《哈勒城的男人》(英语:Men of Harlech)是一首创作于1794年威尔斯人的民谣。大英国协军队中也有不少单位以其为“队歌”。不过在威尔斯与英军之外,把它推上世人印象的,是1964年由赛恩菲德导演的英国电影战血染征袍(Zulu)。
Verse 1 Men of Harlech, march to glory, Victory is hov'ring o'er ye, Bright-eyed freedom stands before ye, Hear ye not her call? At your sloth she seems to wonder; Rend the sluggish bonds asunder, Let the war-cry's deaf'ning thunder Every foe appall. Echoes loudly waking, Hill and valley shaking; 'Till the sound spreads wide around, The Saxon's courage breaking; Your foes on every side assailing, Forward press with heart unfailing, 'Till invaders learn with quailing, Cambria ne'er can yield! |
Verse 2 Thou, who noble Cambria wrongest, Know that freedom's cause is strongest, Freedom's courage lasts the longest, Ending but with death! Freedom countless hosts can scatter, Freedom stoutest mail can shatter, Freedom thickest walls can batter, Fate is in her breath. See, they now are flying! Dead are heap'd with dying! Over might hath triumph'd right, Our land to foes denying; Upon their soil we never sought them, Love of conquest hither brought them, But this lesson we have taught them, "Cambria ne'er can yield!" |
Verse 1 Men of Harlech stop your dreaming Can't you see their spear points gleaming See their warrior's pennants streaming To this battle field
It cannot be ever said ye For the battle were not ready Stand and never yield
Form the hills rebounding Let this war cry sounding Summon all at Cambria's call The mighty force surrounding
This shall ever be your story Keep these fighting words before ye Cambria will not yield 流行文化此民谣出现于1964年的英国电影战血染征袍(Zulu)。这部电影描述1879年1月,南非殖民地祖鲁战争中的罗克渡口战役(Battle of Rorke's Drift)。祖鲁族刚在伊散德尔瓦纳战役中(Battle of Isandlwana)痛宰英军,一千多名英军只有55人生还。祖鲁大军乘胜追击,以四千到五千人的绝对优势兵力,扑向洛克滩据点。英军人数虽然只有139人,但在查德(John Chard)与布伦海德(Gonville Bromhead)两名中尉指挥下坚守,历经两天一夜血战,祖鲁人决定撤退,离开时还向守军表达敬意。 在伊山德瓦那的全军覆没惨剧后,洛克滩的胜利让士气为之一振,也替大英帝国打回了面子。共有11名官兵获颁最高荣誉维多利亚十字勋章,创下英国史上空前(目前也是绝后)的纪录。 在电影中,当英军残兵退入最后据点,祖鲁人发动最后冲锋前,战士们排出阵式,敲打盾牌挥动长矛,同时发出慑人的示威啸声,要让守军丧胆。在双方完全不成比例的声势下,英军阵营中响起"Men of Harlech"的歌声。这幕“守军高唱战歌,迎击人海冲锋”画面,从此成为战争电影的经典。一直到近年的几部名片,导演都承认自己深受战血染征袍影响,因而安排类似的情节。包括彼德·积逊的魔戒二部曲:双城奇谋中的圣盔谷之战;以及列尼·史葛的帝国骄雄片中日耳曼蛮族开战之前的狂啸。[3] 参考来源
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