



标准化是维基百科的一大习惯,因此只需遵循Wikipedia:格式手册/版面布局Wikipedia:格式手册/序言章节 § 应该有的东西





正确 随机/无规律 跳级

==章节== [二级]
===子章节=== [三级]
==章节== [二级]
===子章节=== [三级]
====子章节的子章节==== [四级]
==章节== [二级]

====章节?==== [四级]
===章节?=== [三级]
==章节?== [二级]
==章节?== [二级]
====章节?==== [四级]
===章节?=== [三级]

===章节?=== [三级]
==章节== [二级]
====子章节?==== [四级]
==章节== [二级]

不要滥用半角分号制作伪标题(分号只可用于制作定义列表),亦避免使用粗体。屏幕阅读器和其他辅助工具只能依赖章节标题语法确定标题的排列。如欲缩小目录,则可以改用{{TOC limit}}。如果{{TOC limit}}因条目存在低层章节标题而无法使用,则五级标题可以改用粗体,这样就能减少对屏幕阅读器的干扰。伪标题只能在方法穷尽时使用,不应频繁出现。

可接受 错误

==章节== [二级]
===子章节=== [三级]
==章节== [二级]
===子章节=== [三级]
====子章节的子章节==== [四级]

==章节== [二级]
===子章节=== [三级]
==章节== [二级]
===子章节=== [三级]
<small>==子章节的子章节==</small> [二级]








测试了一下我的装置Windows 11上的讲述人,没下载其它语音的时候遇到阿拉伯字母和希腊字母几乎完全跳过,因此我暂且这样改。】


  1. 在重要情况(如人名、地名、事物等)下,您需要为所有非拉丁、非汉字的文字(?)提供拉丁转写。您可以使用语言专用模板或{{Transliteration}}标注。这些模板在无障碍方面也有其他益处(参见“外语”一节
  2. 不要加入屏幕阅读器可能无法阅读的符号(比如心形符号♥),反而使用附带替代文字的图像。[1]






避免在使用小字体的页面元素(比如资讯框导航模板参考章节中的文字)内再使用小字体。[a]换言之,您不应在这些元素中的纯文字使用<small>...</small>标签,以及诸如{{small}}{{smalldiv}}的模板。所得文字的大小不得低于页面默认的85%,注意,HTML的<small>...</small>标签还具有“小字条款”(fine print)或“注疏”的语义含义,[2]不可用于风格化。






  •   Assemblée nationale并未指出自己的语言(法语)。大多数屏幕阅读器处理时会读错。
  •   {{lang|fr|Assemblée nationale}}呈现为Assemblée nationale,屏幕阅读器处理时改用法语发音。
  •   {{lang-fr|Assemblée nationale}}法语:Assemblée nationale:同上。





IETF语言标签按照ISO 639标准指定文字的语言之余,还能标明文字的书写系统:

  •   {{lang|sr-Cyrl|Народна скупштина}}Народна скупштина
  •   {{lang|sr-Latn|Narodna skupština}}Narodna skupština ——塞尔维亚语一般用拉丁文字或西里尔文字书写。
  •   {{lang|ja|Kokumin gikai}} ——日语文字一般用日语书写系统(而非拉丁字母)书写。
  •   {{lang|ja-Latn|Kokumin gikai}}指明这段日语文字用拉丁文字书写(日语罗马字)。
  •   {{transliteration|ja|Kokumin gikai}}同上。

如果未指定书写系统,则IETF标签会默认使用该语言最常用的书写系统。鉴于此,处理字母转写时,您应该在语言代码加入-Latn,抑或使用相应的{{transliteration}}模板。维基百科的语言专用模板(比如{{lang-en}}{{nihongo}})能为编辑者提供各种功能,包括用一个模板展示几种转写。有些语言没有自己的专用模板,但这些模板防止编辑者频繁使用{{lang}}{{transliteration}},从而简化维基文本。 音标转写用{{IPA}}或其他合适模板。原始印欧语请用{{PIE}}


