
罗伯特·施拉普 FRSE(Robert Schlapp,1899年7月18日—1991年5月31日),为20世纪德裔英国物理学家和数学家。他几乎整个职业生涯都在爱丁堡大学教授数学和物理。此外,他对数学史的兴趣非比寻常。他被亲切地称为罗宾·施拉普。[1]

出生1899年7月18日 编辑维基数据
爱丁堡 编辑维基数据
逝世1991年5月31日 编辑维基数据 (91歲)
阿什福德 编辑维基数据
职业数学家 编辑维基数据
奖项爱丁堡皇家学会会员 编辑维基数据







在他向英国协会提交了一份关于斯塔克效应(达尔文最关心的话题)的报告后,他被邀请至威斯康星大学与范弗莱克在洛克菲勒研究会进行了为期一年的合作。在这里,他与威廉·彭尼(后来的彭尼勋爵)一起研究两种离子顺磁性。这项工作产生了两篇主要论文。施拉普深度参与了第二篇的创作。当范弗莱克在1977年获得诺贝尔物理学奖时,他仍然对施拉普的工作有深刻的记忆:“1931年……我有两个博士后……彭尼和……施拉普。他们对稀土和铁基团的盐的计算……当……应用于铁基团时……特别引人注目,构成了现代磁化学的基础。每次我读这篇论文(两篇论文中的第二篇)我印象深刻的是,它包含了现代结晶理论的所有基本成分。” [6]可惜的是,这篇论文为施拉普在理论数学领域最后一篇产出。






  • 一篇关于小振动的笔记 A note on small vibrations(1942)[10]
  • 科林·麦克劳林:传记笔记 Colin Maclaurin, a Biographical Note (1949);
  • 《苏格兰人对数学的贡献》 The Contribution of the Scots to Mathematics [11](1973年)。


  1. ^ Pauli, Wolfgang. Robert Schlapp (1899–1991). Writings on Physics and Philosophy. 1994: 7–11 [2023-07-11]. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-02994-7_1. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). 
  2. ^ Edge, W. L. OBITUARY ROBERT SCHLAPP, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S.E. 1899-1991 (PDF). Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (1992). 2009-1-20, 35: 329–334 [2023-07-11]. doi:10.1017/S0013091500005599. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2022-08-24). 
  3. ^ Robert Schlapp. MacTutor. [2023-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). Although he had been placed first in the Edinburgh University Bursary Competition, and awarded a George Watson's Bursary and the Glass Mathematical Bursary, Robin enlisted for military service. He was assigned to the 31st Battalion, Middlesex Regiment, which was intended for those with connections to "the enemy", and spent the rest of the war doing heavy manual labour. 
  4. ^ Robert Schlapp. MacTutor. [2023-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). Returning to Edinburgh University after the war ended, Schlapp graduated with an M.A. with First Class Honours in Mathematics and Natural Philosophy. Supported by a Drummond Mathematical Scholarship, he then studied at St John's College, Cambridge, for his doctorate which was awarded in 1925 for his thesis The Reflexion of X-rays from Crystals. 
  5. ^ EMS teaching. MacTutor. [2023-7-9]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). Others also spoke, and the meeting closed with an expression of thanks by the President, Robin Schlapp, to the principal speaker, Dr John Mackie. 
  6. ^ Kemmer, Nicholas. Robert Schlapp M.A.(Edin.), Ph.D.(Cantab.) RSE Obituary. MacTutor. [2023-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). When Robin returned home he found an important change awaiting him. Following the retirement of Cargill G Knott, a new Chair, the Tait Chair of Natural Philosophy, had been founded to cover the field of Theoretical Physics and Applied Mathematics, and its first incumbent was to be Charles Galton Darwin. Darwin needed an assistant, and who better qualified than Robin. A major decision now had to be taken, to go to Yale or to accept the position in Edinburgh. Edinburgh won - "the pull of family ties and the old environment" was too great. Perhaps, this should not have deterred him from going first to Yale. The rest of his career was spent in Edinburgh except for two interludes. The first of these came very soon. Following a report he gave to the British Association on the Stark Effect (a topic close to Darwin's heart), he was invited to spend a year with J H van Vleck at the University of Wisconsin on a Rockefeller Fellowship. Here he worked with William Penney (later Lord Penney) on the paramagnetism of two types of ions. This work resulted in two major papers. Schlapp being the senior author of the second. When van Vleck received his share of the Nobel Prize in 1977 he said "In 1931 ... I had two postdoctoral students ... Penney and ... Schlapp. Their calculations on salts of the rare earth and iron groups ... when ... applied to the iron group ... are particularly striking and form the basis of modern magnetochemistry. Each time I read the paper (the second of the two papers) I am impressed how it contains all the essential ingredients of modem crystalline field theory". 
  7. ^ Kemmer, Nicholas. Robert Schlapp M.A.(Edin.), Ph.D.(Cantab.) RSE Obituary. MacTutor. 1991-5-31 [2023-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). Much of Robin's work for the university was behind the scenes. From 1946 to 1950 he was the editor of the University Calendar "an arduous and thankless task" done without the help of a secretary or a telephone. Then for Born's retirement he felt that a Festschrift should be produced. Thirteen eminent people including Einstein contributed. Robin was alone responsible for the entire editing and for the production of a complete bibliography of Born's work, but there is no mention of this in the published volume. 
  8. ^ Kemmer, Nicholas. Robert Schlapp M.A.(Edin.), Ph.D.(Cantab.) RSE Obituary. MacTutor. 1991-5-31 [2023-07-14]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). Robin was deeply interested and knowledgeable about the history of mathematics and made an important contribution to the Royal Society's edition of Isaac Newton's correspondence, a work initiated by Professor H W Turnbull and only completed after his death in 1978. Through this work he became an expert on Colin Campbell of Ardchattan (1644-1726) who corresponded with Isaac Newton. He was honoured by Glasgow as their Gibson Lecturer in the History of Mathematics in 1973 where he chose as his subject 'Inventors of the Calculus'. 
  9. ^ Schlapp, Robert. Mathscinst. [2023-07-11]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). 
  10. ^ Schlapp, Robert. A note on small vibrations. Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. 2009-1-20, 7 (1): 31–38 [2023-07-11]. doi:10.1017/S0013091500024275. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14). 
  11. ^ Schlapp, Robert. The Contribution of the Scots to Mathematics. The Mathematical Gazette. 1973, 57 (399): 1–16 [2023-07-14]. JSTOR 3615163. doi:10.2307/3615163. (原始内容存档于2023-07-14).