Example of a post-operative AP radiation therapy treatment field for Stage I-II Endometrial cancer used at Tufts/Brown residency program. Actual patient contours should guide field design.
Superior border: Consider L5/S1 if PLND negative. Consider L4/L5 if no PLND or LN+. PORTEC used L5/S1, GOG 99 used L4/L5.
Inferior border: inferior edge of pubic ramus
Lateral borders: ~2cm lateral to bony pelvis, in order to cover lymph nodes
Brown: rectum
Orange: common illiac LNs; Yellow: external illiac LNs; Light Green: obturator LNs; Purple: internal illiac LNs; Dark Green: presacral LNs
{{Information |Description=Example of a post-operative AP radiation therapy treatment field for Stage I-II Endometrial cancer used at Tufts/Brown residency program. Actual patient contours should guide field design. *Superior border: Consider L5/S1 if PL