
讓-加斯帕爾-菲利克斯·拉謝·拉維松-莫利安(法語:Jean-Gaspard-Félix Laché Ravaisson-Mollien法語:[ʁavɛsɔ̃ mɔljɛ̃];1813年10月23日—1900年5月18日),法國哲學家。後人評價他「或許是19世紀下半葉法國最有影響力的哲學家」。[1] 他的原名是菲利克斯·拉維松,這也是他最廣為人知的名字。[2]

那慕爾, 法國
逝世1900年5月18日 (1900-05-19)(86歲)
巴黎, 法國
教育程度Collège Rollin
法語批判 折衷主義

他的「開創性的」「關鍵」著作是《論習慣》(De l』habitude,1838),英譯本題為Of Habit。[3][4][5]拉維松的哲學屬於法國屬靈主義[6]傳統,該傳統始於曼恩·德·比朗(1766-1824)的文章《習慣對思想能力的影響》(The Influence of Habit on the Faculty of Thinking, 1802)。不過,拉維松把他的學說發展成了他所謂的「屬靈主義的現實主義」(spiritualist realism)以及「屬靈主義的實證主義」(spiritualist positivism)。

根據研究拉維松的學者馬克·辛克萊(Mark Sinclair)的說法,可以認為,拉維松創立了「偶然性學派」。[7]

拉維松學說最著名、影響力最大的繼承者是亨利·柏格森,後者可以說是將此哲學傳統延續到了20世紀30年代,[8]儘管也可以認為「人生哲學」的這宗「血脈」於20世紀後期在吉爾·德勒茲那裡有所回歸。[9] 拉維鬆快三十歲時拒絕了雷恩大學的職位,此後也不曾在法國國立大學系統工作。[10] 在1838年,他受僱擔任公共建設部的首席私人秘書,而後穩步走上高位,比如圖書館監察長,然後在盧浮宮當古典文物策展人。[11]




在哲學上,他是維克多·庫贊(Victor Cousin)的學派中的一員,在許多重要問題上都與他有過爭論。在他看來,意識行為是所有知識的基礎。意識的行動是意志的表現,而意志是智力生活的動力和創造力。上帝的理念是心靈的各種能力(faculties)在其對自然之中以及人之中的和諧的觀察中所給出的累積起來的直覺。在19世紀後期,這種理論對法國的思辨哲學相當有影響。



  • 《關於亞里士多德形而上學的隨筆》Essai sur la métaphysique d'Aristote 兩卷(1837 年和1846年);
  • 《論習慣》(DE L'habitudeOn Habit,1838);
  • 《關於19世紀法國哲學的報告》(Rapport sur la philosophie en France au XIXeme siècle,1867)。 [13] [14]


  • 《當代哲學》(「La Philosophie contemporaine」,「Contemporary Philosophy」,1840 年);
  • 《帕斯卡爾的哲學》(「La Philosophie de Pascale」,「Pascal's Philosophy」,1887 年);
  • 《形而上學與道德》(「Métaphysique et Morale」,「Metaphysics and Morals」,1893 年)。 [15]

他去世後,還「留下了一部重要遺作的片斷,死後得以出版」,先是以《哲學遺囑》(「Testament philosophique」)為題發表於《形而上學與道德評論》(Revue de métaphysique et de morale,「Philosophical Testament」,1901年),後來以擴充過的形式出版為《哲學遺囑》(Testament philosophiquePhilosophical Testament,1933 年)。 [15] [16]

年份 標題 初版詳情 英文標題 英文版出版詳情
1834 De la Métaphysique d』Aristote Unpublished competition manuscript.[a]

Selections in De la nature à l』esprit, 2001.[b]
1837 Essai sur la Métaphysique d』Aristote [Vol. 1][c] Paris: Imprimerie Royale, 1837.[d]
1838 De l』habitude Sorbonne doctoral thesis (primary).[e]

Paris: H. Fournier, 1838.[f]
Of Habit (1) Trans. C Carlisle & M Sinclair:[g] Of Habit, London & New York: Continuum, 2008.[h]

(2) Updated trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 31–58.[i]
1838 Speusippi de Primis Rerum Principiis Placita Qualia Fuisse Videantur ex Aristotele Sorbonne doctoral thesis (secondary) [In Latin].[j]

Translated into French in 2012.[k]
1840 "La Philosophie contemporaine: Fragments de philosophie par M. Hamilton" in La Revue des deux mondes, 1840, pp.397–427. "Contemporary Philosophy" Trans. J Dunham: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 59–84.[l]
1845 Essai sur la Métaphysique d』Aristote [Vol. 2][m] Paris: Joubert, 1845.
1854 De l』enseignement du dessin dans les lycées[n] Paris: Dupont, 1854. "The Art of Drawing According to Leonardo da Vinci"

