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![]() If you have any questions about the Chinese Wikipedia, please leave a message here. Thank you for visiting!
- 閱讀新手应该注意的七种常见错误、理解維基百科的立場與常見注意事項。
- 有任何编辑上的问题?请在下面加入「{{Helpme}}」,其他维基人见到后就会来提供帮助。
- 不知道有甚麼可写?条目请求、最多语言版本的待撰条目、缺少的传统百科全书条目和首页的缺失条目中列出了许多维基百科目前还没有的条目,欢迎您来撰寫!
- 希望您能享受共同编写百科的樂趣,成为一名充實的维基百科人。
我是欢迎您的维基人:Smallmiew 2010年2月22日 (一) 06:47 (UTC)(via Alexbot Operate via Alexsh)
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近況更新 - 面向編輯者
- 管理員現在可以透過Special:CommunityConfiguration/Babel自訂Babel功能建立分類的方式。管理員可以重新命名語言分類,選擇是否自動建立分類,以及調整其他設定。 [1]
- wikimedia.org门户網站更新,並持續進行一些改進,使維基媒體的门户網站頁面更現代化、更易於使用。該頁面現在有更好的手機版版面,措辭链接得到更新,並支持更多語言。此外,所有維基媒體项目的门户網站(例如wikibooks.org)現在皆支持深色模式,會根據讀者的系統設定顯示對應模式。 [2][3][4]
- 已新建一個維基: 桑塔利語维基词典 (
) [5] - 上週有30個社群提交的工單得到解決。 例如,在某些Android手機配置中,出現一錯誤導致無法在Firefox網頁介面中點擊搜尋結果,現已修正此問題。 [6]
- 下一次語言社群會議即將於2月28日 14:00 UTC舉行。本次會議涵蓋:薩米語輸入法和工具的亮點及技術更新;印尼楠榜語社群對Translatewiki.net的貢獻;以及技術問答環節。有意參加者只需在wiki頁面登記報名即可。
The Signpost: 27 February 2025
- Serendipity: Guinea-Bissau Heritage from Commons to the World
- Technology report: Hear that? The wikis go silent twice a year
- In the media: The end of the world
- Recent research: What's known about how readers navigate Wikipedia; Italian Wikipedia hardest to read
- Opinion: Sennecaster's RfA debriefing
- Tips and tricks: One year after this article is posted, will every single article on Wikipedia have a short description?
- Community view: Open letter from French Wikipedians says "no" to intimidation of volunteer contributors
- Traffic report: Temporary scars, February stars
Wikifunctions & Abstract Wikipedia Newsletter #191 is out: From things to words
There is a new update for Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions. Please, come and read it!
In this issue, we discuss the deployment of the possibility of getting the right Lexeme given a Wikidata Item, we discuss the newest updates about Types, and we take a look at the latest software developments.
Want to catch up with the previous updates? Check our archive!
Also, we remind you that if you have questions or ideas to discuss, the next Volunteers' Corner will be held on March 3, at 18:30 UTC (link to the meeting).
Enjoy the reading! -- User:Sannita (WMF) (talk) 2025年2月28日 (五) 16:16 (UTC)
来自Chubit的问题 (2025年3月1日 (六) 05:50)
请问一下,网易搜狐新浪等门户网站的来源真的可靠吗? --Chubit(留言) 2025年3月1日 (六) 05:50 (UTC)
- 冥王歐西里斯(留言) 2025年3月2日 (日) 13:40 (UTC) 這要看發布者而定,如果是使用者自行撰寫的內容自然為不可靠來源。--
您好,您因为是管理员、过滤器编辑者或过滤器助理而收到了这则消息。社群已于近日通过Wikipedia:过滤器编辑者,并建立了两个站外讨论渠道(邮件列表和 Telegram 群组)供受信用户使用。为了更好地协调反破坏工作,方便管理员、过滤器编辑者和过滤器助理交流互鑒,我在此谨邀请您加入防滥用过滤器的受信用户站外讨论渠道,詳情请见此页面。如有打扰,还望谅解。谢谢。
本条消息是由Iming于2025年3月1日 (六) 06:23 (UTC)通过群发消息功能发送给您的。如果您不希望在未来接受所有使用本功能发送的消息,请在您的讨论页加入Category:不接受消息发送这一分类。
Wikidata weekly summary #669
week leading up to 2025-03-03. Missed the previous one? See issue #668
- Other: Email Chain "Elephant in the room" - discussing the large number of Wikidata Items lacking Statements, Sitelinks or Labels/Descriptions.
- Upcoming events:
- All the information you need to start working on your Wikimania 2025 program submissions is now available on the Wiki. Deadline: March 31 st, Anywhere on Earth.
