
国籍 中華民國








主要的研究領域有策略、創新、組織。博士論文題目為「Social Structures, Industry System, Corporate Identities and Strategic Choices」[8],文中採用英國後結構主義的社會學家安東尼・紀登斯的結構化理論(structuration theory),分析與比較台灣個人電腦產業的策略選擇,該博士論文於1997年發表在國際知名學術期刊Organization Studies,題目為「Strategies and Institutions A Pluralistic Account of Strategies in the Taiwanese Computer Industry」[9]

洪世章不僅在國內大多數TSSCI期刊有所發表,包含:管理學報、中山管理評論、台大管理論叢、科技管理學刊、管理評論、組織與管理等,並於國外知名期刊,包含:Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal、Human Relations、Long Range Planning、Research Policy、R&D Management、Asia Pacific Journal of Management等有所發表。


得過的獎項有:清華大學新進人員獎、國科會吳大猷先生紀念獎、管理學報論文獎、產經論文獎、國科會傑出研究獎(國內策略與科管學界唯一兩次獲獎者),以及中華民國科技管理學會與美國管理學會英语Academy of Management(Academy of Management)年會最佳論文。



  1. Hung, S.-C. and R. Whittington (1997) “Strategies and Institutions: A Pluralistic Account of Strategies in the Taiwanese Computer Industry”, Organization Studies, 18(4): 551-575.(SSCI)
  2. Hung, S.-C. (1999) “Policy System in Taiwan’s Industrial Context”, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 16(3): 411-428.(SSCI)
  3. Hung, S.-C. (2000) “Social Construction of Industrial Advantage”, Technovation, 20(4): 197-203. (SCI)
  4. Hung, S.-C. and R. Whittington (2000) “Playing by the Rules: Institutional Foundations of Success and Failure in the Taiwanese IT Industry”, Journal of Business Research, 47(1): 47-53.(SSCI)
  5. Hung, S.-C. (2000) “Institutions and Systems of Innovation: An Empirical Analysis of Taiwan’s Personal Computer Competitiveness”, Technology in Society. 22(2): 175-187. (SSCI) 
  6. Hung, S.-C. (2002) “On the co-evolution of technologies and institutions: a comparison of Taiwanese hard disk drive and liquid crystal display industries”, R&D Management, 32(3): 179-190. (SSCI)
  7. Hung, S.-C. (2002) “Mobilising networks to achieve strategic difference”, Long Range Planning, 35(6): 591-613. (SSCI)
  8. Hung, S.-C. (2003) “The Taiwanese System of innovation in the Information Industry”, International Journal of Technology Management, 26(7): 788-800. (SSCI) 
  9. Hung, S.-C., N. Liu and J. Chang (2003) “The Taxonomy and Evolution of Technology Strategy”, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 50(2): 219- 227. (SSCI) 
  10. Hung, S.-C. (2004). “Explaining the process of innovation: The dynamic reconciliation of action and structure”, Human Relations, 57(11): 1479-1497. (SSCI)
  11. Liu, T.-H., Y.-Y. Chu, S.-C. Hung, and S.-Y. Wu (2005) “Technology Entrepreneurial Styles: A Comparison of UMC and TSMC”, International Journal of Technology Management, 29(1/2): 92-115. (SSCI) 
  12. Hung, S.-C. (2005) “The Plurality of Institutional Embeddedness as a Source of Organizational Attention Differences”, Journal of Business Research, 58(11): 1543-1551.( SSCI) 
  13. Hung, S.-C. and Y.-Y. Chu (2006) “Stimulating new industries from emerging technologies: Challenges for the Public Sector”, Technovation, 26(1): 104-110. (SSCI)
  14. Wu, S.-Y., S.-C. Hung, and B.-W. Lin (2006) “Agile Strategy Adaptation in Semiconductor Wafer Foundries: An Example from Taiwan”, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 73(4): 436-451 (SSCI)
  15. Lin, B-W, S.-C. Hung, and P.-C. Li (2006) “Mergers and acquisitions as a human resource strategy: Evidence from US banking firms,” International Journal of Manpower, 27(2): 126-142. (SSCI)
  16. Lin, B-W, Y. Lee and S.-C. Hung (2006) “R&D Intensity and commercialization orientation effects on financial performance”, Journal of Business Research, 59(6): 679-685. (SSCI)
  17. Liu, T.-H., S.-C. Hung, and Y.-Y. Chu (2007) Environmental jolts, entrepreneurial actions and value creation: A case study of Trend Micro, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 74(8): 1432-1445. (SSCI)
  18. Tan, D, S.-C. Hung, and N. Liu (2007) “The timing of entry into a new market: An empirical study of Taiwanese firms in China”, Management and Organization Review, 3(2): 227-254. (SSCI)
  19. Chen, M.-H., Y.-Y. Chang, and S-C. Hung (2008) “Social Capital and Creativity in R&D project teams, R&D Management, 38(1): 21-34. (SSCI)
  20. Hung, S.-C. and Y.-C. Hsu (2011) “Managing TFT-LCDs under uncertainty: When crystal cycles meet business cycles”, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 78(7): 1104-1114. (SSCI)
  21. Hung, S.-C. and M-F Tu, (2011) “Technological Change as Chaotic Process”, R&D Management, 41(4): 378-392. (SSCI)
  22. Hung, S.-C. and R. Whittington (2011). “Agency in National Innovation Systems: Institutional Entrepreneurship and the Professionalization of Taiwanese IT”, Research Policy, 40(4): 526-538. (SSCI)
  23. Chang, Y.-C., Miles, I. and Hung, S.-C. (2014) Editorial: Introduction to the special issue-Managing technology-service convergence, Technovation, 34(9): 499-504. (SSCI)
  24. Hung, S.-C., J. Liu, L. Lu, and Y.-C. Tseng (2014) “Technological change in lithium iron phosphate battery: the key-route main path analysis”, Scientometrics, 100(1): 97-120. (SSCI)
  25. Lee, C.-K. and S.-C. Hung (2014) “Institutional Entrepreneurship in the Informal Economy: China’s Shan-zhai Mobile Phones”, Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 8(1): 16-36. (SSCI)
  26. Hu, M. C. and Hung, S.-C. (2014). Taiwan's pharmaceuticals: A failure of the sectoral system of innovation?, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 88: 162-176. (SSCI)
  27. Hung, S.-C. and M.-F. Tu (2014) “Is small actually big? The chaos of technological change”, Research Policy, 43(7): 1227-1238. (SSCI)
  28. Hung, S.-C. and J.-Y. Lai (2016) “When innovations meet chaos: Analyzing the technology development of printers in 1976~201”, Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 42: 31-45. (SSCI)
  29. Hung, S.-C. and Y.-C. Tseng (2017) "Extending the LLL framework through an institution-based view: Acer as a dragon multinational", Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(4): 799-821.(SSCI)




