
伯克兰-艾德法挪威语Birkeland-Eyde-prosessen,英语:Birkeland–Eyde process)曾是化学工业中一种硝酸的制备方法,主要用于氮肥生产。它是一种由多个步骤组成的固氮过程:高压电弧使大气中的氮气(N2)与氧气(O2)在3000 °C高温中结合产生氮氧化物(NOx);二氧化氮(NO2)在水中溶解得到硝酸(HNO3);硝酸最终作为氮肥的生产原料,是硝酸盐的来源。[1]

应用伯克兰-艾德法的反应器,功率3000 kW,1916-1940年用于留坎的化工厂,现展览于挪威科学技术博物馆英语Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology




反应装置核心是一个火花隙,因此有时也称电弧炉。它的两个电极由铜管制成,具有同轴式结构,采用水冷散热。两电极间施加电压5 kV、频率50 Hz的高压交流电,使火花隙反复快速放电[7],产生电弧。在电极周围,还使用与电极方向垂直的电磁铁施加一个静磁场,它产生的洛伦兹力会将电弧拉伸为碟形薄片。

碟片形电弧是温度大于3000 °C的等离子体。当空气吹过电弧时,在高温下,氮气氧化产生一氧化氮。在自然界中,大气中的闪电也能产生相同的化学反应,是可溶性硝酸盐的一个来源。[8]此外,原则上也可以使用火焰、电热铂导线、普通电弧作为热源——但效果不佳,不适合工业上大规模生产。伯克兰-艾德的碟片形电弧不但能与空气充分接触,还大幅提升了反应器的功率上限。用这种方法产生的碟片形电弧直径可达2米,发出太阳般的耀眼光芒。[6][7]

建于萨海姆水力发电站英语Såheim Hydroelectric Power Station(Såheim Hydroelectric Power Station)后方的反应器二号建筑,其中曾装有35个伯克兰-艾德反应器,每个功耗达3000 kW

反应速率在低温时非常缓慢,因此必须在高温下进行,降低温度会使产量下降。[9][10]20世纪初实验表明,温度大于2000 °C时,反应速率“极快”,但在1000 °C时却会“缓慢到难以测量”。[1]通过精心控制电弧的能量与气流的流速,在3000 °C时可产生4%-5%的一氧化氮。本反应能耗极高,生产一吨硝酸需要消耗15兆瓦时(15,000千瓦时)的电能,1kWh电能仅能生产60g硝酸。伯克兰的化工厂供电需要依靠附近的水力发电厂[9][10]












1902年,美国人查尔斯·S·布拉德利(Charles S. Bradley)与迪米特·R·洛夫乔伊(Dimmitt R. Lovejoy)发明了一种具有多组小电极的圆形旋转火花隙反应器,他们申请了专利,成立大气产品公司(Atmospheric Products Co.),在纽约州尼亚加拉瀑布附近建立了一家小型化工厂。两人希望用廉价的水电资源支持生产,然而公司在商业上并不成功,仅两年后就停止运作[1][14],主要原因是产能低。在挪威,刚创刊不久的《电化学工业》发表了两人的研究成果。伯克兰看到这篇文章后,认为自己的单一碟形大电弧方案要优于多个小电弧。[7]







