

戴維獎章(英語:Davy Medal)也叫戴維獎,是英國皇家學會設立的一個獎項,以表彰那些在任一化學分支下有卓越的、重要的新發現的人[1][2]。戴維獎章是以無機化學之父漢弗里·戴維的名字命名的,與獎章一同頒發的還有1000英鎊獎金。1877年,羅拔·威廉·本生古斯塔夫·基爾荷甫因對光譜分析有重要發現和研究而獲得第一枚獎章。與皇家學會設立的其他獎章(如休斯獎章)不同的是,戴維獎章每年頒發一次,而且從一開始就未間斷過。[1]


戴維獎章除了在第一屆頒給了兩個人外,在1882年也同時頒給了德米特里·伊凡諾域治·門捷列夫尤利烏茲·洛塔爾·邁耶爾(原子量的周期關係的發現),還有1883年馬塞蘭·貝特洛尤利烏茲·湯遜(熱化學)、1893年雅各斯·亨里克斯·范托夫約瑟夫·阿希勒·勒·拜爾(提出碳原子不對稱理論及其用於解釋旋光碳原子化合物的構造) 、1903年皮埃爾·居里瑪麗·居里(對的研究)、1968年約翰·康福思佐治·約瑟夫·波普雅克(共同闡明聚類異戊二烯和類固醇的生物合成路線)。[3][4]



年份 獲獎者 獲獎理由
1877年 羅拔·威廉·本生
"For their researches & discoveries in spectrum analysis"
1878年 路易·保羅·卡耶泰
"For their researches, conducted independently, but contemporaneously, on the condensation of the so-called permanent gases"
1879年 保羅·埃米爾·勒科克·德布瓦博德蘭 "For his discovery of gallium"
1880年 查理斯·弗里德爾 "For his researches on the organic compounds of silicon, and other investigations"
1881年 阿道夫·馮·拜爾 "For his synthesis of indigo"
1882年 德米特里·伊凡諾域治·門捷列夫
"For their discovery of the periodic relations of the atomic weights"
1883年 馬塞蘭·貝特洛
"For their researches in thermo-chemistry"
1884年 阿道夫·威廉·赫爾曼·科爾貝 "For his researches in the isomerism of alcohols"
1885年 讓·斯塔斯 "For his researches on the atomic weights"
1886年 尚-夏爾·加利薩·德慕禮尼亞 "For his researches on atomic weights"
1887年 約翰·亞歷山大·雷納·紐蘭茲 "For his discovery of the periodic law of the chemical elements"
1888年 威廉·克魯克斯爵士 "For his investigations on the behaviour of substances under the influences of the electric discharge in a high vacuum"
1889年 威廉·亨利·珀金爵士 "For his researches on magnetic rotation in relation to chemical constitution"
1890年 赫爾曼·埃米爾·費歇爾 "For his discoveries in organic chemistry and especially for his researches on the carbo-hydrates"
1891年 域陀·梅耶 "For his researches on the determination of vapour densities at high temperatures"
1892年 法蘭索瓦-慕禮·拉烏爾 "For his researches on the freezing points of solutions, and on the vapour pressures of solutions"
1893年 雅各斯·亨里克斯·范托夫
"In recognition of their introduction of the theory of asymmetric carbon, and its use in explaining the constitution of optically active carbon compounds"
1894年 佩爾·提奧多·克勒夫 "For his researches on the chemistry of the rare earths"
1895年 威廉·藍斯爵士 "For his share in the discovery of argon, and for his discoveries regarding gaseous constituents of terrestrial minerals"
1896年 亨利·莫瓦桑 "For the isolation of fluorine, and the use of the electric furnace in the preparation of refractory metals and their compounds"
1897年 約翰·賀爾·格萊斯頓 "For his numerous contributions to chemical science, and especially for his important work in the application of optical methods to chemistry"
1898年 約翰尼斯·威利森努斯 "For his contributions to organic chemistry especially in the domain of stereochemical isomerism"
1899年 愛華德·順克 "For his researches on madder, indigo, and chlorophyll"
1900年 威爾赫爾姆·克爾納 "For his brilliant investigations on the position theory of the aromatic compounds"
1901年 佐治·唐寧·利文 "For his contributions to spectroscopy"
1902年 斯凡特·奧古斯特·鴉蘭尼烏茲 "For the application of the theory of dissociation to the explanation of chemical change"
1903年 皮埃爾·居里
"For their researches on radium"
1904年 小威廉·珀金 "For his notable discoveries in organic chemistry"
1905年 阿爾貝特·拉登堡 "For his researches in organic chemistry, especially in connection with the synthesis of natural alkaloids"
1906年 威廉·魯道夫·菲蒂希 "For his investigations in chemistry especially his work on lactones and acids"
1907年 愛德華·莫立 "On the ground of his contributions to physics and chemistry, and especially for his determinations of the relative atomic weights of hydrogen & oxygen"
1908年 威廉·奧古斯都·提爾頓 "On the ground of his discoveries in chemistry, especially on the terpenes and on atomic heats"
1909年 占士·杜瓦 "On the ground of his researches at low temperatures"
1910年 狄奧多·威廉·李察茲 "On the ground of his researches on the detrmination of atomic weights"
1911年 亨利·愛德華·岩士唐 "On the ground of his researches in organic and general chemistry"
1912年 奧托·瓦拉赫 "On the ground of his researches on the chemistry of the essential oils, and the cyclo-olefines"
1913年 拉斐爾·梅爾多拉 "On the ground of work in synthetic chemistry"
1914年 威廉·積遜·蒲柏 "On the ground of his important contributions to structural & organic chemistry"
1915年 保羅·薩巴捷 "For his researches on contact action, and the application of finely divided metals as catalytic agents"
1916年 亨利·路易·勒夏特列 "On the ground of his eminence as a chemist"
