
弯曲造山带 (英语:Orocline)是指造山带形成后被弯曲的山脉。此词由 S. Warren Carey 于 1955 年提出,阐述各种造山带的复杂形状可由弯曲来解释Carey, S. Warren (1955)[1]。Carey 举出十几个弯曲造山带的例子。弯曲被回返后,结果与通过其他方式推断的大陆重建基本相同。这对后来的板块构造理论提供了强有力的支持。



弯曲造山带(oroclines)的形成原先归因于平行原造山带的压缩,但被阻扰在一个垂直轴,导致弯曲围绕。但这解说,因为岩石圈具有水平分层。与后期模拟研究不符。而板块边界的变迁更可能是形成的原因[2]。后期的 争论都集中在薄皮或厚皮构造系统之间的对比,以及弯曲发展与造山运动的同步性[3]。这些争论即可由古地磁分析来揭示。 它所根据的是弯曲造山带前后不同年龄的区域岩石方位。例如,伊朗的塔勒什(Talesh)弯曲造山带是在渐间因阿拉伯-欧亚大陆碰撞而弯曲,其中阿拉伯板块充当刚性支撑点[4].


  1. 玻利维亚弯曲造山带Bolivian Orocline是南美洲海岸和安第斯山脉约18° S. 的向海凹面弯曲。在此点安第斯山脉的方向从秘鲁的西北方向转向智利和阿根廷的向南方向[5] [6]。 山脊以北和以南的安第斯段分别逆时针和顺时针旋转了 15° 到 20° [7][8]
  2. Maipo 弯曲造山带 或 Maipo 过渡带是位于安第斯山脉 30° S 和 38°S 之间的一个弯曲造山带,在 33° S [9]
  3. Arauco 弯曲造山带位于智利中南部37° S [10]
  4. 芬兰和瑞典 Svecofennian 域的波的尼亚山坡[11]
  5. Inari弯曲造山带,位于芬兰、挪威和俄罗斯的拉普兰花岗岩带[12]
  6. Cantabrian弯曲造山带,西班牙[13][14].
  7. Lachlan弯曲造山带,澳大利亚东部 [15]
  8. 中国大巴山弯曲造山带[16].


  1. ^ "The Orocline Concept in Geotectonics, Part I" (PDF), Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, 89: 255–288
  2. ^ Troy Smith, Gideon Rosenbaum, Lutz Gross (2021) Formation of oroclines by buckling continental ribbons: Fact or fiction?,Tectonophysics,Volume 814,2021,228950,ISSN 0040-1951,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2021.228950. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040195121002328)
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  4. ^ M. Rezaeian, C.B. Kuijper, A. van der Boon, D. Pastor-Galán, L.J. Cotton, C.G. Langereis, W. Krijgsman (2020) Post-Eocene coupled oroclines in the Talesh (NW Iran): Paleomagnetic constraints,Tectonophysics,Volume 786,2020,ISSN 0040-1951,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228459. (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0040195120301426)
  5. ^ Isacks, Bryan L. (1988), "Uplift of the Central Andean Plateau and Bending of the Bolivian Orocline" (PDF), Journal of Geophysical Research, 93 (B4): 3211–3231, doi:10.1029/jb093ib04p03211
  6. ^ Kley, J. (1999), "Geologic and geometric constraints on a kinematic model of the Bolivian orocline", Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 12 (2): 221–235, doi:10.1016/s0895-9811(99)00015-2
  7. ^ Beck, Myrl E. (1987), "Tectonic rotations on the leading edge of South America: The Bolivian orocline revisited", Geology, 15 (9): 806–808, doi:10.1130/0091-7613(1987)15<806:trotle>2.0.co;2
  8. ^ Prezzi, Claudia B.; Vilas, Juan F. (1998). "New evidence of clockwise vertical axis rotations south of the Arica elbow (Argentine Puna)". Tectonophysics. 292 (1–2): 85–100. doi:10.1016/s0040-1951(98)00058-4.
  9. ^ Arriagada, César; Ferrando, Rodolfo; Córdova, Loreto; Morata, Diego; Roperch, Pierrick (2013), "The Maipo Orocline: A first scale structural feature in the Miocene to Recent geodynamic evolution in the central Chilean Andes" (PDF), Andean Geology, 40 (3): 419–437
  10. ^ Jara-Muñoz, Julius; Melnick, Daniel; Dominik, Brill; Strecker, Manfred R. (2015), "Segmentation of the 2010 Maule earthquake rupture from a joint analysis of uplifted marine terraces and seismic cycle deformation", Quaternary Science Reviews, 113: 171–192, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.01.005的一个微妙的山脊。它标志著安第斯山脉的一个向海凸出的弯道
  11. ^ Lahtinen, R.; Sayab, M.; Johnston, S.T. (2016). "Inari orocline – progressive or secondary orocline". Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki Report S-65. Lithosphere 2016 Ninth Symposium on the structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere in Fennosscandia. pp. 69–74.
  12. ^ Lahtinen, R.; Sayab, M.; Johnston, S.T. (2016). "Inari orocline – progressive or secondary orocline". Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki Report S-65. Lithosphere 2016 Ninth Symposium on the structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere in Fennosscandia. pp. 69–74.
  13. ^ Gutiérrez-Alonso, G.; Johnston, S.T.; Weil, A.B.; Pastor-Galán, D.; Fernández-Suárez, J. (2012)
  14. ^ "Buckling an orogen: The Cantabrian Orocline" (PDF). GSA Today. 22 (7): 4–9. oi:10.1130/GSATG141A.1
  15. ^ Cayley, R. (2014). "The Lachlan Orocline of Eastern Australia. Giant folds, the geodynamic processes that can form them, and how these new understandings have potential to revolutionise the resource prospectivity game in Eastern Australia". New Perspectives Workshop, September 2014. Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Retrieved 4 March 2018
  16. ^ Chengxin Jiang; Yingjie Yang; Yong Zheng (2016). "Crustal structure in the junction of Qinling Orogen, Yangtze Craton and Tibetan Plateau: implications for the formation of the Dabashan Orocline and the growth of Tibetan Plateau". Geophysical Journal International. 205 (3): 1670–1681. doi:10.1093/gji/ggw096