文明鸟 (Ala culta) 是未来一种鸟,也是其中唯一发展出文明的成员。
文明鸟是一种体型中等的鸣禽,拥有较短的三角形直喙。它们的每个翅膀上有20根飞羽,包括10根初级飞羽、6根次级飞羽和4根三级飞羽。Unlike most perching birds, they have 10 rectrices on their tails. The species has a very diverse genetic pool, with a great variety of plumage types among billions of its specimens over the planet.
文明鸟拥有不俗的行动能力,且适应性极强。前肢支撑的羽毛形成一对短而圆的翅膀,使得它们在障碍物间灵活穿梭。强壮的手臂能让它们的飞行速度达到每秒25米。 but that would still make them easy to be caught up by falcons when in the open air. Long legs that are up to 50% their body length and exceptionally thick leg bones having circumferences of up to 80 mm allow them to effortlessly walk on land and reach speeds of 10 m/s.
测量标准 | 测量结果 |
长度 (喙尖 - 尾羽) | 100 cm |
长度 (喙尖 - 尾椎) | 64 cm |
宽度 (最长飞羽间) | 160 cm |
宽度 (远端指骨间) | 128 cm |
高度 (地面 - 头顶) | 80 cm |
高度 (地面 - 荐椎) | 50 cm |
头骨 (喙尖 - 顶骨) | 20 cm |
颚骨 (喙尖 - 隅骨) | 16 cm |
Ala culta is the only representative of the family Alaidae, which is believed to be a close relative to the genus Corvus, and inherited the high intelligence alongside the superior ability of tool-making from their common ancestor.