
索吉尔斯(死于845,Thorgils,也被称为TurgeisTuirgeisTurgesThorgest)是公元9世纪时活跃于爱尔兰维京人海盗头目。琳恩湖英语Lough Lene上的主要岛屿托尔吉修斯岛英语Turgesius Island以他的名字命名。

目前尚不清楚出现于爱尔兰编年史英语Irish annals中的名字表示的是古诺斯语 Thurgestr,还是古丹麦语Thorgísl [1] [2] 。约翰·奥多诺万 和查尔斯·哈利迪两人经分别独立研究,认为索吉尔斯与朗纳尔·洛德布罗克为同一人,但该观点并未被学界普遍接受[3]


阿尔斯特编年史英语Annals of Ulster》中有关其死亡的记载是仅存的有关索吉尔斯的可靠记录。在公元845年,他被Cholmáin家族的爱尔兰高王英语High King of Ireland马尔·舍赫尼尔英语Máel Sechnaill mac Máele Ruanaid抓获。据记载,他在奥维利湖英语Lough Owel中被淹死[4]



  1. ^ The Vikings In Scotland And Ireland In The Ninth Century (Donnchadh Ó Corráin. 1998). [2019-11-14]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  2. ^ W.E.D. Allen, The Poet and the Spae-Wife: An Attempt to Reconstruct Al-Ghazal's Embassy to the Vikings页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Dublin: Figgis, Viking Society for Northern Research, 1960, OCLC 557547145, p. 46.
  3. ^ Charles Haliday, ed. John Patrick Prendergast, The Scandinavian Kingdom of Dublin, Dublin: Thom, 1882, repr. Shannon, Irish University Press, 1969, ISBN 0-7165-0052-3; see Allen, pp. 58-60 and notes 203, 204, p. 93 (calling him Halliday). The theory was first published by John O'Donovan in 1860, prior to the posthumous publication of Haliday's papers.
  4. ^ Annals of Ulster, AU 845.8; Barbara E. Crawford, Scandinavian Scotland, Leicester University Press, 1987, ISBN 0-7185-1197-2, p. 49, describes this as "the only historical fact that can be relied upon".



  • Charles-Edwards, T. M. (2006) The Chronicle of Ireland, translated texts for historians (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press) ISBN 978-0853239598