
作者 書名 內容
戈登erwin esiah gordon 1945 Some Early Ideals in Chinese Literary Criticism 原道
休斯(E. R . Hughes) 1951 the art of Letter 原道
施友忠 1959 The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons 全譯
楊憲益、戴乃迭 1962 Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature
唐納德·阿瑟·吉布斯(Donald Arthur Gibbs) 1970 Literary Theory in the Wen-hsin Tiao-Lung 原道
(匈牙利)托克Ferenc Tökei 1971 Genre Theory in China in the 3 rd-6 th Centuries: Liu Hsieh's Theory on Poetic Genres
刘若愚 1975 Chinese Theories of Literature
费威廉(Fisk William Craig) 1976 Formal Themes in Medieval Chinese and Modern Western Literary Theory: Mimesis, Intertextuality, Figurativeness, and Foregrounding 二千多字
黃兆傑 1983 《早期中國文學批評》 序志、神思
彼德(PETeRb w 1990 Classicism in China and Europe: A Comparative Study of Aristotle's ( 384 - 322 B. C. ) Poetics and Liu Xie's ( 465 - 522A. D. ) Wenxin


宇文所安 1992 《中國文論讀本》 20篇
黃兆傑、盧仲衡、林光泰 1999 The Book of Literary Design 全譯
蔡宗齊 2002 Configurations of Comparative Poetics: Three Perspectives on Western and Chinese Literary Criticism 節譯3篇
楊國斌 2003 Dragon-Carving and the Literary Mind 全譯
王佐良 2003 翻譯:思考與試筆 明詩、才略