  1. ^ 轉個彎,人生變彩色:洪世章教授. [2017-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-11). 
  2. ^ 創新六策:寫給創新者的關鍵思維(博客來). [2017-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-25). 
  3. ^ 創新六策: 寫給創新者的關鍵思維(誠品). [2017-11-09]. 
  4. ^ 打造創新路徑:改變世界的台灣科技產業(博客來). [2024-11-07]. 
  5. ^ http://www.tm.nthu.edu.tw/files/15-1174-16670,c4442-1.php?Lang=zh-tw. (原始内容存档于2019-08-08).  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  6. ^ https://www.most.gov.tw/hum/ch/detail?article_uid=6514e603-a16a-4156-a206-6829bf501f90&menu_id=836a77d7-8a6a-43fa-91c2-f8c195ecabb6&content_type=P&view_mode=listView. (原始内容存档于2018-06-25).  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  7. ^ 通往象牙塔的六扇門. [2017-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-11-10). 
  8. ^ Social structures, industry system, corporate identities and strategic choices : a theory of strategy and an application to the Taiwanese microcomputer industry. [2017-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-03-31). 
  9. ^ http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/017084069701800401.  缺少或|title=为空 (帮助)
  10. ^ 彭玉樹、梁奕忠、于卓民、梁晉嘉. 台灣管理學門質性研究之回顧與展望. 中山管理評論. 2010, 十八 (一): 11-40. 
  11. ^ 【專題演講】105-1洪世章教授 – 創新六策(台南大學). [2017-11-09]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-25).