
This template is used to close a highway article's junction list table. It appends a table row with conversion information and closes the table syntax.

  • keys: the color keys to use in an article, provided in a comma-delimited list. Use the codes from the following table.
  • col: for the number of columns in the table. The default value is 6. (If {{jctbtm|exit}} is used in an exit list, the template will default to 7 columns. If {{jctbtm|old}} is used in an exit list, the template will default to 8 columns.)
  • key: use to add an additional set of key information, such as the county superscripts on M-120 (Michigan highway)
  • conv: used to turn the distance conversion key on and off. Currently the default behavior is to include the key, so to omit it, use |conv=no. In the future, the key will be omitted by default once a majority of articles use two distance columns; in that case use |conv=yes to force its display.


色塊 使用於 備註 代碼
#d3d3d3 封閉中/已廢除 曾經開放通車,現為封閉中(或已廢除)的交流道或交叉口 closed
#ddffdd 共線 concur
#dcdcfe 電子收費 需使用電子收費系統收費的交流道或橋樑 etc
#ffff99 高乘載 有高乘載管制之交流道或交叉口 hov
#ffdddd 半套匝道 大灣交流道泰山轉接道等匝道皆屬之 incomplete
#dcdcfe 收費 需要收費的交流道或橋樑 toll
#dff9f9 公路過渡段 trans
#ffdead 未通車 交流道正在興建中或是未開放通車 unbuilt


  • 範例1,無使用色塊:{{jctbtm}}
  • 範例2,使用全部色塊:{{jctbtm|keys=concur,closed,hov,incomplete,trans,toll,etc,unbuilt}}
  •       封閉中/已廢除
  •       共線
  •       電子收費
  •       高乘載
  •       半套匝道
  •       收費
  •       公路過渡段
  •       未通車或興建中
  • 範例3,使用部分色塊:{{jctbtm|keys=concur,closed,incomplete,toll,unbuilt}}
  •       封閉中/已廢除
  •       共線
  •       半套匝道
  •       收費
  •       未通車或興建中

A template to close a junction table, optionally including a key of colors used in the table.


Additional columns1

Use exit if there is a column for exit numbers, and old if there is a separate column for old exit numbers.

Columns to spancol

An explicit number of columns for the template to span.

Display distance conversion keyconv

Use "yes" to activate the distance conversion key. (Currently unused until default behavior changed in the future, set to "no" to opt out.)

Colors to displaykeys

A comma-separated list of colors to display in the key. Allowed values are closed, concur, etc, hov, incomplete, toll, trans, and unbuilt.

Additional notesnotes key

The text to add to the bottom of the legend, if additional notes are needed.
