
Minke whale penises

The 冰岛阴茎博物馆冰岛语Hið Íslenzka Reðasafn)位于冰岛的首都雷克雅维克市,是世界上收藏最多阴茎的博物馆,而且是世界上唯一专门收藏阴茎的博物馆。

The Icelandic Phallological Museum's sign

博物馆是1997年由历史学家哈特森(Sigurður Hjartarson,1941年生)创办的。哈特森自从1974年得到一件公牛阴茎以后开始收集各种动物的阴茎。退休以后哈特森在雷克雅维克附近的渔村 Húsavík 建立博物馆。2012年博物馆搬到雷克雅维克市内。馆长现在是哈特森的儿子 Hjörtur Gísli Sigurðsson。[1]

博物馆总共收藏280件阴茎,来自93种动物(大部分是住在冰岛上和冰岛周围海里的哺乳动物),包括鲸鱼的阴茎55件、海豹鳍足类动物的阴茎36件、陆生动物的阴茎118件。据说还藏有神话中洞穴巨人精灵的阴茎。2011年7月收藏第一件人的阴茎,是一位95岁冰岛人艾拉森(Pall Arason)的阴茎,但保存情况不良,所以哈特森希望将来会有人赠给“一个更年轻更大更好的阴茎”。[1]2014,一名美国男子法尔康(Jonah Falcon)愿意死后捐出其勃起时达34厘米的阴茎予博物馆。[2]另外馆内还收藏有在2008年夏季奥林匹克运动会手球比赛中获得银牌的冰岛男子手球队的一组阴茎铜像。


Icelandic Phallological Museum, in Reykjavík, Iceland, houses the world's largest display of penises and penile parts. The collection of 280 specimens from 93 species includes samples from whales (pictured), seals and land mammals. Exhibits are preserved in formaldehyde and displayed in jars or are dried and hung or mounted on the museum's walls and in display cases. The largest item on display once belonged to a blue whale; the smallest, from a hamster, can only be seen with a magnifying glass. The museum claims that it has specimens from elves英语Huldufólk and trolls that cannot be seen at all since, according to Icelandic folklore英语Scandinavian folklore, these creatures are invisible. In July 2011, the museum obtained its first human specimen, but the preservation process did not go according to plan and the museum hopes to acquire a "younger and a bigger and better" example. Founded in 1997 by a retired teacher, it attracts thousands of visitors a year—the majority of them women—and has received international media attention. According to its mission statement, the museum aims to enable "individuals to undertake serious study into the field of phallology in an organized, scientific fashion".

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 At Iceland's Phallological Museum, size is everything. Agence France-Presse. 2011年7月21日. 
  2. ^ 美男“那话儿”人类最长 34公分巨雕愿死后捐给博物馆