  1. 链接(尤其是外部链接)描述应该清楚易懂(不要使用“点击我!”“此链接”)。[4][5]
  2. 不要使用Unicode符号替换图标,反而应该使用附带替代文字的图标。例如,部分屏幕阅读器无法将“→”等字符转为有用文字。
  3. 为帮助视障读者找到目标页面的链接锚点,您可以利用{{Visible anchor}}标示锚点。





  • 请确保颜色不是唯一传达重要资料的途径。特别而言,不要使用彩色文字或背景,除非其状态也以其他方式指明,比如图例上的无障碍符号或脚注标签。如不遵循这个准则,则失明用户或读者无法通过印本或非彩色装置获取资料。
  • 读者必须能清楚明白哪些互动元素是链接。
  • 部分读者有色盲、色弱或视觉障碍。请确保文字与背景的对比度最少能达到Web内容无障碍指南(WCAG)2.0的AA等级,且尽量达到AAA等级(参见WCAG“了解SC 1.4.3:对比度(最低限度)”)。如欲在白色背景下使用CSS颜色名称显示文字,请见Wikipedia:格式手册/无障碍/CSS颜色与白色背景的对比度。此外,您也可以利用以下工具评估对比度:
    • 网络上有一些能检查对比度的工具,包括WebAIM网上对比度检查器WhoCanUse网站和斯努克颜色对比度检查器
      • 尽管如此,有些网上工具以WCAG 1.0的算法为根据,因此需要事先甄别。如果工具未指定自己采用WCAG 2.0,则您可以假设它已过时。
    • 维基媒体基金会设计团队提供一套达到AA等级的配色表。维基媒体产品(不论电脑端还是移动端)的所有用户界面元素都使用此配色,但链接文字除外。
    • Wikipedia:格式手册/无障碍/颜色表就14种色相对黑字、白字、链接文字和访问链接文字展示达到AAA等级的最暗或最亮背景色。
    • Google Chrome有附带颜色挑选器的对比度检查器
    • 您可以通过颜色对比度分析器选择页面上的颜色,然后详细评估它们的对比度,但只有“luminosity”(光度)算法是最新的,而“color brightness/difference”(颜色亮度/差)已过时。
  • 以下工具能帮助您制作图表和地图配色。它们未必能准确评价颜色的对比度,但在特定情况下也值得使用。
  • 如果条目滥用颜色,但您无法改正问题,您可以挂上{{Overcolored}},寻求编辑者协助。







* 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example 
** 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2
*** 我觉得它符合维基百科的精神。—User:Example

 Y 如果留言没有项目符号,则这也是适当的:

: 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example 
:: 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2
::: 我觉得它符合维基百科的精神。—User:Example

 Y 回复时,您也可以让项目符号保持在左边:

* 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example 
*: 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2
*:: 我觉得它符合维基百科的精神。—User:Example

 N 但是不要从无序列表转为描述列表:

* 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example 
:: 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2

 N 或者从无序列表转为混合列表:

* 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example 
:* 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2

 N 不应该在列表项目之间留空行:

* 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example

** 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2

 N 也不应该跳级:

* 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example
*** 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2

 N 不鼓励以下做法:

: 支持。我喜欢这个想法。—User:Example 
:* 疑问:你为什么喜欢?—User:Example2




 Y 如欲在列表项目内写下多个段落,您可以使用{{pb}}分段:

* 这是第一项。{{pb}}这是同一项内的另一段。
* 这是第二项。

 Y 您也可以使用HTML的段落标签(留意结尾的</p>标签):

* 这是第一项。<p>这是同一项内的另一段。
* 这是第二项。

 Y 在以上例子中,您必须在同一代码行中使用模板,但您也可以用HTML注释包围换行,防止换行显示的同时,让留言的分段更为清晰:

* 这是第一项。<!--
* 这是第二项。

 Y 这个技巧可以用来在列表项目内加入各种块元素(因为列表项目也是块元素,能包含其他块元素):

* 这是第一项。<!--
-->{{talk quote block|红烧肉好吃。|User:Example}}<!--
* 这是第二项。


 N 不要用换行模拟分段,因为它们的语义不同:

