
拿撒勒運動(德語:nazarenische Bewegung)是19 世纪早期一群旨在复兴艺术灵性的德国浪漫主义画家的藝術改革運動。 拿撒勒这个名字来自一个用来嘲笑他们的术语,因为他们假装圣经中的服装和发型方式。




  • Mitchell Benjamin Frank. Romantic Painting Redefined: Nazarene Tradition and the Narratives of Romanticism. Ashgate Publishing, 2001; ISBN 0-7546-0477-2
  • Cordula Grewe. Painting the Sacred in the Age of German Romanticism. Aldershot: Ashgate Books, 2009.
  • Lionel Gossman. Making of a Romantic Icon: The Religious Context of Friedrich Overbeck's 'Italia und Germania'. American Philosophical Society, 2007. ISBN 0-87169-975-3. [1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  • Lionel Gossman. "Unwilling Moderns: The Nazarene Painters of the Nineteenth Century"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) in Nineteenth-Century Art Worldwide – Volume 2, Issue 3, Autumn 2003.