聖母卒世童貞(希臘語:ἀειπάρθενος,羅馬化:Aeiparthenos,又譯聖母終身童貞)是認為耶穌的母親瑪利亞在耶穌誕生之前、誕生之時、誕生之後都保持童貞的神學觀點[2]。聖母終身童貞是天主教會關於聖母瑪利亞的四大教義之一[3]。在西方基督教中,部分路德宗、加爾文宗、聖公宗和少部分其他新教宗派的神學家也主張這一教義[4][5][6][7][8]。東正教會亦認可瑪利亞是終身童貞的[Notes 1][9]。現代新教宗派大多不認可該教義[10]。
一些對聖母卒世童貞的質疑基於在保祿書信、四福音書和《使徒行傳》都提到的耶穌的「兄弟」,《馬太福音》和《馬可福音》記載了他們的名字,《馬可福音》還記載耶穌有幾個姐妹,[14][44][Notes 2]厄丕法尼對《雅各福音書》的註釋解釋這些「兄弟」是若瑟與前妻的孩子[45],這一解釋至今仍被東正教會採用[46] 。熱羅尼莫則相信若瑟和瑪利亞一樣是終身童貞的[47],並認為這些「兄弟」是「小雅各和約西的母親馬利亞」的孩子(《馬可福音》第15章第40節參),他認為這個瑪利亞就是「革羅罷的妻子馬利亞」,是耶穌的母親的姊妹(《約翰福音》第19章第25節參)。這一解釋被西方教會廣為認可。一個現代的理論認為這些「兄弟」是「小雅各和約西的母親馬利亞」和革羅罷的孩子,但沒有將她視為耶穌的母親的姊妹,而教父赫格西普斯認為革羅罷是若瑟的兄弟[46]。
另一些質疑則基於《路加福音》第2章第7節參稱耶穌是瑪利亞「頭胎的兒子」[48],《馬太福音》第1章第25節參還有「只是沒有和他同房、等他生了兒子」的記載[49][Notes 3]赫爾維迪烏斯認為「頭胎的兒子」暗示了瑪利亞以後還有其他後代,而「等」(ἕως)一詞則暗示了耶穌出生後若瑟和瑪利亞有性關係的可能性。熱羅尼莫則回復稱即使是獨生子也可以被稱為「頭胎的兒子」,而「等」一詞並沒有赫爾維迪烏斯所稱的含義,他還用文字描繪了若瑟在瑪利亞生完孩子後立即與滿身是血、筋疲力盡的她發生性關係的場景,他認為這種令人厭惡的場面就是赫爾維迪烏斯的主張[26]。評論對赫爾維迪烏斯的這一回復褒貶不一[13]。
- ^ Hesemann 2016,第unpaginated頁.
- ^ Bromiley 1995,第269頁.
- ^ 3.0 3.1 Collinge 2012,第133頁.
- ^ THE SECOND HELVETIC CONFESSION. www.ccel.org. [2021-12-21]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-05).
- ^ Alexander, Joseph Addison. The Gospel According to Mark. C. Scribner. 1863 [2022-02-02]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-02) (英語).
- ^ The American Lutheran, Volume 49. American Lutheran Publicity Bureau. 1966: 16 (英語).
While the perpetual virginity of Mary is held as a pious opinion by many Lutheran confessors, it is not regarded as a binding teaching of the Scriptures.
- ^ The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, Volume 11. Encyclopaedia Britannica. 1983: 562. ISBN 978-0-85229-400-0 (英語).
Partly because of these biblical problems, the doctrine of the perpetual virginity of Mary has not been supported as unanimously as has the doctrine of the virginal conceptioon or title mother of God. It achieved dogmatic status, however, at the Council of Chalcedon in 451 and is therefore binding upon Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic believers; in addition, it is maintained by many Anglican, some Lutheran, and a few other Protestant theologians.
- ^ Losch 2008,第283頁.
- ^ 9.0 9.1 Fairbairn 2002,第100頁.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 Campbell 1996,第150頁.
- ^ 11.0 11.1 Lohse 1966,第200頁.
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Rahner 1975,第896頁.
- ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 Polcar 2016,第186頁.
- ^ 14.0 14.1 Maunder 2019,第28頁.
- ^ Parmentier 1999,第550頁.
- ^ Blomberg 2006,第387 fn.1頁.
- ^ Boisclair 2007,第1465頁.
- ^ Hurtado 2005,第448頁.
- ^ Bell 2012,第110頁.
- ^ George-Tvrtkovic 2018,第unpaginated頁.
- ^ Hunter 2008,第412頁.
- ^ Nathan 2018,第229頁.
- ^ Hunter 2008,第412-413頁.
- ^ Nathan 2018,第230頁.
- ^ Hunter 1999,第423-424頁.
- ^ 26.0 26.1 Polcar 2016,第185頁.
- ^ 27.0 27.1 Hunter 1993,第56-57頁.
- ^ Hunter 1993,第59頁.
- ^ Rosenberg 2018,第unpaginated頁.
- ^ Miller-McLemore 2002,第100-101頁.
- ^ Miller-McLemore 2002,第100頁.
- ^ Pelikan 1971,第339頁.
- ^ 33.0 33.1 Breed 1992,第237頁.
- ^ Gill 2004,第1254頁.
- ^ MacCulloch 2016,第51-52,64頁.
- ^ Campbell 1996,第47,150頁.
- ^ McGuckin 2010,第unpaginated頁.
- ^ Greene-McCreight 2005,第485頁.
- ^ Miravalle 2006,第56頁.
- ^ Dodds 2004,第94頁.
- ^ Miravalle 2006,第61-62頁.
- ^ Fahlbusch 1999,第404頁.
- ^ Miravalle 2006,第59頁.
- ^ Bauckham 2015,第6-8頁.
- ^ Nicklas 2011,第2100頁.
- ^ 46.0 46.1 Cross & Livingstone 2005,第238頁.
- ^ Kelly 1975,第106頁.
- ^ Pelikan 2014,第160頁.
- ^ Harrington 1991,第36 fn.25頁.
- ^ Brown 1978,第278-279頁.
- ^ Calkins 2008,第308-310頁.
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To this effect they testify, [saying,] that before Joseph had come together with Mary, while she therefore remained in virginity, she was found with child of the Holy Ghost; Matthew 1:18 and that the angel Gabriel said to her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon you, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow you; therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of you shall be called the Son of God; Luke 1:35 and that the angel said to Joseph in a dream, Now this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, Behold, a virgin shall be with child. Matthew 1:23
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And as the protoplast himself Adam, had his substance from untilled and as yet virgin soil (for God had not yet sent rain, and man had not tilled the ground Genesis 2:5), and was formed by the hand of God, that is, by the Word of God, for all things were made by Him, John 1:3 and the Lord took dust from the earth and formed man; so did He who is the Word, recapitulating Adam in Himself, rightly receive a birth, enabling Him to gather up Adam [into Himself], from Mary, who was as yet a virgin.
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