模板:Inactive bot/testcases
這是Template:Inactive bot及其沙盒的測試樣例。刷新本頁以更新內容。 如果這裡有許多複雜的模板的用例,可能會因為MediaWiki的技術限制而出錯。 您還可以用Special:展開模板來測試模板的使用效果。 您可以通過以下鏈接測試本模板在不同外觀下的效果: |
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因不活躍而取消機器人許可及權限的通知 / Notification of pending suspension of bot permissions due to inactivity
Inactive bot/testcases,您好。根據機械人方針,您的某項機器人任務已經沒有執行超過一年,已被提請撤銷機器人運作許可,若所有任務許可都被撤銷,機器人權限也會同時撤銷。如果您有合理理由以保留機器人許可並打算在近期重啟任務,請至此說明,機器人審核小組成員將會決定是否撤銷。如果已被撤銷許可及除權而希望恢復,歡迎再次申請。
Hello, Inactive bot/testcases. According the Bot Policy of Chinese Wikipedia, bot accounts that have had no edits for one year will be deauthorized. Prior to deauthorization, the bot will be nominated for review and a one-week notification will be issued. If you wish to have these permissions retained, please post to this page within a week. Re-application of the permissions is needed if you remain inactive for the notice period. Thank you for your past efforts. ~~~~
- zh
Inactive bot/testcases,您好。根據機械人方針,您的某項機器人任務已經沒有執行超過一年,已被提請撤銷機器人運作許可,若所有任務許可都被撤銷,機器人權限也會同時撤銷。如果您有合理理由以保留機器人許可並打算在近期重啟任務,請至此說明,機器人審核小組成員將會決定是否撤銷。如果已被撤銷許可及除權而希望恢復,歡迎再次申請。~~~~
- en
Notification of pending suspension of bot permissions due to inactivity
Hello, Inactive bot/testcases. According the Bot Policy of Chinese Wikipedia, bot accounts that have had no edits for one year will be deauthorized. Prior to deauthorization, the bot will be nominated for review and a one-week notification will be issued. If you wish to have these permissions retained, please post to this page within a week. Re-application of the permissions is needed if you remain inactive for the notice period. Thank you for your past efforts. ~~~~