* 这是第一项。<br />这还是同一段,只是之前有换行标签。
* 这是第二项。


 N 切勿用冒号与缩进层级对齐,因为它会产生三个列表:

* 这是第一个列表。
: 这是第二个列表。
* 这是第三个列表。

 Y 除此之外,HTML列表模板是在列表内加入块元素(比如代码)的最好方法:

{{bulleted list



您可以使用{{block indent}}(原理是CSS)缩进多行文字。单行文字的缩进模板有很多种,包括所有维基媒体网站通用的{{in5}},用各种空格字符缩进文字。不要滥用<blockquote>...</blockquote>元素或使用它的模板(如{{blockquote}})缩进文字:它们只可用来引用文字。{{block indent}}正是为这些引用以外的用途而制作的。

MediaWiki分析器将以半角冒号(:)开始的行标记为HTML描述列表(<dl>)的<dd>部分。[b]大多数浏览器会缩进<dd>行,因此可用来标注回复。可是,这个语法缺乏描述列表中<dd>所依赖的<dt>(术语)。由网页对浏览器输送的代码可见,这样做会令HTML代码产生错误(不符合验证标准[6])。因此,屏幕阅读器等辅助技术会宣告描述列表不存在,让不熟悉维基百科的标记语言的访客费解。这个习惯对无障碍、HTML语义和维基百科的转载英语Wikipedia:Reusing Wikipedia content不利,但还是十分常用。




: 完全同意。—User:Example
: 我还不信,还有更好的来源吗?–User:Example2



: 文字。{{pb}}更多文字。 —User:Example3

如欲分行展示数学方程式或表示式,则建议使用<math display="block">1 + 1 = 2</math>,不用:<math>1 + 1 = 2</math>





* 白色玫瑰
* 黄色玫瑰

* 粉红色玫瑰

* 红色玫瑰


  • 白色玫瑰
  • 黄色玫瑰
  • 粉红色玫瑰
  • 红色玫瑰


不要用换行符(<br />)分离列表项目。如果您想保持垂直结构,则可以使用{{plainlist}}{{unbulleted list}};如果您觉得应当将列表改为水平形式,则可以改用{{flatlist}}{{hlist}}


制作无圆点垂直列表时,{{plainlist}}和{{unbulleted list}}可以标注哪些元素明显是列表,因此能提升无障碍和语义意义。它们的差别仅在于制作列表所用的标记语法。注意,由于它们是模板,每一项的文字的竖线(|)必须要替换成{{!}},或使用<nowiki>...</nowiki>标签包围。同样,等号(=)也要替换成{{=}}或者用<nowiki>...</nowiki>包围,但您也可以通过命名参数(|1=|2=等)解决问题。如果这些问题太麻烦,您也可以选用{{endplainlist}}。

Wikitext 显示结果
{{plainlist |
* 白色玫瑰
* 黄色玫瑰
* 粉红色玫瑰
* 红色玫瑰
  • 白色玫瑰
  • 黄色玫瑰
  • 粉红色玫瑰
  • 红色玫瑰
Wikitext 显示结果
{{unbulleted list
| 白色玫瑰
| 黄色玫瑰
| 粉红色玫瑰
| 红色玫瑰
  • 白色玫瑰
  • 黄色玫瑰
  • 粉红色玫瑰
  • 红色玫瑰


  • | listclass = plainlist
  • | bodyclass = plainlist


  • | rowclass = plainlist
  • | bodyclass = plainlist

参见Wikipedia:格式手册/列表 § 无圆点的列表





Wikitext 显示结果
{{flatlist |
* 白色玫瑰
* 红色玫瑰
** 粉红色玫瑰
* 黄色玫瑰
  • 白色玫瑰
  • 红色玫瑰
    • 粉红色玫瑰
  • 黄色玫瑰
Wikitext 显示结果
| 白色玫瑰
| 红色玫瑰
| 粉红色玫瑰
| 黄色玫瑰
  • 白色玫瑰
  • 红色玫瑰
  • 粉红色玫瑰
  • 黄色玫瑰


  • | listclass = hlist
  • | bodyclass = hlist


  • | rowclass = hlist
  • | bodyclass = hlist




 N 例1:错误

; 贵气体

 Y 例2:标题

== 贵气体 ==


Screen readers and other web browsing tools make use of specific table tags to help users navigate the data contained within them.

