
CPLF=Cross-project link fix is a planning bot script of Alexbot.


這個程式是做什麼的? / What is this script do?


Check the texts in page, and fix or remove cross-project link.


(Sorry I can't use english to explain others)

讀取頁面→抓取所有[[a|b]]中的a→如果符合為跨計劃連結(ex:[[:w:(*)]] or [[:n:(*)]])→連至該計劃中並檢查該頁面→

(English :-P)

Read page source -> Grab all the "a" with in [[a|b]] -> look for interwiki link matches (e.g. [[:w:(*)]] or [[:n:(*)]]) -> move on to the respective wiki -> remove the link if "a" does not exist in that wiki /or/ correct "a" if its a redirection page.