
薄皮变形(英语:thin-skinned deformation)是板块构造在聚合性板块边缘的一种变形,它发生在浅逆冲断层中,仅涉及覆盖岩(通常是沉积岩),而不涉及更深的基底岩 [1]。 薄皮变形通常形成在碰撞带前陆或火山弧后弧等处发育的褶皱和逆冲带中。若底部有滑脱面存在,如页岩蒸发岩或高孔隙流体压力。薄皮变形更为显著。其构造地层也包含多次重复地层为特征 [2]

蒙大拿州中的一个薄皮逆冲断层的例子。 白色的 Madison Formation 石灰岩 在图中重复出现与前景和右上角和顶部


  1. ^ Davidson et al., 1997, Exploring Earth, An Introduction to Physical Geology, ISBN 0-13-463936-7
  2. ^ Hatcher, R.D. 2007. Confirmation of Thin-skinned Thrust Faulting in Foreland Fold-Thrust Belts and Its Impact on Hydrocarbon Exploration: Bally, Gordy, and Stewart, Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 1966. First in the AAPG History of Petroleum Geology Series on Papers Having a Major Impact on Petroleum Geology: A contribution of the AAPG History of Petroleum Geology Committee