

健馱邏语梵语Gāndhārī),是一种古印度语言,属于印欧语系印度-伊朗语族印度-雅利安语支,是普拉克里特诸语言之一。犍陀罗语主要见于公元前3世纪到公元4世纪位于印度次大陆西北部的犍陀罗地区的文本中。这种语言被中亚的佛教文化英语Buddhism in Central Asia大量使用,在中国洛阳安阳的铭文中也有发现。

ISO 639-3pgd
迪泰伊·德·兰斯英语Jules-Léon Dutreuil de Rhins的传教团(1891—1894)在中亚获得的不完整的《法句经》桦树皮手稿,为犍陀罗语,以佉卢文写成。公元1世纪末至3世纪。法国国家图书馆




语言学证据将一些讲达尔德语的族群与犍陀罗语联系起来。[7][8][9]科希斯坦语组现在已不在其发源地使用,但曾在该地区广泛传播,并且很可能是犍陀罗地区某个古老方言的后代。[10][11]最后消失的是蒂拉赫语英语Tirahi language,几年前,阿富汗东部贾拉拉巴德附近的几个村庄仍然在使用这种语言,这是19世纪被阿夫里迪普什图人驱逐出蒂拉赫的移民的后代所说的语言。[12]乔治·摩根斯特尔内英语Georg Morgenstierne提出,蒂拉赫语“可能是从蒂拉赫穿过白沙瓦地区延伸到斯瓦特第尔英语Dir District的方言群的残余”。[13]如今,它应当已完全灭绝,该地区现在以后来移民带来的伊朗语支语言(如普什图语)为主。[12]在今天仍在使用的现代印度-雅利安诸语中,托瓦利语英语Torwali language与犍陀罗语的Niya方言在语言学上最为接近。[11][14]



现在关于佛教在中亚传播的主流假设可以追溯到1932年,当时恩斯特·瓦尔德施米特指出,由法藏部高僧佛陀耶舍翻译的《长阿含经》第一卷提到的人名并非翻译自梵语,而是从一种当时未确定的普拉克里特语翻译来的。这种语言也出现在于阗国的《法句經》中。1946年,贝利英语Harold Walter Bailey确定了这种普拉克里特语,并将其命名为犍陀罗语,对应于印度西北部大多数佉卢文铭文的语言。[15]






通常情况下,犍陀罗语是一种中古普拉克里特语,普拉克里特语是中古印度-雅利安语的术语。犍陀罗语刚刚开始显露出公元1世纪的晚期普拉克里特语的特征。中古普拉克里特语的语音特点是元音间辅音的弱化:去辅音延长和浊音化,例如古印度-雅利安语的*k变为g。损失最快的是齿音,甚至在晚期之前就开始完全消失,例如*t > (例:*pitar > piu);相比之下,卷舌音则从未丢失。[18]还有证据表明,送气音和不送气塞音的对立也消失了,这在印度-雅利安语中是不寻常的。[19]







在1994年之前,学者们唯一能得到的犍陀罗语手稿是1893年在新疆和田附近的牛头山(Kohmāri Mazār)发现的佛教经典《法句经》的桦树皮写卷。从1994年开始,在阿富汗东部和巴基斯坦西部发现了大量零散的佛教文本手稿,共计77份。[25]这些文件包括:[26]

  • 大英图书馆收藏的29份桦树皮写卷碎片,包括《法句经》《无热恼池偈颂》《犀角经》《阿毘达磨集异门足论》和一部分《增一阿含经》的经文合集。
  • 斯柯廷藏品英语Schøyen Collection,包括129份棕榈叶对开页、日本人平山氏收藏的27份棕榈叶对开页以及林寺氏收藏的18份棕榈叶对开页,包括《大般涅槃经》和《贤劫经》。
  • 斯尼尔收藏的24份桦树皮写卷,主要由不同的佛经和《无热恼池偈颂》组成。
  • 华盛顿大学收藏的一卷桦树皮写卷的8个片段,以及另一卷写卷的两个小片段,可能包括阿毘达磨或其他学术评论。