- New Wikidata Event! The upcoming "Wikidata and Sister Projects" event (May 29–June 1) is looking for speakers to share how Wikidata connects with other Wikimedia projects - if you are interested, request more info or submit your session idea here.
- New Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series! We have our next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group project series session on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at 9am PT / 12pm ET / 17:00 UTC / 6pm CET Time Zone Converter Eric Willey will be facilitating a series of four sessions focused on starting a Wikidata project from the foundation up at your institution. The third session will focus on making the most of your time and work. Event page.
- Wikidata and Wikibase - Curriculum Transformation in the Digital Humanities - Join for 4 free talks showcasing how linked open data can support teaching, research and collections. March 5, 1500 - 1700 GMT (UTC-0).
- Wiki Workshop 2025 CfP - Call for Papers (Submission deadline: March 9)
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2025 March 9 Time: 09:30-17:30 UTC+8 at Taipei Humanities Building (Q122750631)
- Wiki Mentor Africa (WMA) Hackathon 2025 - Registration & Scholarship Now Open. Date: 28th - 30th March 2025. Who Can Participate? African developers, Wikimedia contributors, and anyone interested in Wikimedia projects.
- Ongoing:
- Wiki Loves Ramadan 2025 - annual global contest aimed at documenting and sharing the diverse customs and traditions observed during the month of Ramadan. Date: 25 February 2025 – 16 April 2025. Register here!
- Items with P31 (instance of) = human settlement without a country has dropped from 7600 to below 4600 Items. You can help to get it even lower.
- Wikidata & OpenStreetMap Datathon & Mapathon as part of International Open Data Day 2025 from 1st - 15th March 2025 by WikiProject India (Q11037573).
- Past events: Data Reuse Days 2025: you can watch the sessions that you missed at your own pace.
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- UK universities educate the most national leaders globally, analysis (based on Wikidata) shows. By The Guardian
- Two Wikimedians-in-Residence appointed to increase Maltese literature representation on Wikipedia and Wikidata Times of Malta
- Videos
- (French) PasseGares: Bug fixes and data imports from Wikidata YouTube
- Adding Wikidata label and descriptions, from the Wali Language Art+Feminism Editathon (Ghana 2025) YouTube
- Workshop showcasing QuickStatements 3.0! Learn how this updated tool streamlines your workflow and discover new features. YouTube
- Contributing to Wikidata 101, a series of demonstrations organised by WM Community UG Uganda Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
- Optimize SPARQL queries to avoid timeouts: Efficiently count entities sharing values YouTube
- Data Reuse Days playlist and live-editing session with User:Ainali and User:Abbe98 YouTube
- LUDAP: Shared authority file for Luxembourg's Scientific and Cultural Heritage, with Wikibase YouTube
Tool of the week
- QuickStatements 3.0 - new version of the original QuickStatements with enhanced functionality, performance, and user experience.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- On March 17, Vector 2022 will become the default skin on Wikidata
- Jobs
- Senior UX Designer for Wikidata - Apply online
- Product Manager for Wikibase Suite - Apply online
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest General datatypes:
- thesis submitted for degree (the academic degree for which a thesis or dissertation is submitted)
- Newest External identifiers: Korean National Species list ID, NES Directory game ID, Miraheze wiki ID, Global Energy Monitor Wiki ID, FU-Lexikon ID, MACM artwork ID, Hiking Note chalet identifier, domain name, TechRaptor game ID, TechRaptor company ID, TechRaptor genre ID, Sanzhi Dargwa dictionary ID
- New General datatypes property proposals to review:
- copy present in institution (copy present in institution)
- single extrait de l'album (indicates the album from which the item is taken)
- New External identifier property proposals to review: HelloAsso organization ID, europlayers.com club ID, eLIBRARY Document Number, LIBRIS Library ID, parlament.fyi person ID, Embryo Project Encyclopedia ID, factordb id, Yukon Register of Historic Places ID, Our Campaigns container ID, Encyclopaedia of Islam (glossary and index of terms) ID, badmintoncn.com star ID, Game Input Database ID, Historia Hispánica ID, Coasterpedia ID, Captain Coaster coaster ID, Captain Coaster park ID, Dark Ride Database IDs
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Climate Change Policies - aims to model policies related to Climate change on Wikidata.
- Newest database reports: Most linked category Items
- Showcase Items: Basshunter (Q383541) - Swedish singer, record producer, and DJ
- Showcase Lexemes: baguette (L7347) - French noun that can mean "elongated type of bread loaf", "elongated type of bread loaf", "conductor's baton", "chopsticks", "drum sticks" or "magic wand".
