate adaptation and evolution 3rd. Amsterdam: Elsevier/Academic Press. 2013. ISBN 9780123786326. OCLC 820107187. 
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