1917年 阿爾賓·哈勒 "On the ground of his important researches in the domain of organic chemistry"
1918年 費德歷·基平 "On the ground of his studies in the camphor group and among the organic derivatives of nitrogen and silicon"
1919年 珀西·法拉第·法蘭克蘭 "On the ground of his distinguished work in chemistry, especially that on optical activity, and on fermentation"
1920年 查理斯·海科克 "On the ground of his work in physical chemistry and more especially on the composition & constitution of alloys"
1921年 菲臘·蓋耶 "For his researches in physical chemistry"
1922年 喬斯林·菲爾德·索普 "For his researches in synthetic organic chemistry"
1923年 夏拔·布里爾頓·貝克 "For his researches on the complete drying of gases and liquids"
1924年 亞瑟·佐治·珀金 "For his researches on the structure of natural colouring matters"
1925年 占士·歐文 "For his work on the constitution of the sugars"
1926年 占士·沃克 "For his work on the theory of ionisation"
1927年 亞瑟·阿摩司·諾伊斯 "For his work in physical chemistry, especially on the subject of electrolytic solutions"
1928年 費德歷·佐治·道南 "For his contributions to physical chemistry and particularly for his theory of membrane equilibrium"
1929年 吉爾伯特·路易斯 "For his contributions to classical thermodynamics and the theory of valency"
1930年 羅拔·魯賓遜 "For his work on the constitution and synthesis of natural products; also for his contributions to the theory of organic reactions"
1931年 亞瑟·拉普沃 "For his researches in organic chemistry, particularly those connected with tautomerism and the mechanism of organic reactions"
1932年 里夏德·維爾施泰特 "For his distinguished researches in organic chemistry"
1933年 威廉·霍布森·米爾斯 "For his researches in organic chemistry, and for his work on the synthesis and properties of the cyanine dyes, and more especially for his investigation of novel types of asymmetric molecules"
1934年 華特·諾曼·霍沃思 "For his researches on the molecular structure of carbohydrates"
1935年 阿瑟·哈登 "For his distinguished work in biochemistry and especially for his fundamental discoveries in the chemistry of alcoholic fermentation"
1936年 威廉·亞瑟·伯納 "For his pioneer work on contact catalysis and his researches on the mechanism of combustion of hydrocarbons and on the nature of flames and on gaseous explosions"
1937年 漢斯·費歇爾 "In recognition of his work on the chemistry of the porphyrins, particularly his determination of their detailed structure by degradation and his syntheses of porphyrins of biological importance"
1938年 佐治·巴傑 "In recognition of his distinguished researches on alkaloids and other natural products"
1939年 占士·威廉·麥克貝恩 "For having opened up the study of colloidal electrolytes, provided the elements of the guiding theory, and developed the subject"
1940年 哈羅德·尤里 "For his isolation of deuterium, the heavy hydrogen isotope, and for his work on this and other isotopes in following the detailed course of chemical reactions"
1941年 亨利·德賴斯代爾·戴金 "For his work as a pioneer in biochemical research and especially because of his fundamental contributions to the study of intermediate metabolism"
1942年 西里爾·欣謝爾活爵士 "In recognition of his distinguished work on the mechanism of chemical reactions"
1943年 伊恩·海爾布倫 "In recognition of his many notable contributions to organic chemistry, especially to the chemistry of natural products of physiological importance"
1944年 羅拔·羅伯遜 "In recognition of his researches on explosives, analytical methods, the internal structure of diamond, and infra-red absorption spectra"
1945年 羅渣·亞當斯 "In recognition of his extensive researches in the field of organic chemistry and of his recent work in the alkaloid field"
1946年 克里斯托夫·英果爾德 "In recognition of his distinguished work in applying physical methods to problems in organic chemistry"
1947年 萊納斯·鮑林 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the theory of valency and for theor application to systems of biological importance"
1948年 埃德蒙·赫斯特 "In recognition of his outstanding work in the determination of the structure of sugars, starches, plant gums and especially of vitamin C"
1949年 亞歷山大·羅伯圖斯·托德 "For his structural synthetic studies and achievements in organic and bio-chemistry, with special reference to vitamins B1 and E and the naturally occurring nucleosides"
1950年 約翰·施蒙森 "For his distinguished researches on the constitution of natural products, especially the plant hydro-carbons and their derivatives"
