Gemini (聊天機器人)



開發者Google DeepMind
语言46 [1]种语言
英语、日语、韩语、阿拉伯语、印尼语、孟加拉语、保加利亚语、中文(简体 / 繁体)、克罗地亚语、捷克语、丹麦语、荷兰语、爱沙尼亚语、波斯语、芬兰语、法语、德语、古吉拉特语、希腊语、希伯来语、印地语、匈牙利语、意大利语、卡纳达语、拉脱维亚语、立陶宛语、马拉雅拉姆语、马拉地语、挪威语、波兰语、葡萄牙语、罗马尼亚语、俄语、塞尔维亚语、斯洛伐克语、斯洛文尼亚语、西班牙语、斯瓦希里语、瑞典语、泰米尔语、泰卢固语、泰语、土耳其语、乌克兰语、乌尔都语和越南语



Gemini(旧称:Bard)於2023年2月6日發佈[2],並於2023年3月21日推出,首批開放美國、英國的用戶申請加入等待名單。Bard的第一個版本是使用該公司在2021年發佈的LaMDA大型語言模型開發的。2023年4月10日,改用更強大的PaLM大型語言模型,以增強其運算能力並與ChatGPT競爭。2023年5月10日,PaLM被進一步更新為PaLM2,這次的更新實現了多語言翻譯與增強的邏輯推理能力[3]。2023年5月10日舉行的Google開發者大會「Google I/O 2023」上,宣佈增加對日語和韓語的支援,並取消等待名單,且在更多個國家可用[4]。2023年7月13日,Bard開始支援中文。2023年12月6日,Bard换用Gemini Pro大型语言模型,获得迄今为止对Bard最大的升级。得益于Gemini Pro模型,Bard在文本理解,总结、推理、编码及规划等方面获得了一定程度的加强[5]。2024年2月8日,Bard更名为Gemini;并推出Gemini Advanced服务,让用户可以访问Google目前最先进的大型语言模型Gemini Ultra 1.0[6]


2022年11月,OpenAI推出基於GPT-3大型語言模型的聊天機器人ChatGPT[7][8] 引起了全球關注,成為了一個個爆紅現象。[9] Google高層對ChatGPT的潛在讓Google搜索的威脅感到憂慮,並發出「代碼紅色」警報,並重新指派了幾個團隊來協助公司的人工智能(AI)努力。[10] Google和母公司Alphabet的CEO 桑德爾·皮查伊被廣泛報導發出警報,但後來向《紐約時報》否認了這一點。[11] 在2019年辭去了Alphabet共同CEO職務的,Google的聯合創始人拉里·佩奇謝爾蓋·布林,不同尋常地被召集參加了與公司高層的緊急會議,討論ChatGPT對Google的威脅。[12] 在那一年初,該公司推出了LLM原型LaMDA,但沒有對外公開發布。[13] 在一次全體員工會議上有人詢問LaMDA是否對Google與ChatGPT競爭是一個錯失的機會時,Pichai和Google AI首席傑夫·迪恩表示:「雖然Google(谷歌)具有與ChatGPT類似的能力,但在人工智慧這個領域行動太快將對Google(谷歌)造成重大的「聲譽風險」,因為Google比OpenAI規模更大。」[14][15] 2023年1月,DeepMind的CEO 傑米斯·哈薩比斯 暗示計劃推出一個與ChatGPT競爭的對手,[16]並指示Google(谷歌)的員工加快發展ChatGPT競爭者,密集測試「Apprentice Bard」和其他聊天機器人。[17][18] Pichai在Google的季度盈利投資者電話會議中向投資者保證,公司有計劃擴大LaMDA的可用性和應用。[19]



2023年2月6日,Google宣布推出由LaMDA驅動的對話式生成人工智能聊天機器人Bard。[20][21][22] 該產品首先向選定的1萬名「信任測試者」推出,[23]並在月底進行廣泛發布。[20][21][22] Bard由產品負責人Jack Krawczyk監督,他將該產品描述為一種「協作人工智能服務」而非搜索引擎[24][25]而Pichai詳細介紹了Bard將如何融入Google搜索。[20][21][22] 根據路透社的估算,如果將ChatGPT等類似的功能添加到Google,到2024年將使公司增加60億美元的額外開支,而研究和咨詢公司 SemiAnalysis則估計這將使Google增加30億美元的開支。[26] 該技術是在代號「Atlas」下開發的,bard以凱爾特語中的說故事者名稱命名,以「反映該算法內部的創意性質」。[27][28] 許多媒體機構和金融分析師將Google描述為「急於行動」,在Microsoft計劃於2月7日揭曉其與OpenAI合作将ChatGPT整合到其Microsoft Bing搜索引擎之前先發布Bard的公告,[29][30]同時將其視為Google正在「追趕」微軟。[31][32][33] The VergeTom Warren彭博社Davey Alba指出,這事件標誌著這兩家大型科技公司將展開一場「搜索之爭」,在他們六年的「休戰」於2021年結束後;[29][34] 衛報Chris Stokel-WalkerRecode的Sara Morrison和投資公司Wedbush Securities的分析師Dan Ives稱此為兩家公司之間的一場人工智能的「軍備競賽」。[35][36][37]

