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arthur (留言) 2011年6月1日 (三) 16:01 (UTC)回覆

arthur (留言) 2011年6月1日 (三) 16:25 (UTC)前為誤譯,內文已修正。回覆


arthur (留言) 2011年6月2日 (四) 04:40 (UTC) 查找機械組織,解釋多為植物的某些組織中具有厚角細胞厚壁細胞等的組織,在邏輯上特別把例如維管束組織裏再細分機械組織薄壁組織、分生組織....似乎不是那麼必要。組織基本上是一群功能不同的細胞所構成,此以功能作分類我認為沒有必要,機械應是功能性的描述形容詞,且各種不同的細胞及組織都具有相當程度的機械功能-支持、驅動運動等功能(例如,薄壁細胞教科書常寫的是儲藏功能,但機械性的如膨壓極大時即有機械性的支持功能)。 本文內容中所提到的機械組織是否即是指厚角細胞等,待查。回覆


一種自1985年後就未曾被找到過、寄生於墨西哥雪香蘭 (Hedyosmum mexicanum) 的植物,墨西哥南部的高山地區

A species that had not been seen since 1985 was rediscovered in the Sierra Madre del Sur in Mexico. It is an orange-brown, fleshy-stemmed parasitic plant, with a pine cone-shaped dense cluster of flowers and juicy celery-like stalks. According to George Yatskievych, the St. Louis botanist who made the recent find, the plant's formal Latin name will mean "little hermit of Mexico." He expects it will be both a new species and a new genus because "it is so unusual and distinct that it cannot be included in any of the existing genera in the plant family Orobanchaceae". It is a parasite of Hedyosmum mexicanum.[1][2][3][4]

  1. ^ mobot.org, ParasiticPlantRediscovery
  2. ^ blogs.nature.com, Parasitic hermit plant found in Mexico - May 01, 2008
  3. ^ ap.google.com, Scientist rediscovers rare plant unseen since 1985
  4. ^ Yatskievych, G., and J. L. Contreras J. 2009. A new genus of holoparasitic Orobanchaceae from Mexico. Novon 19: 266–276.


We describe here a novel achlorophyllous parasite on the roots of Hedyosmum mexicanum C. Cordemoy (Chloranthaceae) as a new genus and species, Eremitilla mexicana Yatskievych & J. L. Contreras. The new taxon is currently thought to be endemic to the state of Guerrero, Mexico. It is best classified in the Orobanchaceae, but differs from other members of the family in having 5-ribbed, muricate ovaries containing five parietal placentae, as well as unusual stamens in which the anther is partially embedded in an expanded filament apex. Within the Orobanchaceae, the new taxon is probably related to a group that contains the other American holoparasitic genera. Morphologically, Eremitilla Yatskievych & J. L. Contreras displays a number of autapomorphies, but few identifiable synapomorphies. This presumed relictual taxon presently is known only from a restricted habitat and a very small geographic range, and thus is of conservation concern.





祝編安。—InternetArchiveBot (報告軟件缺陷) 2017年8月7日 (一) 03:41 (UTC)回覆

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