1951年 艾力·凱特利·里德爾 "For his distinguished contributions to the subject of surface chemistry"
1952年 亞歷山大·羅伯遜 "In recognition of his researches into the chemistry of natural products, particularly the wide range of glycosides, bitter principles and colouring matters containing heterocyclic oxygen atoms"
1953年 約翰·倫納德-瓊斯 "For his distinguished work on the applications of quantum mechanics to the theory of valency and to the analysis of the intimate structure of decimal compounds"
1954年 占士·威爾弗雷德·庫克 "For his distinguished fundamental investigations in organic chemistry"
1955年 哈利·渥克·梅爾維爾 "In recognition of his distinguished work in physical chemistry and in polymer reactions"
1956年 羅拔·道溫斯·霍沃思 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the chemistry of natural products particularly those containing heterocyclic systems"
1957年 嘉芙蓮·朗斯代爾英語Kathleen Lonsdale "In recognition of her distinguished studies in the structure and growth of crystals"
1958年 朗奴·佐治·雷伊福特·諾里什 "In recognition of his distinguished work in chemical kinetics, especially in photochemistry"
1959年 羅拔·伯恩斯·活沃德 "In recognition of his distinguished researches in organic chemistry and particularly for his contributions to the structure and synthesis of natural products"
1960年 約翰·蒙蒂思·羅伯遜 "In recognition of his distinguished pioneering work on the analysis of crystal structure, especially of organic compounds"
1961年 德里克·巴頓 "In recognition of his distinguished researches in organic chemistry, particularly on the structure and stereochemistry of natural products of the terpene and steroid series; and the analysis of the conformation of cyclic structures"
1962年 哈利·朱利葉斯·埃米勒斯 "In recognition of his distinguished researches in inorganic chemistry and the discovery and examination of a wide range of new compounds"
1963年 埃德蒙·約翰·鮑恩 "In recognition of his distinguished work on the elucidation of photochemical reactions, and for his study of fluorescence and phosphorescence in relation to the molecular processes concerned"
1964年 梅爾文·卡爾文 "In recognition of his pioneering work in chemistry and biology, particularly his elucidation of the photosynthetic pathway for the incorporation of carbon dioxide by plants"
1965年 哈羅德·沃里斯·湯遜 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to infra-red spectroscopy and its application to chemical problems"
1966年 尤爾特·瓊斯 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to synthetic organic chemistry and to the elucidation of the structures of natural products"
1967年 弗拉迪米爾·普雷洛格 "In recognition of his distinguished work in the development of stereochemical concepts and on the structure of alkaloids and antibiotics"
1968年 約翰·康福思
"In recognition of their distinguished joint work on the elucidation of the biosynthetic pathway to polyisoprenoids and steroids"
1969年 費德歷·丹頓 "In recognition of his distinguished work on the mechanisms of chemical reactions"
1970年 查理斯·庫爾森 "In recognition of his distinguished work in theoretical chemistry"
1971年 佐治·波特 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to our understanding of chemical reactions"
1972年 亞瑟·約翰·伯奇 "In recognition of his distinguished biosynthetic studies of organic natural products and his development of new reagents for reduction processes"
1973年 約翰·史超域·安達臣 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to chemistry especially on the structural investigation of imperfect surfaces and non-stoichiometric materials"
1974年 占士·拜迪雷 "In recognition of his distinguished researches on coenzyme A and studies of the constituents of bacterial cell walls"
1975年 狄奧多·慕禮斯·薩格登 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to physical chemistry including particularly the reactions occurring in flames"
1976年 雷克斯·李察茲 "In recognition of his outstanding contributions to nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and its application to chemical and biological problems"
1977年 亞倫·拉什頓·巴特斯比 "In recognition of his outstanding and internationally recognized contributions to biosynthesis – his meticulous and logical unravelling of the complex pathways by which alkaloids and porphyrins are elaborated in vivo"
1978年 亞厘畢·艾申莫瑟 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to modern synthetic organic chemistry, well illustrated by his impressive total synthesis of vitamin B12"