2月8日,Google巴黎舉行直播展示Bard後,Google的股價下跌了8%,相當於市值損失1000億美元,該直播的YouTube影片被設為私有。[38][39][31] 許多觀眾還指出在演示中Bard在對查詢回答時給出關於詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡的不正確信息。[40][41] Google員工批評Pichai對Bard的「倉促」和「搞砸」的宣布,並在公司的內部論壇Memgen上表示抗議,[42]Futurism的Maggie Harrison則稱這次推出是「混亂的」。 Pichai通過表示Google已經「長時間深入地研究人工智能」來捍衛自己的行動,否認Bard的推出是膝反應[43] Alphabet董事長約翰·軒尼詩承認Bard還沒有完全準備就緒,但他對技術的潛力感到興奮。[44]

詹姆斯·韋伯事件發生一週後,Pichai要求員工花兩到四個小時進行Bard的自用測試[45]而Google高管Prabhakar Raghavan鼓勵員工糾正Bard的任何錯誤。[46] 有8萬名員工響應Pichai的號召。[23]在接下來的幾周裡,Google員工在內部訊息中對Bard進行了廣泛的批評,引用了多種安全及道德上的擔憂,並呼籲公司領導層不要推出該服務。為了優先及跟上競爭對手,Google高管決定無論如何推出該產品,覆蓋了由其人工智慧倫理小組進行的不友好風險評估報告。[47] 同月底,Pichai突然解雇了1萬2千名員工,原因是收入增長減緩,剩餘的員工通過分享梗圖和與Bard的幽默交流,徵求Bard對解雇的「意見」。[48] Google員工在3月中旬開始測試一個帶有更大參數的Bard的更高級版本,被稱為「Big Bard」。[49]


2023年3月21日Google開放了Bard的早期訪問,容量有限,只允許美國英國的用戶加入等待名單。與Microsoft在Bing上的做法不同,Bard作為一個獨立的Web應用程序推出,其中包含一個文本框免責聲明,並表示該聊天機器人「可能顯示不準確或冒犯性的內容,不代表Google的觀點」。然後,每個問題會提供三個回答,用戶可以提交對每個答案有用程度的反饋。Google副總裁Sissie Hsiao和Eli Collins將Bard視為對Google搜索的補充,並表示該公司尚未確定如何使該服務盈利。[50][51][52] 獲得早期訪問權限的人包括參加Google的「Pixel Superfans忠誠計劃」的人,包含[53]Google PixelGoogle Nest設備的用戶,以及Google One訂閱者。[54]

Bard是由Google聘請的第三方承包商培訓,包括AppenAccenture的工作人員,據商業內幕彭博社的報導,這些工作人員承受著極大的壓力,過度工作且待遇不公。[55][56] Bard在初次推出後不久,Google對其虛擬助手團隊進行了重組,並將重心轉向了Bard。[57] Google研究員Jacob Devlin在聲稱Bard暗中利用了ChatGPT的數據後辭去了Google的職務;[58]Google否認了這些指控。[59] 3月31,Pichai日透露,公司打算通過基於Google的新型更強大的LLM PaLM而不是LaMDA來「升級」 Bard。[60] 在同一天,Krawczyk宣布Google為Bard添加了「數學及邏輯功能」。[61] 4月,Bard增加了協助編程的功能,推出時與20多種編程語言兼容。[62][63]微軟開始在開發者版Edge瀏覽器的地址欄上運行廣告,鼓勵用戶每次訪問Bard Web應用程序時嘗試Bing。[64]Google正在努力將Bard整合到其ChromeOS操作系統和Pixel設備中。[65][66]

