
大衛·烏西什金希伯來語דוד אוסישקין‎,英語:David Ussishkin,1935年)是以色列考古學家,出生於耶路撒冷。1966年開始,在特拉維夫大學考古系教書。2005年,以特拉維夫大學考古系教授的身份退休。烏西什金是以色列地區鐵器時代考古的著名專家。他曾在多個地點(包括Lachish,Jezreel和米吉多)指揮和協調重大挖掘工作。

在1968年至1971年,他在他的同事Gabriel Barkay的協助下,承擔了對Silwan村建造的耶路撒冷第一聖殿時期墓地Silwan墓地岩石切割墓的第一次完整調查。[1][2]



  • The conquest of Lachish by Sennacherib, Institute of Archaeology, 1982
  • Excavations at Tel Lachish, 1978-1983: Second preliminary report , Makhon le-arkheʾologyah Reprint series - Tel Aviv University, Institute of Archaeology), 1983
  • Studies In The Iron Age Pottery Of Israel: Typological, Archaeological And Chronological Aspects, with Orna Zimhoni, O. Zimhoni, and Lily Singer-Avitz, 1997
  • Megiddo Iii, Set: The 1992-1996 Season (Monograph Series of Sonia & Marco Nadler, Institute of Archaeology) with Israel Finkelstein and Baruch Halpern, 2000
  • The Renewed Archaeological Excavations at Lachish (1973-1994), Volumes I-V, 2005
  • Kefar-ha-Shiloah: °ir-ha-kevarim mi-tekufat ha-melukhah[來源請求]


  1. ^ "The Necropolis from the Time of the Kingdom of Judah at Silwan," Jerusalem, David Ussishkin, The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 33, No. 2 (May, 1970), pp. 33-46,
  2. ^ Chameleon Logo. Tau.ac.il. [27 November 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2012-11-19).