Use the correct wikitable pipe syntax to take advantage of all the features available. See mw:Help:Tables for more information on the special syntax used for tables. Do not solely use formatting, either from CSS or hard-coded styles, to create semantic meaning (e.g., changing background color).

Many navboxes, series templates英语Wikipedia:Series templates, and infoboxes are made using tables.

Avoid using <br /> or <hr /> tags in adjacent cells to emulate a visual row that isn't reflected in the HTML table structure. This is a problem for users of screen readers which read tables cell by cell, HTML row by HTML row, not visual row by visual row.



{| class="wikitable"
|+ caption text
! scope="col" | column header 1
! scope="col" | column header 2
! scope="col" | column header 3
! scope="row" | row header 1
| data 1 || data 2
! scope="row" | row header 2
| data 3 || data 4


caption text
column header 1 column header 2 column header 3
row header 1 data 1 data 2
row header 2 data 3 data 4
Caption ( |+ )
A caption is a table's title, describing its nature.[7] Data tables should always include a caption.
Row and column headers ( ! )
Like the caption, these help present the information in a logical structure to visitors.[8] The headers help screen readers render header information about data cells. For example, header information is spoken prior to the cell data, or header information is provided on request.[9] Because the row header and column header may be spoken before the data in each cell when navigating in table mode, it is necessary for the column headers and row headers to uniquely identify the column and row respectively.[10]
Scope of headers (! scope="col" | and ! scope="row" |)
This clearly identifies a cell as a header for a column or row. Use ! scope="colgroup" colspan="2" | if a column header spans a group of columns and ! scope="rowgroup" rowspan="2" | if a row header spans a group of rows, adjusting the span count as needed. Headers can now be associated to corresponding cells.[11]

Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Accessibility/Data tables tutorial英语Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Accessibility/Data tables tutorial provides detailed requirements about:

  1. Correct table captions
  2. Correct headers structure
  3. Complex tables
  4. Images and color
  5. Avoiding nested tables


Avoid using tables for visual positioning of non-tabular content. Data tables provide extra information and navigation methods that can be confusing when the content lacks logical row and column relationships. Instead, use semantically appropriate elements or <div>s, and style attributes.

When using a table to position non-tabular content, help screen readers identify it as a layout table, not a data table. Set a role="presentation" attribute on the table, and do not set any summary attribute. Do not use any <caption> or <th> elements inside the table, or inside any nested tables. In wiki table markup, this means do not use the |+ or ! prefixes. Make sure the content's reading order is correct. Visual effects, such as centering or bold typeface, can be achieved with style sheets or semantic elements. For example:

{| role="presentation"
| colspan="2" style="text-align: center; background-color: #ccf;" | <strong>Important text</strong>
| The quick || brown fox
| jumps over || the lazy dog.
Important text
The quick brown fox
jumps over the lazy dog.


Display of a fragmented image gallery on mobile

In most cases, images should include a caption using the built-in image syntax. The caption should concisely describe the meaning of the image and the essential information it is trying to convey.

Detailed image descriptions, where not appropriate for an article, should be placed on the image's description page, with a note saying that activating the image link will lead to a more detailed description.

  • Avoid using images in place of tables or charts. Where possible, any charts or diagrams should have a text equivalent or should be well-described so that users who are unable to see the image can gain some understanding of the concept.
  • Avoid sandwiching text between two images or, unless absolutely necessary, using fixed image sizes.
  • Avoid indiscriminate galleries because screen size and browser formatting may affect accessibility for some readers due to fragmented image display. Articles with many images may time out on mobile versions of Wikipedia. Ideally, a page should have no more than 100 images (regardless of how small). See MediaWiki:Limit number of images in a page
  • Avoid referring in text to images as being on the left or right. Image placement may be different for viewers of the mobile site, and is meaningless to people having pages read to them by assistive software. Instead, use captions to identify images. (See Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Images § References from article text.)