在2023年5月的年度Google I/O主題演講中,Pichai和Hsiao宣布了一系列Bard的更新,包括採用PaLM 2,與其他Google產品和第三方服務整合,擴展到180個國家,支持更多語言以及新功能。[67]擴展推出未包括歐盟的任何國家,可能反映出對通用數據保護條例的遵從擔憂。[68]擁有Google Workspace帳戶的用戶也獲得了訪問權限。[69]6月,Google試圖將Bard推出到歐州,但遭到了愛爾蘭Data Protection Commission的阻擋,後者要求該公司提交一份「數據保護影響評估」。[70]7月,Google在歐州和巴西推出了Bard,增加了幾十種新語言,並引入了多種新的個性化和生產力功能。[71][72]



Google One AI Premium

2024年2月8日,Google推出了Google One AI Premium,它是一项订阅制付费计划,每月收费19.99美元。项目包括了Gemini Advanced及Google One Premium。[6]

Gemini Advanced是Google One AI Premium订阅计划中的一部分,订阅者可以访问Google目前最先进的大型语言模型——Gemini Ultra 1.0


2024年2月8日,Google发布适用于Android系统的Gemini APP。此Android应用程序目前仅支持美国地区及英语,Google计划在未来几周支持更多地区及语言[6]

Android系统用户可在Google Play中下载Google Gemini APP。而iOS则使用Google APP访问Gemini。


Bard在最初發布時收到了褒貶不一的評論。[76] The Verge的詹姆斯·文森特(James Vincent)認為Bard比ChatGPT及Bing更快,但他指出Bard缺乏類似Bing的準確性,既是一種祝福又是一種詛咒。[52]這鼓勵Google在嘗試人工智能時更加大膽。[77] 他的同事大衛·皮爾斯(David Pierce)對Bard無趣且有時不準確的回答感到印象深刻,[78]他補充說,儘管Google宣稱Bard不是搜索引擎,但其用戶界面和搜索引擎相似,這可能會給Google帶來問題。[79] 紐約時報的Cade Metz稱讚Bard比ChatGPT有著「更謹慎」的處理能力,[80]Vox的Shirin Ghaffary稱其回答乾燥而無爭議,這是由於其回答的保守性質。[81] 在與Hsiao、Google高級副總裁詹姆斯·馬尼卡(James Manyika)和Pichai在60 分鐘訪談中,CBS News記者Scott Pelley發現Bard讓人感到「不安」。[82]賓夕法尼亞大學沃頓商學院副教授伊桑·莫利克(Ethan Mollick)對Bard的藝術能力感到失望。[83] 紐約時報後來進行了一項測試,測試ChatGPT和Bard處理人類助手任務所需的能力,並得出結論,ChatGPT的表現遠遠優於Bard。[84]評估新聞文章的可信度的工具NewsGuard發現Bard在揭穿已知陰謀論方面比ChatGPT更有技巧。[85]