1979年 約瑟夫·查特 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to transition metal chemistry and the understanding of catalysis involving ligating molecules such as olefins or dinitrogen"
1980年 亞倫·活沃思·約翰遜 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the chemistry of natural products including vitamin B12 porphyrins, plant germination factors and insect hormones and pheromones"
1981年 拉爾夫·亞歷山大·拉斐爾 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to organic synthesis and in particular his ingenious applications of acetylenic intermediates"
1982年 米高·占士·史超域·杜瓦 "In recognition of his distinguished studies of the mechanisms of a wide range of chemical reactions based on semi-empirical wave mechanical calculations"
1983年 杜伊利奧·阿里戈尼 "In recognition of his distinguished creativity in the fields of biosynthesis and bioorganic stereochemistry"
1984年 山姆·愛德華茲 "In recognition of his distinguished contributions to the theoretical basis of thermodynamic aspects of polymer chemistry"
1985年 積·路易斯 "For his outstanding work on the structure and reactivity of metal cluster compounds, including pioneering work on carbido and hydrido derivatives, and pi-donor organic molecules"
1986年 亞歷山大·佐治·安格斯通 "In recognition of his early seminal proposal of the ways enzymes deal asymmetrically with symmetrical substrates and his later quantitative analysis of macromolecule interactions which elucidated polymer exclusion effects" [114]
1987年 艾力·謝菲斯 "In recognition of his contributions to the chemistry of human DNA — in particular the discovery and exploitation of hypervariable satellites in the human genome" [115]
1988年 約翰·波普 "In recognition of his wide-ranging contributions to theoretical chemistry, especially his development and application of techniques for the computation of molecular wave-functions and properties" [116]
1989年 法蘭西斯·哥頓·亞厘畢·斯通 "In recognition of his many distinguished contributions to organometallic chemistry, including the discovery that species containing carbon-metal of metal-metal multiple bonds are versatile reagents for synthesis of cluster compounds with bonds between different transition elements" [117]
1990年 基斯·厄舍活·英戈爾德 "For pioneering the quantitative study of free radical reactions in solution, in glasses and in living organisms, particularly using electron magnetic resonance" [118]
1991年 謝洛美·蘭德爾·諾爾斯 "In recognition of his contributions to mechanistic chemistry integrated with enzymology, particularly the application of chemical methods to solve fundamental biological problems of recognition and catalysis" [119]
1992年 亞倫·卡林頓 "Distinguished for the determination and characterization of the molecular spectra of transient species" [118]
1993年 積·寶雲 "Distinguished for his contributions to bio-organic chemistry, in particular to an understanding of the biosynthesis of beta-lactam antibodies" [120]
1994年 約翰·默瑞格·湯馬士 "For his pioneering studies of solid-state chemistry, and for the major advances he has made in the design of new materials for heterogeneous catalysis" [121]
1995年 馬爾甘·格林 "In recognition of his contribution to organometallic chemistry with particular application to catalytic reactions"
1996年 謝菲·威爾金森 "In recognition of his contribution to organotransition metal chemistry and the development of homogeneous catalysis and his work on hydroformylation" [122]
1997年 尚-慕禮·萊恩 "In recognition of his work on supramolecular chemistry, on self-assembling molecules and on chemical devices"
1998年 亞倫·費什特 "In recognition for his pioneering work on the analysis of proteins by combining the methods and ideas of physical-organic chemistry with those of protein engineering thus illuminating such processes as enzymatic catalysis, protein folding, protein-protein interactions and those macromolecule interactions in general that are dominated by the chemistry of the noncovalent bond" [123]
1999年 馬爾甘·哈羅德·奇肖姆 "In recognition of his leading work in inorganic chemistry, particularly his major impact on the chemistry of transition metals and his pioneering research on the unique triply metal-metal bonded dimolybdenum and ditungsten dialkylamides, alkoxides and alkyls, and for the use of these compounds in further important syntheses" [124]
