
空鼻症候群,简称空鼻症,(英语:Empty Nose Syndrome,缩写:ENS),在耳鼻喉科学中指的是通过鼻甲切除术英语Turbinate reduction surgery过度切除鼻甲英语turbinate(通常为下鼻甲)后所造成的鼻腔异常及一系列并发症。







  1. 慢性鼻腔干燥。这一般会导致慢性粘膜炎症及疼痛。慢性发炎可以引致部分粘膜萎缩,有些研究因此称其为“继发性萎缩性发鼻炎”。[5][6][7][8][9]至少一项大型研究指出,萎缩性鼻炎的症状平均需要7.1年后才会出现。研究还建议医生注意早期症状,并对病患者处方每日自行冲洗和润湿鼻腔。[10]
  2. 矛盾性鼻阻。患者会感到鼻塞,而由于失去鼻粘膜来回馈气流的感觉,这还会伴随持续且经常出现的窒息感。产生这一感觉的三叉神经的萎缩、粘膜的干涸和化生以及鼻甲切除术后的异常气流运动都可能导致这种症状。中枢神经系统接收不到持续的呼吸感觉,就会产生窒息、呼吸困难的感觉。[11][12][13]














Eugene Kern博士首次使用“空鼻症候群”这一名词。他认为,缺乏了鼻甲的保护,剩余的鼻粘膜会暴露在未经过滤、未经调节的空气,从而随时间持续消耗和损坏,空鼻症的症状也会因此逐渐恶化。他表示,当鼻甲组织少于某个临界点后,鼻粘膜就无法从每时每刻的消耗中再生。一项在美国进行的试验在几年的时间内观测了242位进行了各种鼻甲切除术的病人,他们在手术后产生了萎缩性鼻炎。在用电脑断层和直接观察这些病人的异常鼻腔结构后,科学家将这种情况命名为“空鼻症候群”。研究强调病症大大降低了病人的生活质量,而且病情有随时间恶化的趋势。[10]这一研究符合19世纪末医学界采纳鼻甲切除术以来空鼻症患者群体的结论。然而一些长期研究却没有发现长期的负面影响。目前争议仍在持续,但医学界倾向于在进行切除术时尽量保留鼻甲组织。[22]






  • 用复方薄荷脑滴鼻液或者替代物保持鼻腔的水分,能缓解一定程度的干燥。
  • 生理盐水进行鼻冲洗
  • 睡眠时使用加湿器
  • 可适当服用维生素B2
  • 多喝水。
  • 如果有臭鼻症(萎缩性鼻炎)的情况,则在进行鼻冲洗时加入80毫克庆大霉素
  • 许多空鼻症患者(约50%)会感到疼痛或忧郁,可服用相应的药物。
  • 避免剧烈运动,通过一些舒缓的锻炼来保持整体生理健康,避免身体继续衰竭,进一步恶化。


Surgical treatment involves narrowing back the over enlarged nasal cavity—either by bulking up the partially resected turbinates with biological implant material (in cases where at least 50% of the inferior turbinate remain from anterior to posterior) or by creating neo-turbinates through submucosal implantation between the submucosa and bone in key locations in the nasal cavity. Of course, in some cases a combined approach is the best choice. The main difficulty with implant surgery is to achieve a long lasting bulk that will not get absorbed over time. Sometimes a procedure has to be repeated several times to get a sustainable result. The most physiological location for an implant is the lateral wall of the nasal cavity, where the inferior turbinate used to project from. An easier location to implant is the septum, but it is less favorable as it is not the natural location of the turbinates and may over obstruct the airflow.

The underlying rationale of surgery is to restore the natural inner nasal geometrical contours of the nasal passages of air (the inferior, middle, and superior meatuses), as much as possible, to mitigate the airflow just enough to restore normal rates of inner nasal humidity and temperature that will allow the mucosa to recuperate and sense the airflow well enough. It is paramount to do so while trying to restore the normal aerodynamics of the airflow in the nose, otherwise nasal obstruction will occur.

Pre-surgical planning has a tremendous impact on the success of the procedure. The surgeon is advised to perform a cotton test prior to the implantation: the surgeon places saline soaked chunks of cotton wool at the pre-planned site of implantation to simulate the implant. By doing so, he restricts and normalizes the nasal airflow patterns. This restores nasal aerodynamics. By trying different locations in accordance to the patient's feedbacks regarding the quality of his breathing and other ENS symptoms, it is possible to pinpoint the exact placement for the implants and their estimated shape and size.

Turbinate tissue is unique and there are no potential donor sites in the body from which to harvest similar tissue. However, in the nose, form equals function. It is therefore possible to restore some function by restoring the natural contours and proportions of the nasal passages: It is possible to create an artificial look-alike structure of a turbinate in the nasal cavities, and thus to regain some of the nose's capabilities to adequately resist, streamline, heat, humidify, filter, and sense the airflow.[14]

Implant materials

Before and after implantation of the lateral wall with Alloderm to simulate the function of the missing inferior turbinate.

The bulking up of the sub-mucosa and mucosa to create a neo-turbinate structure can be achieved through implanting some supporting material between the bone/cartilage and also into the submucosal layer. Many materials have been tried over the past 100 years. In most cases this operation was used to restore heat and humidity to atrophic noses.

Generally speaking, the implant materials can be divided into 3 groups:

  • autografts: bone, cartilage, fat, etc. from one site to another in the same patient. The problems here are relative shortage of tissue, and long term studies have shown high absorption rates in the nose. A Chinese study reported long-term success using iliac bone autografts.[25]
  • foreign materials: such as fibrin glue, Teflon, Gore-Tex, and plastipore, which solve the problem of shortage of autografts, are easy to shape and do not tend to get absorbed. However they have a high extrusion rate, and sometimes cause infection. A case study of good retention of hydroxyapatite cement in one patient has been reported in 2000, but the follow-up was only 1 year long.[26]
  • allografts: In the last two decades scientists have been able to harvest and remove away genetic markers of some basic human tissues (like skin dermis) from donors, and thus supplying a human natural implant material which does not stimulate the immune system to reject it. A good example for such material is acellular dermis (brand named "Alloderm"). It does not get rejected and in most areas retains most of its volume over long periods.[14]

The ideal implant material, other than real original turbinate tissue should be something with low extrusion and rejection rates, minimal infection risk, and—very importantly—that will provide a strong and endurable enough structure and at the same time allow good permeability for blood vessel incorporation, which seems to be the key against long term absorption.



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  22. ^ Hol MKS. & Huizing EH. Treatment of inferior turbinate pathology: a review and critical evaluation of the different techniques. Rhinology, 38, 157-166, 2000.
  23. ^ Wang Y, Liu T, Qu Y, Dong Z, Yang Z. Empty Nose Synrome. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi. 2001 Jun;36(3):203-5. Chinese.
  24. ^ Rice DH. Rebuilding the inferior turbinate with hydroxyapatite cement. Ear Nose Throat J. 2000 Apr;79(4):276-7.
  25. ^ Wang Y, Liu T, Qu Y, et al. [Empty nose syndrome]. Zhonghua Er Bi Yan Hou Ke Za Zhi 2001;36(3):203–5 [Chinese].
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