  1. ^ Abner Li. Google Bard now in Europe, supports 40+ languages, pinning chats, and more. 9to5google. 2023-07-13 [2023-07-13]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-02) (英语). 
  2. ^ Google端出Bard加入AI大戰!微軟、百度、蘋果沒敢缺席⋯. 數位時代. 2023-02-07 [2023-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-06-25). 
  3. ^ Google版ChatGPT史詩級更新,新模型PaLM2要徹底顛覆搜尋模式. 科技新報. 2023-05-11 [2023-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-02). 
  4. ^ Google發佈Bard 開放予180國家 支援日文韓文 惟不包括中國及香港. Yahoo. 2023-05-11 [2023-08-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-07-08). 
  5. ^ Bard gets its biggest upgrade yet with Gemini. Google Blog. 2023-12-06 [2024/2/11]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-20) (英语). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Bard becomes Gemini: Try Ultra 1.0 and a new mobile app today. Google Blog. 2024-02-08 [2024/2/11]. (原始内容存档于2024-05-25) (英语). 
  7. ^ Konrad, Alex; Cai, Kenrick. Inside ChatGPT's Breakout Moment And The Race To Put AI To Work . Forbes. February 2, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 2, 2023). 
  8. ^ Vincent, James. AI-generated answers temporarily banned on coding Q&A site Stack Overflow. The Verge. December 5, 2022 [December 5, 2022]. (原始内容存档于January 17, 2023). 
  9. ^ Olson, Parmy. Google Faces a Serious Threat From ChatGPT . The Washington Post. December 7, 2022 [February 6, 2023]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于December 7, 2022). 
  10. ^ Grant, Nico; Metz, Cade. A New Chat Bot Is a 'Code Red' for Google's Search Business . The New York Times. December 21, 2022 [December 30, 2022]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于December 21, 2022). 
  11. ^ Newton, Casey. How Google is making up for lost time. The Verge. May 12, 2023 [June 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 12, 2023). 
  12. ^ Grant, Nico. Google Calls In Help From Larry Page and Sergey Brin for A.I. Fight . The New York Times. January 20, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于January 20, 2023). 
  13. ^ Kleinman, Zoe. ChatGPT firm trials $20 monthly subscription fee. BBC News. February 1, 2023 [April 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 1, 2023). 
  14. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Google execs warn company's reputation could suffer if it moves too fast on AI-chat technology. CNBC. December 13, 2022 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于December 13, 2022). 
  15. ^ Vincent, James. Google won't launch ChatGPT rival because of 'reputational risk'. The Verge. December 14, 2022 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于December 14, 2022). 
  16. ^ Cuthbertson, Anthony. DeepMind's AI chatbot can do things that ChatGPT cannot, CEO claims. The Independent. January 16, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于January 16, 2023). 
  17. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Google is asking employees to test potential ChatGPT competitors, including a chatbot called 'Apprentice Bard'. CNBC. January 31, 2023 [February 2, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 2, 2023). 
  18. ^ O'Brien, Matt. Google has the next move as Microsoft embraces OpenAI buzz. Associated Press. February 1, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 1, 2023). 
  19. ^ Mailk, Aisha. Google tries to reassure investors on AI progress as ChatGPT breathes down its neck. TechCrunch. February 3, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 3, 2023). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 Alba, Davey; Love, Julia. Google releases ChatGPT rival AI 'Bard' to early testers . Los Angeles Times. February 6, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. ISSN 0458-3035. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2023). 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 Schechner, Sam; Kruppa, Miles. Google Opens ChatGPT Rival Bard for Testing, as AI War Heats Up . The Wall Street Journal. February 6, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2023). 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 22.2 Nieva, Richard. Google Debuts A ChatGPT Rival Called Bard In Limited Release . Forbes. February 6, 2023 [February 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 7, 2023). 
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Elias, Jennifer. Google CEO tells employees that 80,000 of them helped test Bard A.I., warns 'things will go wrong'. CNBC. March 21, 2023 [March 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  24. ^ Mollman, Steve. Google's head of ChatGPT rival Bard reassures employees it's 'a collaborative A.I. service' and 'not search' . Fortune. March 3, 2023 [March 9, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 4, 2023). 
  25. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Google execs tell employees in testy all-hands meeting that Bard A.I. isn't just about search. CNBC. March 3, 2023 [March 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 4, 2023). 
  26. ^ Dastin, Jeffrey; Nellis, Stephen. For tech giants, AI like Bing and Bard poses billion-dollar search problem . Reuters. February 22, 2023 [March 9, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 22, 2023). 
  27. ^ Metz, Cade; Grant, Nico. Racing to Catch Up With ChatGPT, Google Plans Release of Its Own Chatbot . The New York Times. February 6, 2023 [February 17, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 6, 2023). 