[Part trans.][o]
Trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 145–58
1856 "Mémoire sur le Stoïcisme"[p] in Mémoires de l'Institut Impériale de France, Académie des Insciptions et Belle-Lettres, vol. XXI, 1857, pp. 1-94. "Essay on Stoicism" Trans. A Efal and M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 85-144.
1867 La Philosophie en France au XIXème siècle[q] Paris: Hachette, 1867.
1871 Venus de Milo [Version 1][r] Paris: Hachette, 1871.[s]
1875 Les classiques de l'art: modèles pour l'enseignemnet du dessin Paris: Rapilly, 1875[t]
1880 "Les monuments funéraires des Grecs"[u] in Revue politique et littéraire. Revue blue, 10 April 1880, vol. XVIII, pp. 963-70. "Greek Funerary Monuments" Trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 229-242.
1882 "L'enseignement du dessin d'après M. F. Ravaisson" in Dictionnaire de pedagogie et d'instruction primaire Vol. 1, 1882; Paris: Hachette, pp. 671-84.[v] "On the Teaching of Drawing"[w] Trans. T Viola and M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 159-188.
1887 "La Philosophie de Pascale" in La Revue des deux mondes 80, 1887, pp. 399–428. "Pascal’s Philosophy"[x] Trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 253–78.
1892 "Les mystères. Fragment d'une étude sur l'histoire des religions" in Revue politique et littéraire. Revue blue, 19 March 1892, pp. 362-6. "Mysteries: Fragment of a Study of the History of Religion"[y] Trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 243-252.
1892 La Venus de Milo [Version 2][z] in Mémoires de l'Académie des Insciptions et Belle-Lettres, vol. XXXIV, Part 1, 1892, pp. 145-256.

also as off-prints by Klincksieck: Paris, 1892.
"Venus de Milo"

[Part trans.][aa]
Trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 189-228.
1893 "Métaphysique et morale" in Revue de métaphysique et morale 1, 1893, 6–25.[bb] "Metaphysics and Morals" Trans. M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 279–94.
1901 "Testament philosophique" [Original][cc] Ed. Xavier Léon in Revue de métaphysique et de morale 9/1, 1901, pp. 1–31.
1933 Testament philosophique [Expanded][cc] Ed. Charles Devivaise. Paris: Boivin, 1933. "Philosophical Testament" Trans. J Dunham and M Sinclair: Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, 2016, pp. 295–336.

  • a ^ Sinclair in Being Inclined: 'In 1834' when 21 years of age, Ravaisson 'was the remarkably young laureate of a competition organized by the Académie des sciences morales et politiques on Aristotle's Metaphysics and its historical reception, with a dissertation - De la Métaphysique d』Aristote - that he would later publish in a revised and expanded form as Essai sur la Métaphysique d』Aristote [Volume 1] (1837).[17] See also Sinclair 'Introduction' in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[18]
  • b ^ Sinclair in Being Inclined: 'Long sections of' De la Métaphysique d』Aristote 'with the original pagination in the margins, are published in R. Belay and C. Marin, De la nature à l』esprit (Paris: ENS Editions, 2001), 201–13.'[19]
  • c ^ Revised and expanded version of Ravaisson's 1834 prize winning essay De la Métaphysique d』Aristote.[17]
  • d ^ See Sinclair in Being Inclined.[13]
  • e ^ See Sinclair in Being Inclined.[19]
  • f ^ See Sinclair's Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[20]
  • g ^ As well as translating the text, Carlisle and Sinclair also included two extensive supplements by way of an "Editors』 Introduction" and "Editors』 Commentary".[21] In addition, there is a long preface from Catherine Malabou titled "Addiction and Grace".
  • h ^ This publication is a bilingual edition of the text and presents both De l』habitude and the translation by Carlisle and Sinclair (Of Habit) on facing pages of the book. The French version is the Alcan edition of 1933.[22]
  • i ^ Sinclair writes that the translation has been modified since the original translation by Carlisle and himself a few years earlier in Félix Ravaisson Of Habit (London/New York: Continuum, 2008).[20]
  • j ^ See Sinclair in Being Inclined.[13]
  • k ^ Translated as La doctrine de Speusippe sur les premiers principes selon le témoignage d'Aristote in Cahiers Philosophiques (n°129, 2ème trimestre), 2012; pp. 68–96. Translation by Alain Petit, preceded by an introduction from Petit titled "Le symptôme Speusippe: le spectre de l』émanatisme dans la pensée métaphysique de Ravaisson" (2012).[23]
  • l ^ See also Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[24]
  • m ^ See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[25] Sinclair points out that this second volume developed (but did not repeat) work from his 1834 prize winning essay De la Métaphysique d』Aristote (1834) which had been revised and expanded in volume one (1837). Sinclair also mentions that a third and fourth volume were planned, but never came to fruition. In a footnote, however, Sinclair continues that Charles Devivaise 'published some of Ravaisson's work towards the third volume as Essai sur la Metaphysique d'Aristote: Fragments du Tome III (Paris: Vrin, 1953)'.[26]
  • n ^ This published text originally appeared as "Rapport addressé à M. le ministre de l』Instruction publique et des cultes" (28 December 1853).[20] See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[27]
  • o ^ This translation is of the first 'untitled' segment of the text.[20] In a footnote, Sinclair writes: 'For reasons of economy, I follow Dominique Janicaud in L'Art et les mystères grecs (Paris: L'Herne, 1985) in producing just the first section of the report, but I alter his title L'Art et le dessin d'après Léonard da Vinci.'[28]
  • p ^ Original version presented as a paper to the Académie des Insciptions et Belle-Lettres in 1849 then 1851; this version extended for publication. See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[29] Published in 1856 with a cover date of 1877.[20][30]
  • q ^ See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[31]
  • r ^ The first of two versions, the second reworked edition published in 1892. See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[32]
  • s ^ Publication details.[33]
  • t ^ Originally written in 1854, and not published for 20 years. See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[34] Sinclair also has a footnote with further details.[28]
  • u ^ See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[35]
  • v ^ This article was one of several that appeared under the heading "Dessin"; the volume was edited by Ferdinand Buisson.[20][36]
  • w ^ See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[27]
  • x ^ See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[37]
  • y ^ See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[38]
  • z ^ The second of two versions, the first edition was published in 1871, and was subsequently reworked in this much later publication. See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[32]
  • aa ^ The translation here is only part of the original article, the third and final section (pp. 188-256).[20]
  • bb ^ Specially commissioned lead essay for the first issue of the journal.[20] See Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[39]
  • cc ^ ^ Posthumous publications from notes:[16] see Sinclair's commentary in "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays.[40]



