查尔斯·丁波(Charles Mills Tiebout) (1924年–1968年1月16日) 是美国经济学家和地理学家,最知名的成就是以脚投票模型,这表明搭便车问题实际上有非政治性的解决方案。
- ———. A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures. Journal of Political Economy. 1956, 64 (5): 416–424.
- ———. Exports and Regional Economic Growth. Journal of Political Economy. 1956, 64 (2): 160–164.
- ———. Community Income Multipliers: A Population Growth Model. Journal of Regional Science. 1960, 2 (1): 75.
- ———. An Economic Theory of Fiscal Decentralization. NBER, Public Finances, Needs, Sources and Utilization. Princeton Univ. Press. 1961: 79–96.
- ———; Hansen, W. L. An Intersectoral Flows Analysis of the California Economy. Review of Economics and Statistics. 1963, 45 (4): 409–418.