- 青色代表光明純潔、民族和自由;白色代表坦白無私、民權和平等[1]。
- 青天白日,取象宏美,中國為遠東大國,日出東方為恆星之最者,且青天白日,示光明正照自由平等之義。
- 白日光芒尖鋒,示革命進銳。
- 孫中山將叉光解釋為十二道光芒,以代十二時辰,代表一天十二個時辰,一年十二個月,更鼓舞國人時刻精進奮鬥與時俱進,同時象徵子、丑、寅、卯、辰、巳、午、未、申、酉、戌、亥十二地支,即「天行健,君子以自強不息;地勢坤,君子以厚德載物」[2]。
- ^ 青天白日旗. [2016-08-14]. (原始內容存檔於2013-12-31).
- ^ 青天白日旗的由來. [2016-08-14]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-23).
- ^ Flight International. April 28, 1938. p. 416 互聯網檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2014-10-06. (Archive). " EURASIA AVIATION CORP., 97, Jinkee Road, Shanghai."
- ^ "Eurasia Aviation Corporation - A German-Chinese Airline in China and its Airmail 1931-1943 by Peter Moeller and Larry D. Sall, paperback in color, 2007, 153 pages, great book on the history of this airline, includes a listing of First Flight covers and catalog values 互聯網檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2014-10-06.." China Stamp Society. Retrieved on October 4, 2014.
- ^ Ballantine, Collin and Pamela Tang. "Chinese airlines: airline colours of China." Airlife, 1995. p. 6. "Chinese Ministry of Communications which declared Eurasia to be a Chinese State-owned airline. The airline then fell into more trouble as a direct result of the continuing Japanese occupation. The fleet of airliners was based in Hong Kong[...]"
- ^ Ballantine, Collin and Pamela Tang. "Chinese airlines: airline colours of China." Airlife, 1995. p. 5. "The outcome of this venture was Eurasia Airlines, operating six- seater Junkers W33 airliners across Asia into China."