  1. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (编). 健駄邏語. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016. 
  2. ^ Salomon, Richard. Gāndhārī in the Worlds of India, Iran, and Central Asia. Bulletin of the Asia Institute. 2007, 21: 179–192. ISSN 0890-4464. 
  3. ^ Masica 1993,第169頁.
  4. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第110頁.
  5. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第121頁.
  6. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第124頁.
  7. ^ Dani, Ahmad Hasan. History of Northern Areas of Pakistan: Upto 2000 A.D.. Sang-e-Meel Publications. 2001: 64–67. ISBN 978-969-35-1231-1 (英语). 
  8. ^ Saxena, Anju. Himalayan Languages: Past and Present. Walter de Gruyter. 2011-05-12: 35. ISBN 978-3-11-089887-3 (英语). 
  9. ^ Liljegren, Henrik. A grammar of Palula. Language Science Press. 2016-02-26: 13–14. ISBN 978-3-946234-31-9 (英语). Palula belongs to a group of Indo-Aryan (IA) languages spoken in the Hindukush region that are often referred to as "Dardic" languages... It has been and is still disputed to what extent this primarily geographically defined grouping has any real classificatory validity... On the one hand, Strand suggests that the term should be discarded altogether, holding that there is no justification whatsoever for any such grouping (in addition to the term itself having a problematic history of use), and prefers to make a finer classification of these languages into smaller genealogical groups directly under the IA heading, a classification we shall return to shortly... Zoller identifies the Dardic languages as the modern successors of the Middle Indo-Aryan (MIA) language Gandhari (also Gandhari Prakrit), but along with Bashir, Zoller concludes that the family tree model alone will not explain all the historical developments. 
  10. ^ Cacopardo, Alberto M.; Cacopardo, Augusto S. Gates of Peristan: History, Religion and Society in the Hindu Kush. IsIAO. 2001: 253. ISBN 978-88-6323-149-6 (英语). ...This leads us to the conclusion that the ancient dialects of the Peshawar District, the country between Tirah and Swât, must have belonged to the Tirahi-Kohistani type, and that the westernmost Dardic language, Pashai, which probably had its ancient centre in Laghmân, has enjoyed a comparatively independent position since early times". …Today the Kohistâni languages descendent from the ancient dialects that developed in these valleys have all been displaced from their original homelands, as described below. 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Burrow, T. The Dialectical Position of the Niya Prakrit. Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, University of London. 1936, 8 (2/3): 419–435. ISSN 1356-1898. JSTOR 608051. ... It might be going too far to say that Torwali is the direct lineal descendant of the Niya Prakrit, but there is no doubt that out of all the modern languages it shows the closest resemblance to it. A glance at the map in the Linguistic Survey of India shows that the area at present covered by "Kohistani" is the nearest to that area round Peshawar, where, as stated above, there is most reason to believe was the original home of the Niya Prakrit. That conclusion, which was reached for other reasons, is thus confirmed by the distribution of the modern dialects. 
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Dani, Ahmad Hasan. History of Northern Areas of Pakistan: Upto 2000 A.D.. Sang-e-Meel Publications. 2001: 65. ISBN 978-969-35-1231-1 (英语). In the Peshawar district, there does not remain any Indian dialect continuing this old Gandhari. The last to disappear was Tirahi, still spoken some years ago in Afghanistan, in the vicinity of Jalalabad, by descendants of migrants expelled from Tirah by the Afridis in the 19th century. Nowadays, it must be entirely extinct and in the NWFP are only to be found modern Iranian languages brought in by later immigrants (Baluch, Pashto) or Indian languages brought in by the paramount political power (Urdu, Panjabi) or by Hindu traders (Hindko). 
  13. ^ Jain, Danesh; Cardona, George. The Indo-Aryan Languages. Routledge. 2007-07-26: 991. ISBN 978-1-135-79710-2 (英语). 
  14. ^ Salomon, Richard. Indian Epigraphy: A Guide to the Study of Inscriptions in Sanskrit, Prakrit, and the other Indo-Aryan Languages. Oxford University Press. 1998-12-10: 79. ISBN 978-0-19-535666-3 (英语). 
  15. ^ Heirman & Bumbacher 2007,第97頁.
  16. ^ Heirman & Bumbacher 2007,第98頁.
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Heirman & Bumbacher 2007,第99頁.
  18. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第125-6頁.
  19. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第127頁.
  20. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第129頁.
  21. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第130頁.
  22. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第132頁.
  23. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第133頁.
  24. ^ Salomon, Allchin & Barnard 1999,第134頁.
  25. ^ http://ebmp.org/ 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2014-09-11. The Early Buddhist Manuscripts Project
  26. ^ Gāndhārī language伊朗百科全書
  27. ^ Lancaster & Park 1979,第24頁.
  28. ^ Lancaster, Lewis R. The Korean Buddhist Canon: A Descriptive Catalogue. www.acmuller.net. [4 September 2017]. 
  29. ^ Mukherjee 1996,第15頁.
  30. ^ Nakamura 1987,第205頁.