  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Remsen, I.; Renoup, H. The Oxidation of Atmospheric Nitrogen with Reference to the Manufacture of Nitrates and Nitric Acid (PDF). American Chemical Journal. 1906, 35: 358–367 [2024-03-04]. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Lucy Jago. The Northern Lights. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 2007. Birkeland was deeply unhappy about having to share credit with Eyde, who had no part in the technical development of the idea, but he was forced to collaborate because only Eyde had access to the huge amounts of electric power that would be needed to run the furnaces. 
  3. ^ Eyde, Sam. The Manufacture of Nitrates from the Atmosphere by the Electric Arc—Birkeland-Eyde Process. Journal of the Royal Society of Arts. 1909, 57 (2949): 568–576. JSTOR 41338647. 
  4. ^ Cavendish, Henry. Experiments on air. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. 1785, 75: 372–384. 
  5. ^ Aaron John Ihde. The development of modern chemistry. Courier Dover Publications. 1984: 678. ISBN 0-486-64235-6. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Trevor Illtyd Williams; Thomas Kingston Derry. A short history of twentieth-century technology c. 1900-c. 1950. Oxford University Press. 1982: 134–135. ISBN 0-19-858159-9. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 Lucy Jago. The Northern Lights. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 2007. More recently, two Americans, Bradley and Lovejoy, had built a small factory beside Niagara Falls to produce saltpeter at the end of 1902, but their attempt had proved too inefficient to form the basis of a new industry. A description of their furnace had been included in the first edition of a Norwegian scientific publication, Electrochem Indus-tri, launched only the previous month; Birkeland studied the drawings in the new magazine to check that his idea was different, and therefore potentially more rewarding, than theirs. He saw that they had made a myriad of tiny arcs in their furnace, while Birkeland was planning one large arc, repeated at a high rate and swept sideways by the magnetic field to make contact with as much air as possible. It would look like a circle with the shape and heat of the sun. The following Monday Eyde and Birkeland spent the morning together at the university, inspecting the strange-looking furnace and weighing each other up as potential business collaborators. The first prototype, cobbled together in a few hours, beautifully demonstrated Birkeland’s idea of using magnetism to make large electric arcs and the tremendous noise and smell it produced were persuasive testimony to its potential. 
  8. ^ Karl Fisher; William E. Newton. G. J. Leigh , 编. Nitrogen fixation at the millennium. Elsevier. 2002: 2–3. ISBN 0-444-50965-8. 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Mellor, J. W. Modern Inorganic Chemistry. Longmans, Green and Co. 1918: 509. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Martin, Geoffrey; Barbour, William. Industrial Nitrogen Compounds and Explosives. Crosby Lockwood and Son. 1915: 21. 
  11. ^ Webb, H. W. Absorption of Nitrous Gases. Edward Arnold & Co. 1923: 20. 
  12. ^ Douglas Erwin. Industrial Chemical Process Design. McGraw-Hill. 2002: 613. ISBN 0-07-137621-6. 
  13. ^ Knox, Joseph. The Fixation of Atmospheric Nitrogen. D. Van Nostrand Company. 1914: 45-50. 
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 M. Kiefer, David. Capturing Nitrogen Out of the Air. Today's Chemist at Work (American Chemical Society). [2024-03-05]. ISSN 1532-4494. (原始内容存档于2021-12-04). 
  15. ^ Plücker. Ueber die Einwirkung des Magnets auf die elektrische Entladung [On the effect of the magnet on the electric discharge]. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. 1861, 113: 249–280 [2024-03-03]. (原始内容存档于2024-03-03) (German).  From p. 255: " … die Curven, welche dieselbe durchziehen, soweit die Schätzung des Auges reicht, genau die Form von Kreisbogen an[nehmen], die sämmtlich auf der die beiden Spitzen des Entladers verbindenden geraden Linie, als gemeinschaftlicher, senkrecht stehen." ( … the curves which [the luminous discharges] traverse, assume — as far as the eye can judge — exactly the form of circular arcs, all of which stand perpendicular to the same straight line that joins the two points of the electrodes.)
  16. ^ Worden, Edward Chauncey. Technology of Cellulose Esters 1:2. D. Van Nostrand Company. 1921: 870. 
  17. ^ Lucy Jago. The Northern Lights. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. 2007. When the ladies retired to the drawing room and the gentlemen stood around the fire, drinking whisky and smoking cigars, Birkeland approached Eyde and said, “I have the solution.” He explained that his cannon, of which Eyde was already aware through Knudsen, produced high-energy electric arcs if it short-circuited during testing—arcs exactly like bolts of lightning. Birkeland believed this faulty element of his gun design could be combined with electromagnetic furnace technology to ionize air and produce nitric acid. 
  18. ^ Rjukan–Notodden Industrial Heritage Site. UNESCO. 2015-07-05 [2024-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2020-07-03).