邦佛洛尼校正(英語:Bonferroni correction)是統計學中在多重比較時使用的一種校正方法,以意大利數學家卡羅·埃米利奧·邦佛洛尼的名字命名。
令為一組假設,為每一假設相對應的p值。同時,為虛無假設總數,則為實際為真的虛無假設總數。族錯誤率(familywise error rate,簡稱FWER)指拒絕至少一個實際為真的虛無假設(即出現至少一次第一型錯誤)的概率。此時,邦佛洛尼校正是指拒絕所有的虛無假設。在應用邦佛洛尼校正後,FWER滿足。這一結論可以由布林不等式證明:
- Dunnett, C. W. A multiple comparisons procedure for comparing several treatments with a control. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 1955, 50 (272): 1096–1121. doi:10.1080/01621459.1955.10501294.
- Dunnett, C. W. New tables for multiple comparisons with a control. Biometrics. 1964, 20 (3): 482–491. JSTOR 2528490. doi:10.2307/2528490.
- Shaffer, J. P. Multiple Hypothesis Testing. Annual Review of Psychology. 1995, 46: 561–584. doi:10.1146/annurev.ps.46.020195.003021.
- Strassburger, K.; Bretz, Frank. Compatible simultaneous lower confidence bounds for the Holm procedure and other Bonferroni-based closed tests. Statistics in Medicine. 2008, 27 (24): 4914–4927. doi:10.1002/sim.3338.
- Šidák, Z. Rectangular confidence regions for the means of multivariate normal distributions. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 1967, 62 (318): 626–633. doi:10.1080/01621459.1967.10482935.
- Hochberg, Yosef. A Sharper Bonferroni Procedure for Multiple Tests of Significance (PDF). Biometrika. 1988, 75 (4): 800–802 [2017-02-01]. doi:10.1093/biomet/75.4.800. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2016-10-12).