  1. ^ Sinclair (2019), p. 1
  2. ^ Sinclair (2016), p. 1
  3. ^ Carlisle (2010), p. 125
  4. ^ Sinclair (2016), p. 1
  5. ^ Grosz (2013), p. 219
  6. ^ 「屬靈主義」(Spiritualism,字面義:招魂術)和「唯靈論」(Spiritism,字面義:通靈術)涵義相近,區別是前者可能不相信輪迴。https://connect.springerpub.com/content/book/978-0-8261-9934-8/chapter/ch17頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館
  7. ^ Sinclair (2019), pp. 9-10
  8. ^ Sinclair (2019), p. 1
  9. ^ Grosz (2013), p. 219
  10. ^ Sinclair (2019), p. 7
  11. ^ Sinclair (2019), p. 8
  12. ^ Sinclair (2019), p. 9
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 Sinclair (2019), p. 6 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「SinclairBI-6」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  14. ^ Carlisle & Sinclair (2008), pp. 4-5
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Carlisle & Sinclair (2008), p. 5
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 "Sinclair (2016), p. vii
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 "Sinclair (2019), p. 7
  18. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 2-3
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 "Sinclair (2019), p. xi
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 20.4 20.5 20.6 20.7 "Sinclair (2016), p. vi
  21. ^ "Carlisle & Sinclair (2008), pp. 1-21; 78-114
  22. ^ "Carlisle & Sinclair (2008), p. 20
  23. ^ Ravaisson, la doctrine de Speusippe sur les premiers principes selon le témoignage d'Aristote. Cahiers Philosophiques. 2012 [2020-04-05]. (原始內容存檔於2022-06-22). 
  24. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 8-9
  25. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 3-4
  26. ^ "Sinclair (2016), p. 25
  27. ^ 27.0 27.1 "Sinclair (2016), pp. 11-12
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 "Sinclair (2016), p. 27
  29. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 10-11
  30. ^ "Sinclair (2016), p. 11
  31. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 13-15
  32. ^ 32.0 32.1 "Sinclair (2016), pp. 15-18
  33. ^ "Sinclair (2016), p. 28
  34. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 12-13
  35. ^ "Sinclair (2016), p. 18
  36. ^ "Sinclair (2016), p. 12
  37. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 19-20
  38. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 18-19
  39. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 20-21
  40. ^ "Sinclair (2016), pp. 21-22



  • Sinclair, Mark. Being Inclined: Félix Ravaisson’s Philosophy of Habit (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)


  • Carlisle, Clare. "Between Freedom and Necessity: Félix Ravaisson on Habit and the Moral Life", in Inquiry (43/2: 2010), pp. 123–45
  • Carlisle, Clare and Mark Sinclair. "Editors』 Introduction" and "Editors』 Commentary" in Félix Ravaisson Of Habit, translation, introduction, and commentary by Clare Carlisle and Mark Sinclair (London/New York: Continuum, 2008), pp. 1-21; 78-114
  • Grosz, Elizabeth. "Habit Today: Ravaisson, Bergson, Deleuze and Us", in Body and Society (19/2–3: 2013), pp. 217–39
  • Malabou, Catherine. "Addiction and Grace: Preface to Félix Ravaisson’s Of Habit" in Félix Ravaisson Of Habit, translation, introduction, and commentary by Clare Carlisle and Mark Sinclair (London/New York: Continuum, 2008), pp. vii-xx
  • Sinclair, Mark. "Introduction" in Félix Ravaisson: Selected Essays, edited by Mark Sinclair; translated by Jeremy Dunham, Adi Efal, Mark Sinclair, Tullio Viola (London: Bloomsbury, 2016), pp. 1-29