Image placement

Images should be inside the section to which they are related (after the heading and any hatnotes), and not in the heading itself nor at the end of the previous section. This ensures that screen readers will read, and the mobile site will display, the image (and its textual alternative) in the correct section.

This guideline includes alt text for LaTeX-formatted equations in <math> mode. See Wikipedia:Manual of Style/Mathematics § Alt text

Do not insert images in headings; this includes icons and <math> markup. Doing so can break links to sections and cause other problems.


Images and icons that are not purely decorative should include an alt attribute that acts as a substitute for the image for blind readers, search-spiders, and other non-visual users. If additional alt text is added, it should be succinct or refer the reader to the caption or adjacent text.

Animations, video, and audio content


To be accessible, an animation (GIF – Graphics Interchange Format) should either:

  • Not exceed a duration of five seconds (which results in making it a purely decorative element)[12] or
  • Be equipped with control functions (stop, pause, play)[13]

This requires that GIFs with animations longer than five seconds be converted to video (to learn how, see the tutorial converting animated GIFs to Theora OGG).

In addition, animations must not produce more than three flashes in any one-second period. Content that flashes more than that limit is known to cause seizures.[14]


Closed captioning (CC) and subtitling are both processes of displaying text on audio and visual files on Wikipedia through c:Commons:Timed Text. Both are typically used as a transcription of the audio portion of a program as it occurs (either verbatim or in edited form), sometimes including descriptions of non-speech elements. This aids hearing-impaired and deaf people and provides a way for non-native language speakers to understand the content in a multimedia file.

Closed captions provide a text version of all important information provided through the sound. It can include dialogue, sounds (natural and artificial), the setting and background, the actions and expressions of people and animals, text or graphics.[15] Off-Wikipedia guides should be consulted for how to create closed captions.[16]


Subtitles for speech, lyrics, dialogue, etc.[17] can easily be added to audio files. The method is similar to that of the video: :commons:Commons:Video § Subtitles and closed captioning.

Styles and markup options

Best practice: wiki markup and CSS classes

In general, styles for tables and other block-level elements should be set using CSS classes, not with inline style attributes. The site-wide CSS in MediaWiki:Common.css is more carefully tested to ensure accessibility (e.g. sufficient color contrast) and compatibility with a wide range of browsers. Moreover, it allows users with very specific needs to change the color schemes in their own style sheet (Special:MyPage/skin.css, or their browser's style sheet). For example, a style sheet at Wikipedia:Style sheets for visually impaired users英语Wikipedia:Style sheets for visually impaired users provides higher contrast backgrounds for navboxes. The problem is that when the default site-wide classes are overridden, it makes it far more difficult for an individual to choose their own theme.

It also creates a greater degree of professionalism by ensuring a consistent appearance between articles and conformance to a style guide.

Regarding accessibility, deviations from standard conventions may be tolerated so long as they are accessible. Members of the accessibility project have ensured that the default style is accessible. If some template or specific color scheme deviates from the standard, its authors should make sure that it meets accessibility requirements such as providing enough color contrast英语Wikipedia:Colour contrast. For instance, the infobox and navbox relating to a sport team might use a yellow and red color scheme, to tie in with the colors of the team livery. In this case, dark red links on light yellow provide enough color contrast, and thus would be accessible, while white on yellow or black on red would not.

In general, articles should use wiki markup in preference to the limited set of allowed HTML elements. In particular, do not use the HTML style elements <i> and <b> to format text; it is preferable to use Wiki-markup '' or ''' for purely typographic italicization and boldfacing, respectively, and use semantic markup英语Semantic HTML templates or elements for more meaningful differences. The <font> element should also be avoided in article text; use {{em}}, {{code}}, {{var}}, and our other semantic markup templates as needed, to emphasize logical differences not just visual ones. Use the {{subst:resize}}, {{subst:small}}, and {{subst:Large}} templates to change font size, rather than setting it explicitly with CSS style attributes like font-size or deprecated style elements like <big />. Of course there are natural exceptions; e.g., it may be beneficial to use the <u>...</u> element to indicate something like an example link that isn't really clickable, but underlining is otherwise generally not used in article text.