- Wikibase REST API: We are continuing the work on the simple Item search (phab:T383126)
- Dumps: We fixed an issue that prevented the dumps from being generated (phab:T386401)
- Search: We are continuing to work on the search UI that will let you search not just Items but also other entity types (phab:T321543)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Australia
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
近況更新 - 面向編輯者
- 所有已登入編輯者現在皆可在手機版網站編輯整個頁面。在工具列上的「更多」選單中點擊「编辑整页」即可。先前編輯者須啟用高级模式才能使用這項功能。 [7]
- 請介面管理員協助移除本地
MediaWiki:Common.css中帶有「 mw-ref
」的已棄用Cite CSS碼。此全域搜尋列出了需清理的維基站點以及需移除的代碼,另可參考此範例。參閱CSS遷移项目頁面進一步了解如何提供協助。Cite腳註標記(「[1]
」)目前應維持不變。這項清理作業應不會給讀者帶來明顯變化。請在3月20日前協助移除這些代碼,若未及時處理,之後將由開發團隊代為移除。 - 現在,若在受連鎖保護的頁面加入文件(例如
),對描述頁面的編輯將受連鎖保護限制。 [8][9] - 編輯者若想要將文件還原至較早版本,現在需要與上傳文件新版本相同的權限。系統現在會檢查「覆盖现存文件
」權限,並遵守連鎖保護。 [10][11] - 現在,管理員在使用Special:大量删除工具列出待刪除頁面時,可以選擇同時列出相關的討論頁和重定向頁面,而無需事後再手動處理。 [12]
- 前幾期提到單一用户登录(SUL)系統為配合瀏覽器對跨網域Cookie的限制,登入和帳號建立頁面將移至中央網域——這項更新將於3、4月向所有用户推出。團隊計劃於本週為Group0站點上的所有新帳號建立流程應用這項更新。參閱SUL3项目頁面了解最新時間表和更多細節。
- 自上週以來,部分介面圖示在頁面尚未加载完全時,錯誤顯示為黑色方塊(深色模式中則為白色)。本週將修正此問題。 [13]
- 已新建一個維基: 錫爾赫特語维基百科 (
) [14] - 上週有23件社群提交的工單得到解決。 例如,之前老舊版本的手機版Firefox瀏覽器無法正常加载圖片,現已修正此問題。 [15]
近況更新 - 面向技術貢獻者
- 本週稍晚代码更新細節: MediaWiki
Growth Newsletter #33
A quarterly update from the Growth team on our work to improve the new editor experience.
This year, the Growth team is exploring ways to help more new account holders start editing—and do so constructively, meaning their edits are not reverted. Our latest experiments include:
- Gradual rollout of "Add a Link" at English Wikipedia – We are gradually introducing the "Add a Link" structured task to newcomers at English Wikipedia (T386029). This serves as a natural A/B test to measure its impact on activation, retention, and revert rates (T382603). Previous experiments on pilot wikis showed that "Add a Link" increases newcomer participation, particularly by helping them make constructive (non-reverted) edits.
- Testing in-article suggestions for first-time editors – Many new account holders want to contribute but don’t know where to start. To help, we’re piloting a feature that surfaces structured task suggestions directly in an article’s read view for brand-new editors (T385343). These suggestions will appear for logged-in users with no edits, providing a clear, simple way to begin contributing that is surfaced while they read.
Newcomers often struggle to find their place in Wikipedia’s collaborative environment. While experienced editors easily discover events like edit-a-thons and writing campaigns, newcomers often miss out.
- To bridge this gap, we launched the Community Updates module for the Newcomer Homepage. This module is disabled by default, allowing Community Admins to decide how (or if) to use it.
- If your community hosts events, consider setting up a Community Update to engage and welcome newcomers! Learn more on Diff. To configure, visit Special:CommunityConfiguration.
Community Configuration is now available across all wikis, including non-Wikipedia projects (T383910). Community Configuration allows admins to customize various features like Growth features and Automoderator for their communities, and more recently the Babel extension now allows admins to modify configuration:
- Babel customization – Admins can now configure Babel settings (T374348), including category naming, automatic category creation, and more. See an example on Wikimedia Commons.
- Upcoming configurable features – Projects exploring community configuration options include: Incident Reporting System (T374113) and Cite backlinks (T378807).
Mentors play a key role in guiding new editors. If you’re interested in mentoring, or turning mentorship on at your wiki, check out the Mentorship FAQ
- Starting February 17, 100% of new accounts at English Wikipedia will be assigned a mentor (T384505).
- At Spanish Wikipedia, on 50% of newcomers get a mentor. Experienced contributors are encouraged to join mentorship so that Spanish Wikipedia can provide a mentor to all new users.
Looking Ahead
In the coming months, we will continue balancing maintenance work—such as deprecating EditGrowth Config (T367574) and migrating Statslib (T359352) — with user-facing improvements that support new editors and foster the next generation of contributors.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2025年3月4日 (二) 19:00 (UTC)