2000年 史蒂文·域陀·萊伊 "In recognition of his invention of new synthetic methods applied to the synthesis of complex natural products including those from insects, micro-organisms and plants. Among his most outstanding successes have been the synthesis of avermectin B1a, tetronasin, the milbemycins and indanomycin as well as his important development of short, practical syntheses of oligosaccharides" [125]
2001年 阿拉斯泰爾·伊恩·史葛 "For his pioneering contributions to the understanding of biosynthetic pathways, and in particular for his work on vitamin B12. He is a world leader in his area and the impact of his discoveries are likely to have a significant effect on the way natural product chemistry progresses into the future"
2002年 尼爾·巴特利特 "For his research exploring the highest oxidation limits of the less oxidizable elements, primarily using elemental fluorine.原文如此 He has exposed the new chemistry of the noble gases and new procedures for attaining high oxidation state limits across the elements of the periodic table" [126]
2003年 羅渣·帕森斯 "For his distinguished career in electochemistry.原文如此 He developed the method of preparing, for the first time, clean and well-defined metal surfaces and putting them into contact with the electrolyte without contamination" [127]
2004年 岡武史 "For his many and varied contributions to molecular spectroscopy and its applications, particularly to astronomy" [128]
2005年 克里斯·多布森 "For his work on the application of NMR and other structural methods for studying protein folding and misfolding, especially the formation of amyloid fibrils, leading to novel insights on protein structure and folding" [129]
2006年 馬田·波普 "For his pioneering work in the field of molecular semiconductors which has now become a large and important area of semiconductor science and technology" [130]
2007年 約翰·施蒙斯 "For his many innovative experimental contributions to a broad area of chemical physics, including molecular reaction dynamics, molecular spectroscopy and most recently, biophysical chemistry"
2008年 弗雷澤·斯托達特 "For his contributions in molecular technology"
2009年 謝洛美·桑德斯 "For his pioneering contributions to several fields, most recently to the field of dynamic combinatorial chemistry at the forefront of supramolecular chemistry" [131]
2010年 卡羅爾·羅賓遜 "For her ground-breaking and novel use of mass spectrometry for the characterisation of large protein complexes." [131]
2011年 艾哈邁德·澤韋爾 "For his seminal contributions to the study of ultrafast reactions and the understanding of transition states in chemistry, and to dynamic electron microscopy." [132]
2012年 弗雷澤·岩士唐 "For his pioneering protein film electrochemistry allowing exquisite thermodynamic and kinetic control of redox enzymes, exemplified by hydrogenases, key in energy technology." [133]
2013年 格雷厄姆·哈欽斯 "for the discovery of catalysis by gold and for his seminal contributions to this new field of chemistry" [134]
2014年 克立爾·格瑞英語Clare Grey "for further pioneering applications of solid state nuclear magnetic resonance to materials of relevance to energy and the environment" [135]
2015年 吉迪恩·戴維斯英語Gideon Davies "for his work in determining the reaction chemistry of enzyme-catalysed carbohydrate transformations" [136]
2016年 史提芬·曼 "for distinguished contributions to the chemistry of bio-mineralization and for pioneering the bio-inspired synthesis and self-assembly of functional nanostructures and hybrid nanoscale objects" [137]
2017年 馬菲·羅塞因斯基 "his advances in the design and discovery of functional materials, integrating the development of new experimental and computational techniques" [138]
2018年 約翰·A·佩爾英語John A. Pyle "pioneering leadership in understanding the depletion of the global ozone layer by halocarbons, particularly coupling between chemistry, radiation, and dynamics, and the special vulnerability of Arctic ozone" [138]
2019年 瓦林德·阿加沃爾英語Varinder Aggarwal "for his ground-breaking methods coupling boronic esters creating 3-D architectures with full control over shape and functionality with broad ranging applications across the sciences"
2020年 本·G·戴維斯英語Ben G. Davis "for inventing powerful chemical methods that directly manipulate complex biological molecules, enabling elucidation and control of biological function and mechanism in vitro and in vivo, beyond the limits of genetics."
