此条目应避免有陈列杂项、琐碎资料的部分。 (2019年7月19日) |
此条目需要补充更多来源。 (2017年6月27日) |
巴哥犬(英语:Pug),原中文名哈巴狗,简称巴哥、八哥,是一种小型观赏犬种。巴哥犬面黑,有很多褶皱,成年时身高大约25到28厘米,体重约为5至13公斤,寿命大约为12到15年。个性温和。巴哥犬是优秀的家庭犬(house dog),在室内时不喜吠叫,警戒时低沉、响亮的吠叫声,又足以使门外的陌生人误以为是大型犬,而有警示的作用[1]。原产地中国西藏[2]。
别名 | Tibet pug Dutch bulldog Dutch mastiff Mini mastiff | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
原产国 | 中国 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
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家犬(Canis lupus familiaris) |
外表富有魅力,18世纪末正式命名为“巴哥”(Pug),“pug” 一词来自古英语 pugg,这是一个小朋友的好玩的亲切术语。[3]或古英语pūca,意思是goblin、demon。[4] 哈巴狗幼犬被称为pugletitos。[5]
巴哥犬,与法国斗牛犬、北京犬、西施犬同样属于扁平脸(flat-faced)或称短头(brachycephalic)的犬种,这样的特征使得巴哥犬容易有许多健康问题,包含:呼吸系统、眼疾、脊椎疾病、心脏病与肺炎。与一般犬种的平均寿命相比,巴哥犬的平均寿命会减少四岁。[6] 因为这些健康问题,有兽医呼吁应谨慎考虑购买巴哥犬[7];英国兽医协会亦呼吁商人应停止在情人节贺卡上印制巴哥犬的肖像,因为这样的商业化往往激起消费者对于扁平脸犬种的狂热,却忽略这些犬种的福祉。[8]
作为古老的犬种,巴哥犬如今的扁平脸特征,是二十世纪之后犬业人工选择的结果[9]。为了符合民众对于宽大、扁平脸特征的偏好(这样的偏好则来自人类对于“似幼童的”特征的喜爱[10]),犬业缩短了巴哥犬的头颅并拓宽其口腔顶,以强化扁平脸的特征。相比十八世纪英国著名绘家威廉·贺加斯在其作品《威廉·贺加斯自画像》(Painter and his Pug)所描绘的巴哥犬形象中,仍有明显的吻部;如今美国犬业俱乐部所认可的巴哥犬种吻部标准则是:短、钝、成方形[11]。中国更有犬业培育出“鹰版巴哥”,增加巴哥犬鼻子上的皱褶,加剧呼吸困难的健康问题。
近年有兽医呼吁道德培育(Ethical breeding)与“复古”巴哥犬,使巴哥犬的特征回到过去,透过不过分强调扁平脸特征,得以在保留巴哥犬特征的同时,培育出更健康的犬种。[12]
- ^ Wilhelmina Swainston-Goodger. The Pug-Dog - Its History and Origin. 英国: Read Country Books. 2005 (英语).
- ^ American Kennel Club - Pug History. AKC.org. American Kennel Club. [2006-08-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-04).
- ^ 存档副本. [2019-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-13).
- ^ 存档副本. [2019-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-13).
- ^ Shipley, Joseph Twadell (1955). Dictionary of Early English. New York, EE.UU.: Philosophical Library. pp. 768 pages.
- ^ PLOS. Why flat-faced dogs remain popular despite health problems. Science Daily. 2020-08-26 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-11) (英语).
But these breeds are strongly predisposed to a range of severe disorders, including respiratory disease, eye disease, spinal disease, heat stroke and pneumonia, and their lifespan is reduced by on average four years compared to dogs with longer muzzles.
- ^ Jason Goodyer. Stop and think before buying a flat-faced dog, the Royal Veterinary College warns. Science Focus. 2020-10-14 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-31) (英语).
“Stop and think before buying a flat-faced dog”.
- ^ MILES DILWORTH FOR MAILONLINE. Push the pugs off Valentine’s cards says vets who worry their faces on merchandise is fuelling a craze for flat-faced pets despite concerns over their welfare. Daily Mail. 2018-02-11 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-13) (英语).
The British Veterinary Association say their prominence on merchandise is fuelling a craze for flat-faced pets despite concerns over their welfare.
- ^ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-3480780/How-humans-changed-man-s-best-friend-pictures-100-years-breeding-changed-dog-breeds-not-better.html. How man has changed his best friend: How 100 years of intensive breeding has left some dog breeds unrecognisable - and in pain. Daily Mail. 2016-03-08 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-13) (英语).
- ^ Esther Woolfson. Love you to death: how we hurt the animals we cherish. The Guardian. 2020-08-11 [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-15) (英语).
One suggestion is that the “childlike” appearance of dogs such as pugs and bulldogs attracts us
- ^ American Kennel Club. Pug. American Kennel Club. [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-13) (英语).
The muzzle is short, blunt, square, but not upfaced.
- ^ Nina Dragicevic. By picking pug dogs for their cute factor, we’re creating health problems, say experts. CBC News. [2021-01-25]. (原始内容存档于2021-03-13) (英语).
Arthur says a healthier pug is possible — breeding for “less exaggerated” traits means we might be able to keep the pug but reduce the health problems.