Template:Free-content attribution/doc


To learn how to use this template to incorporate open license text on Wikipedia please see Wikipedia:Adding open license text to Wikipedia

This template should be placed in the References section of an article if the article incorporates text from a source that is protected by a free content license and there is no source-specific template listed in Category:Attribution templates.

This template takes one required parameter and up to two optional parameters:

{{Free-content attribution
|title=  <!-- The title of the work -->
|author = <!-- The author of the work -->
|publisher = <!-- The publisher of the work -->
|source=  <!-- The source of the work if not from the publisher or the author -->
|documentURL= <!-- The URL of the work -->
|license statement URL= <!-- The URL of the license statement of the work if not included within the document -->
|license= <!-- The license of the work -->

Using the built in parameters

{{Free-content attribution |title=UNESCO - MAB Biosphere Reserves Directory |author=A.N. Author |publisher=UNESCO |source= |license = CC BY-SA IGO 3.0 |documentURL=http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/ecological-sciences/biosphere-reserves/europe-north-america/france/fontainebleau-et-du-gatinais/ |license statement URL=http://www.unesco.org/new/en/natural-sciences/environment/ecological-sciences/biosphere-reserves/world-network-wnbr/wnbr/}}
 本条目包含了自由内容作品内的文本。 在CC BY-SA IGO 3.0下释出(许可证声明): 《UNESCO - MAB Biosphere Reserves Directory》, A.N. Author, UNESCO. 欲了解如何向维基百科条目内添加开放许可证文本,请见这里;欲知如何重用本站文字,请见使用条款

Hidden category

This template includes a hidden category — Category:Free-content attribution(0) — which does not appear at the bottom of an article page (unless hidden categories are set to display, in the user's settings), but does contain any article page that contains this template.



Free-content attribution模板数据

Explain that an article incorporates text from a source that is protected by a free-content license. Place in the article's references section.



Titletitle Title

The title of the work

Authorauthor Author

The author or authors of the work

Publisherpublisher Publisher

The publisher of the work

Page numberspage numbers Page numbers

The page numbers used if applicable

Sourcesource Source

The source of the text e.g a third party website hosting the document

Document URLdocumentURL DocumentURL

The URL of the document

License statement URLlicense statement URL License statement URL

The URL of the license statement if not stated in the document

Licenselicense License

The license covering the referred work(s); may be linked


A string or template to be used instead of the built-in parameters

{{cite book |last1=Doe |first1=J. |title=Some Work |volume=Vol. 1, Part 2. |year=2000 |publisher=Foo Publishing House}}

See also

  • {{source-attribution}} - a template that can be placed in the References section of an article if the article incorporates text from a source that is not under copyright and there is no source specific template listed in Category:Attribution templates.
  • {{citation-attribution}} a template that can be placed at the end of a sentence, sentences or a paragraph that incorporates text from a source that is not under copyright. It is an alternative to this template if only a few sentences or a paragraph has been copied.