2021年 馬爾甘·萊維特英語Malcolm Levitt "for his contributions to the theory and methodology of nuclear magnetic resonance, including composite pulses, symmetry-based recoupling, long-lived nuclear spin states, and the study of endofullerenes byelectromagnetic spectroscopies and neutron scattering."
2022年 彼得·桑德勒英語Peter Sadler "for pioneering the research field of medicinal inorganic chemistry, "Metals in Medicine", and the design of new metallodrugs with novel mechanisms of action."


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 The Davy Medal. Royal Society. [2011-08-05]. (原始內容存檔於2011-06-20). 
  2. ^ Boas Hall, Marie. All Scientists Now: The Royal Society in the Nineteenth Century. Cambridge University Press. 2002: 146. ISBN 0521892635. 
  3. ^ Davy archive winners 1899 - 1877. The Royal Society. [2011-08-05]. (原始內容存檔於2013-07-31). 
  4. ^ Davy archive winners 1989 - 1900. Royal Society. [2009-03-14]. (原始內容存檔於2008-04-10). 
  5. ^ Lagowski, J. J. Chemistry: Foundations and Applications. Macmillan Reference USA. 2004: 151. 
  6. ^ Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. United States National Museum. 1901: 131. 
  7. ^ Lockyer, Norman. Nature. Nature Publishing Group. 1912: 352. 
  8. ^ Surrey, Alexander Robert. Name reactions in organic chemistry. Academic Press. 1961: 101. 
  9. ^ Gillispie, Charles Coulston. Dictionary of Scientific Biography. American Council of Learned Societies. 1970: 389. 
  10. ^ Clyde Day, Marion. Theoretical Inorganic Chemistry. Reinhold Book Corporation. 1969: 79. 
  11. ^ Science. HighWire Press. 1883. 
  12. ^ The Lancet 2nd. J. Onwhyn. 1884: 939. 
  13. ^ The Academy 28th. 1885: 360. 
  14. ^ Memoirs and Proceedings — Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society 39th. Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. 1895. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Ede, Andrew; Lesley B. Cormack. A History of Science in Society: From Philosophy to Utility. Broadview Press. 2004: 120. ISBN 1551116669. 
  16. ^ Russell, Colin A. Edward Frankland: Chemistry, Controversy and Conspiracy in Victorian England. Cambridge University Press. 2003: 460. ISBN 0521545811. 
  17. ^ Tilden, W. A. Famous Chemists. Ayer Publishing. 1968: 267. ISBN 0836909445. 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 Harrow, Benjamin. Eminent Chemists of Our Time. D. van Nostrand. 1920: 13. ISBN 0836905148. 
  19. ^ Tilden, William A. Chemical Discovery and Invention — In the Twentieth Century. Read Books. 2007: 476. ISBN 1406758051. 
  20. ^ Journal of the Chemical Society. Chemical Society of Great Britain. 1902: 977. 
  21. ^ Harrow, Benjamin. Eminent Chemists of Our Time 2nd. D. van Nostrand company. 1920: 93. 
  22. ^ Nature. Nature Publishing Group. 1895: 137. 
  23. ^ The Scientific Monthly 9th. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 1919: 173. 
  24. ^ Daedalus: Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 81st. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1988: 78. 
  25. ^ Burke, Edmund; James Dodsley. Annual Register. Annual Register. 1891: 66. 
  26. ^ Nature 67th. Nature Publishing Group. 1903: 229. 
  27. ^ Science 10th. Moses King. 1899: 821. 
  28. ^ Popular Science Monthly 58th. McClure, Phillips and Co. 1901. 
  29. ^ Archer, Mary D.; Christopher D. Haley. The 1702 Chair of Chemistry at Cambridge: Transformation and Change. Cambridge University Press. 2005: 318. ISBN 0521828732. 
  30. ^ Barker, Philip. Top 1000 Scientists. Inter-India Publications. 1905: 15. ISBN 8173712107. 
  31. ^ Quinn, Susan. Marie Curie: A Life. Perseus Books Group. 2996: 185. ISBN 0201887940. 
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