Users with limited CSS or JavaScript support

Auto-collapsed (pre-collapsed) elements should not be used to hide content in the article's main body.

Wikipedia articles should be accessible to readers using browsers and devices that have limited or no support for JavaScript or Cascading Style Sheets, which is referred to as "progressive enhancement" in web development. Remember that Wikipedia content can be reused freely英语Wikipedia:Reusing Wikipedia content in ways we cannot predict as well as accessed directly via older browsers. At the same time, it is recognized that it is impossible to provide the same quality of appearance to such users without unnecessarily avoiding features that would benefit users with more capable browsers. As such, features that would cause content to be hidden or corrupted when CSS or JavaScript is unavailable must not be used. However, consideration for users without CSS or JavaScript should extend mainly to making sure that their reading experience is possible; it is recognized that it will inevitably be inferior.

To accommodate these considerations, test any potentially disruptive changes with JavaScript or CSS disabled. In Firefox or Chrome, this can be done easily with the Web Developer extension; JavaScript can be disabled in other browsers in the "Options" screen. Be particularly careful with inline CSS effects, which are not supported by several browsers, media, and XHTML versions.

In 2016, around 7% of visitors to Wikipedia did not request JavaScript resources.[18][已过时]

See also


  1. ^ 资讯框和导航模板的字体大小一般为本页默认的88%。参考章节的字体大小一般为本页默认的90%。其他数值请见MediaWiki:Common.css
  2. ^ HTML描述列表曾称“定义列表”和“关联列表”。<dl><dt>...</dt><dd>...</dd></dl>结构从未改变,但名称随HTML规范更迭而变化。


  1. ^ F26: Failure of Success Criterion 1.3.3 due to using a graphical symbol alone to convey information. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2011]. 
  2. ^ 4.5.4 The small element. HTML Living Standard. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. 24 December 2023 [29 December 2023]. 
  3. ^ H58: Using language attributes to identify changes in the human language. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023].  Accessibility level: AA.
  4. ^ G91: Providing link text that describes the purpose of a link. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023]. 
  5. ^ F84: Failure of Success Criterion 2.4.9 due to using a non-specific link such as 'click here' or 'more' without a mechanism to change the link text to specific text. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023]. 
  6. ^ Markup Validation Service: Check the markup (HTML, XHTML, ...) of Web documents. validator.w3.org. v1.3+hg. World Wide Web Consortium. 2017 [December 13, 2017]. 验证错误资讯为"Error: Element dl is missing a required child element."
  7. ^ H39: Using caption elements to associate data table captions with data tables. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023].  Accessibility level: A.
  8. ^ H51: Using table markup to present tabular information. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023]. 
  9. ^ 4.9.10 The th element. HTML Living Standard. Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group. 24 December 2023 [29 December 2023]. 
  10. ^ HTML Tables with JAWS. FreedomScientific.com. Freedom Scientific英语Freedom Scientific. [29 December 2023]. 
  11. ^ H63: Using the scope attribute to associate header cells and data cells in data tables. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [24 December 2023]. 
  12. ^ G152: Setting animated gif images to stop blinking after n cycles (within 5 seconds). Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023]. 
  13. ^ G4: Allowing the content to be paused and restarted from where it was paused. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023]. 
  14. ^ Guideline 2.3 Seizures: Do not design content in a way that is known to cause seizures. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 11 December 2008 [29 December 2023]. 
  15. ^ G69: Providing an alternative for time based media. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. [1 January 2011]. 
  16. ^ See:
  17. ^ G158: Providing an alternative for time-based media for audio-only content. Techniques for WCAG 2.0. World Wide Web Consortium. 7 October 2016 [29 December 2023]. 
  18. ^ File:Browsers, Geography, and JavaScript Support on Wikipedia Portal.pdf; and File:Analysis of Wikipedia Portal Traffic and JavaScript Support.pdf.



{{Wikipedia policies and guidelines}} [[Category:Wikipedia Manual of Style (accessibility)| ]] [[Category:Wikipedia accessibility| ]]