社論對頁版面(英語:opposite the editorial page,通常簡稱op-ed)是一種源自美国報紙出版業的新聞出版用語,意指一種由外人所撰寫、刊登在報紙或雜誌上的評述性質文章[1]。雖然op-ed常被誤會是「觀點社論」(opinion-editorial)的縮寫,但實際上卻是完全顛倒的意思:報紙或雜誌等出版品的社論頁中之文章,大多是其編輯部成員以不署名方式發表;新聞對頁版登載的文章則與此不同,通常是由編輯部以外的寫手或名人以署名方式所撰寫之時事評析。
現代社論對頁版的雛形首見於1921年時的《紐約世界晚報》(The New York Evening World),該報員工賀伯·白約·史沃普(Herbert Bayard Swope) 在1920年成為編輯時,他有感社論的對頁常淪為堆放書評、時事特稿、訃聞的雜物櫃[2]他當時的說法是:
但史沃普只採用報社內部的員工所寫的評論,而真正由報社外部的人士所寫的「現代」社論對頁版,則得等到1970年,《紐約時報》(The New York Times)的編輯約翰·B·歐克斯才開始使用。[4]
近年來,也有人關心應該如何清楚揭露社論對頁版的寫手與報社本身的關係,因為讀者並不一定能夠了解社論對頁版寫手是否受到某些利益團體的資助。一群美國記者所組成的「提昇社論對頁版透明度」('op-ed transparency')。 [6][7]
- ^ Op-ed. (2010). In Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary. Retrieved June 29, 2010. [2012-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-22).
- ^ Meyer, K. (1990). Pundits, poets, and wits. New York: Oxford University Press.
- ^ Swope, H. B. as quoted in Meyer, K. (1990). Pundits, poets, and wits. New York: Oxford University Press, p. xxxvii.
- ^ Shafer, Jack. "The Op-Ed Page's Back Pages: A press scholar explains how the New York Times op-ed page got started.". [2012-06-22]. (原始内容存档于2011-01-27).
- ^ Marc, David. journalism. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2010.[永久失效連結]
- ^ Greenslade, Roy. US journalists launch campaign for 'op-ed transparency'. guardian.co.uk. 2011-10-11 [2011-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-13).
- ^ Silverman, Craig. Journos call for more transparency at NYT Op-Ed page: Toward a higher standard of disclosure. 2011-10-11 [2011-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2011-11-11).
- DailyOpEd.com – read and search over 100 major newspaper op-eds.
- The Opinionator (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – "provides a guide to the wide world of newspaper, magazine and Web opinion".
- OpedBlogs.com (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – read the Blogosphere's Editorial Opinion.
- The OpEd Project (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) – "an initiative to expand public debate and to increase the number of women in thought leadership positions." Seminars around the US target and train women experts to make a powerful, evidence based case of public value, for the ideas and causes they believe in, and connect them with a system and network of support.
- The Do Good Gauge – is a research proposal. The many essays describe the problem or give direction to solution in the inefficiencies of political and social discourse. The website attempts to facilitate public authorship in pursuit of civic virtue.
- Shipley, David. And now a word from Op-Ed - The New York Times. 2004-02-01 [2011-10-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-02-26).
- Shipley, David Shipley, Editor, Op-ed. What we talk about when we talk about editing. The New York Times. 2005-07-31 [2011-10-16]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于2011-10-30).