  28. ^ Knight, Will. The Chatbot Search Wars Have Begun . Wired. February 9, 2023 [February 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 9, 2023). 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 Warren, Tom. Microsoft and Google are about to Open an AI battle. The Verge. February 7, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 7, 2023). 
  30. ^ Google Strikes Back In AI Battle With Microsoft. Barron's. February 8, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Morrison, Sara. Google is scrambling to catch up to Bing, of all things. Recode. Vox. February 8, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  32. ^ Peers, Martin. What Google's AI Catch-Up Reveals . The Information. February 6, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  33. ^ Roose, Kevin. Bing (Yes, Bing) Just Made Search Interesting Again . The New York Times. February 8, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  34. ^ Alba, Davey. ChatGPT Reignites the Search Wars Between Google and Microsoft . Bloomberg News. February 8, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  35. ^ Stokel-Walker, Chris. TechScape: Google and Microsoft are in an AI arms race – who wins could change how we use the internet. The Guardian. February 21, 2023 [March 9, 2023]. ISSN 0261-3077. (原始内容存档于February 21, 2023). 
  36. ^ Morrison, Sara. The exciting new AI transforming search — and maybe everything — explained. Recode. Vox. March 4, 2023 [March 9, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 4, 2023). 
  37. ^ De Vynck, Gerrit. Investors pummel Google after Microsoft ramps up AI wars . The Washington Post. February 8, 2023 [February 17, 2023]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  38. ^ Alba, Davey; Patnaik, Subrat. Google suffers $144b wipeout after Bard AI chatbot gives wrong answer . The Sydney Morning Herald. February 8, 2023 [February 9, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  39. ^ Miao, Hannah. Alphabet Stock Drops 8% After Google Rollout of AI Search Features . The Wall Street Journal. February 8, 2022 [February 8, 2023]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  40. ^ Coulter, Martin. Google shares dive 8% after AI chatbot Bard flubs answer in ad . Reuters. February 8, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  41. ^ Kan, Michael. No, That's Wrong: Google's Bard AI Demo Spouts Incorrect Info. PCMag. February 8, 2023 [February 8, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 8, 2023). 
  42. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Google employees criticize CEO Sundar Pichai for 'rushed, botched' announcement of GPT competitor Bard. CNBC. February 10, 2023 [February 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 11, 2023). 
  43. ^ Harrison, Maggie. Chaos Inside Google as Execs Try to Figure Out How to Actually Use AI. Futurism. March 7, 2023 [March 9, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 7, 2023). 
  44. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Alphabet Chairman John Hennessy explains why Google was hesitant to put out its ChatGPT competitor. CNBC. February 13, 2023 [March 11, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 13, 2023). 
  45. ^ Maxwell, Thomas; Langley, Hugh. Leaked memo shows Google CEO Sundar Pichai is asking staffers for help testing its Bard AI chatbot . Business Insider. February 15, 2023 [February 17, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 15, 2023). 
  46. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Google asks employees to rewrite Bard's bad responses, says the A.I. 'learns best by example'. CNBC. February 15, 2023 [February 17, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 16, 2023). 
  47. ^ Alba, Davey; Love, Julia. Google's Rush to Win in AI Led to Ethical Lapses, Employees Say . Bloomberg News. April 19, 2023 [April 24, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 20, 2023). 
  48. ^ Maxwell, Thomas; Langley, Hugh. Leaked messages show Googlers are taking out their frustrations over layoffs on its new Bard AI chatbot . Business Insider. February 24, 2023 [March 9, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 24, 2023). 
  49. ^ Langley, Hugh. Google employees are already internally testing a smarter version of its chatbot called 'Big Bard' . Business Insider. March 13, 2023 [April 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 13, 2023). 
  50. ^ Grant, Nico. Google Releases Bard, Its Competitor in the Race to Create A.I. Chatbots . The New York Times. March 21, 2023 [March 21, 2023]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  51. ^ Liedtke, Michael. Google's artificially intelligent 'Bard' set for next stage . The Washington Post. March 21, 2023 [March 21, 2023]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 Vincent, James. Google opens early access to its ChatGPT rival Bard — here are our first impressions. The Verge. March 21, 2023 [March 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  53. ^ Schroeder, Stan. Google is giving early access to its AI assistant to Pixel Superfans. Mashable. March 21, 2023 [March 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  54. ^ Li, Abner. Google tapping the Pixel and Nest brands to invite people to Bard. 9to5Google. March 21, 2023 [June 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  55. ^ Maxwell, Thomas. Google contractors say they don't have enough time to verify correct answers from the company's AI chatbot and end up guessing . Business Insider. April 5, 2023 [July 14, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 4, 2023). 
