
碲化镉锌 (英语:Cadmium zinc telluride)(CdZnTe)或CZT的化合物,或者更严格地说,是碲化镉碲化锌的合金。 它是一种直接带隙半导体,可用于多种应用,包括半导体探测器英语Semiconductor detector、光折变光栅、电光调制器英语Electro-optic modulator、太阳能电池以及太赫兹产生和检测。 带隙约为 1.4 至 2.2 eV,具体取决于成分[1]


基于1 cm3 碲化镉锌(CZT)晶体的 YanDavos 辐射传感器系统,部署在波士顿动力Spot四足机器人上,用于切尔诺贝利隔离区的辐射测绘.
A Cs-137 gamma-ray spectrum collected using an M400 pixelated CZT imaging spectrometer. Energy resolution, as measured by full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM), is better than 1%.

使用碲化镉锌 (CZT) 的辐射探测器可以在室温下以直接转换(或光电导)模式运行,这与一些需要冷却的其他材料(特别是)不同。 它们的相对优势包括由于镉和碲的高原子序数而对X射线伽马射线具有高灵敏度,以及比闪烁体探测器更好的能量分辨率[2]。碲化镉锌可以形成不同的形状,以适应不同的辐射检测应用,并且已经开发了各种电极几何形状,例如共面网格[3] 和小像素探测器[4],以提供单极(仅电子)操作,从而提高能量分辨率。 1 cm3 CZT 晶体的灵敏度范围为 30 keV 至 3 MeV,在 662 keV 时具有 2.5% FWHM 能量分辨率[5]



  1. ^ Capper, Peter. Properties of Narrow Gap Cadmium-based Compounds. INSPEC. 1994: 618. ISBN 0-85296-880-9. 
  2. ^ Wilson, Matthew David; Cernik, Robert; Chen, Henry; Hansson, Conny; Iniewski, Kris; Jones, Lawrence L.; Seller, Paul; Veale, Matthew C. Small pixel CZT detector for hard X-ray spectroscopy. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. 2011, 652 (1): 158–161. Bibcode:2011NIMPA.652..158W. doi:10.1016/j.nima.2011.01.144. 
  3. ^ Luke, P.N. Unipolar charge sensing with coplanar electrodes -- application to semiconductor detectors. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. 1995, 42 (4): 207–213 [2023-08-24]. Bibcode:1995ITNS...42..207L. S2CID 64754800. doi:10.1109/23.467848. (原始内容存档于2023-05-24). 
  4. ^ Seller, P.; Bell, S.; Cernik, R. J.; Christodoulou, C.; Egan, C. K.; Gaskin, J. A.; Jacques, S.; Pani, S.; Ramsey, B. D.; Reid, C.; Sellin, P. J.; Scuffham, J. W.; Speller, R. D.; Wilson, M. D.; Veale, M. C. Pixellated Cd(Zn)Te high-energy X-ray instrument. Journal of Instrumentation. 2011, 6 (12): C12009. Bibcode:2011JInst...6C2009S. PMC 3378031 . PMID 22737179. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/6/12/C12009. 
  5. ^ Verbelen, Yannick; Martin, Peter G.; Ahmad, Kamran; Kaluvan, Suresh; Scott, Thomas B. Miniaturised Low-Cost Gamma Scanning Platform for Contamination Identification, Localisation and Characterisation: A New Instrument in the Decommissioning Toolkit. Sensors. 2021, 21 (8): 2884. Bibcode:2021Senso..21.2884V. PMC 8074328 . PMID 33924123. doi:10.3390/s21082884 . 