  56. ^ Alba, Davey. Google's AI Chatbot Is Trained by Humans Who Say They’re Overworked, Underpaid and Frustrated . Bloomberg News. July 12, 2023 [July 14, 2023]. (原始内容存档于July 12, 2023). 
  57. ^ Elias, Jennifer. Google reshuffles virtual assistant unit with focus on Bard A.I. technology. CNBC. March 29, 2023 [April 1, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 30, 2023). 
  58. ^ Victor, Jon; Efrati, Amir. Alphabet's Google and DeepMind Pause Grudges, Join Forces to Chase OpenAI . The Information. March 29, 2023 [April 1, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 29, 2023). 
  59. ^ Hollister, Sean. Google denies Bard was trained with ChatGPT data. The Verge. March 29, 2023 [April 1, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 30, 2023). 
  60. ^ Vincent, James. Google CEO Sundar Pichai promises Bard AI chatbot upgrades soon: 'We clearly have more capable models'. The Verge. March 31, 2023 [April 1, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 31, 2023). 
  61. ^ Amadeo, Ron. Google Bard gets better at homework with improved math and logic capabilities. Ars Technica. March 31, 2023 [April 1, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 31, 2023). 
  62. ^ Google Bard can now help write software code . Reuters. April 21, 2023 [April 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 21, 2023). 
  63. ^ Korosec, Kirsten. Google's Bard AI chatbot can now generate and debug code. TechCrunch. April 21, 2023 [April 21, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 21, 2023). 
  64. ^ Marcelline, Marco. Microsoft Edge Now Displays Bing Ad on Google Bard Site. PCMag. April 29, 2023 [May 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 30, 2023). 
  65. ^ Bradshaw, Kyle. Google working to bring Bard AI chat to ChromeOS. 9to5Google. February 10, 2023 [February 12, 2023]. (原始内容存档于February 11, 2023). 
  66. ^ Bradshaw, Kyle. Google working to bring Bard AI to Pixel phones as a homescreen widget. 9t5oGoogle. May 4, 2023 [May 6, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 4, 2023). 
  67. ^ Vincent, James. Google drops waitlist for AI chatbot Bard and announces oodles of new features. The Verge. May 10, 2023 [May 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 10, 2023). 
  68. ^ Harding, Scharon. Google Bard hits over 180 countries and territories—none are in the EU. Ars Technica. May 12, 2023 [May 15, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 12, 2023). 
  69. ^ Pandey, Rajesh. Google Bard comes to Workspace account holders. Android Police. May 6, 2023 [June 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 6, 2023). 
  70. ^ Goujard, Clothilde. Google forced to postpone Bard chatbot's EU launch over privacy concerns. Politico. June 13, 2023 [June 17, 2023]. (原始内容存档于June 13, 2023). 
  71. ^ McCallum, Shiona. Bard: Google's ChatGPT rival launches in Europe and Brazil. BBC News. July 13, 2023 [July 14, 2023]. (原始内容存档于July 13, 2023). 
  72. ^ Schechner, Sam. Google's Bard AI Chatbot Adds More Languages to Take On ChatGPT . The Wall Street Journal. July 13, 2023 [July 14, 2023]. ISSN 0099-9660. (原始内容存档于July 13, 2023). 
  73. ^ 谷歌将AI聊天机器人Bard更名为Gemini 推出付费版挑战微软和OpenAI. 新浪财经_手机新浪网. 2024-02-08 [2024-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-28) (中文). 
  74. ^ 【 Google Gemini】Gemini AI不懂歷史 Google叫停生成人像圖片. 香港經濟日報HKET. 2024-02-23 [2024-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-02-29) (中文). 
  75. ^ 受到多項批評 谷歌暫停人工智能成像功能. Yahoo News. 2024-02-26 [2024-02-28]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-14) (中文). 
  76. ^ Goodkind, Nicole. Google and Microsoft fight over the future of AI. CNN Business. April 26, 2023 [April 28, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 26, 2023). 
  77. ^ Vincent, James. Google needs to stop throwing good money after Bard. The Verge. May 10, 2023 [June 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于May 10, 2023). 
  78. ^ Pierce, David. Google's Bard chatbot doesn't love me — but it's still pretty weird. The Verge. March 21, 2023 [March 27, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  79. ^ Pierce, David. Google says its Bard chatbot isn't a search engine — so what is it?. The Verge. March 21, 2023 [March 27, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  80. ^ Metz, Cade. What Google Bard Can Do (and What It Can't) . The New York Times. March 21, 2023 [March 27, 2023]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于March 21, 2023). 
  81. ^ Ghaffary, Shirin. Google's new AI chatbot seems boring. Maybe that's the point.. Vox. March 22, 2023 [March 27, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 22, 2023). 
  82. ^ Pelley, Scott. Is artificial intelligence advancing too quickly? What AI leaders at Google say. CBC News. April 16, 2023 [April 24, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 16, 2023). 
  83. ^ Chowdhury, Hasan. Google Bard is already behind in the AI wars with OpenAI and Microsoft . Business Insider. March 23, 2023 [March 27, 2023]. (原始内容存档于March 23, 2023). 
  84. ^ Chen, Brian X. How ChatGPT and Bard Performed as My Executive Assistants . The New York Times. March 29, 2023 [April 24, 2023]. ISSN 0362-4331. (原始内容存档于March 29, 2023). 
  85. ^ Alba, Davey. Google's Bard Writes Convincingly About Known Conspiracy Theories . Bloomberg News. April 4, 2023 [June 10, 2023]. (原始内容存档于April 4, 2023). 
