在数学上,广义最小残量方法(一般简称GMRES)是一个求解线性方程组 数值解的迭代方法。这个方法利用在Krylov子空间中有着最小残量的向量来逼近解。Arnoldi迭代方法被用来求解这个向量。
GMRES方法由Yousef Saad和Martin H. Schultz在1986年提出。[1]
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假设矩阵A是n n阶的可逆的。进一步,假设b是标准化的,即||b|| = 1 (在这篇文章中,||·||是Euclidean范数)。
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GMRES通过使得残量Axm − b最小的向量xm ∈ Km来逼近Ax = b的精确解。
但是,向量b, Ab, …, Am−1b几乎是线性相关的。因此,用Arnoldi迭代方法求得的这组Km的标准正交基
来取代上面的那组基。所以,向量xm ∈ Km写成xm = Qmym,其中ym ∈ Rm且Qm是由q1, …, qm组成的n m矩阵。
Arnoldi过程也产生一个 (m+1) m阶上Hessenberg矩阵 满足
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因为 是正交的,我们有
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其中 是初始向量(通常是零向量)。因此,求使得残量
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的范数最小的 。这是一个m阶线性最小二乘问题。
- 做一步Arnoldi迭代方法;
- 寻找使得||rm||最小的 ;
- 计算 ;
- 如果残量不够小,重复以上过程。
在每一步迭代中,必须计算一次矩阵向量积Aqm。对于一般的n阶稠密矩阵,这要计算复杂度大约2n2次浮点运算。但是对于稀疏矩阵,这个计算复杂度能减少到O(n)。进一步,关于矩阵向量积,在m次迭代中能进行O(m n)次浮点运算。
但是,在一般情况下这是不会发生的。事实上,Greenbaum,Pták和Strakoš的理论说明了对于每一个单调减少的序列a1, …, an−1, an = 0 ,能够找到一个矩阵A对于所有m满足||rm|| = am ,其中rm是上面所定义的残量。特别的,有可能找到一个矩阵,使得前n − 1次迭代的残量一直保持为常数,而只在最后一次迭代时达到零。
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其中 和 分别为矩阵 的最小和最大特征值。
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其中 记为A在Euclidean范数下的条件数。
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其中Pm记为次数不超过m且p(0) = 1的多项式的集合,V是A的谱分解中的矩阵,而σ(A)是A的谱。粗略的说,当A的特征值聚集在远离原点的区域且A离正规不太远时,收敛速度较快。[2]
GMRES方法的拓展( Restarted GMRES )
对于对称矩阵,Arnoldi迭代方法变成Lanczos迭代方法。对应的Krylov子空间方法叫做Paige和Saunders的最小残量方法(MinRes)。不像非对称的情况,MinRes方法由三项循环关系(three-term recurrence relation)给出,并且同GMRES一样,使残量的范数最小。而对于一般矩阵,Krylov子空间方法不能由短的循环关系(short recurrence relation)给出。
另一类方法由非对称Lanczos迭代方法给出,特别的是BiCG方法。这个利用了three-term recurrence relation,但他们没有达到最小的残量,因此对于这些方法残量不会单调递减。收敛性是不能保证的。
第三类方法由CGS和BiCGSTAB给出。这些也由three-term recurrence relation给出(因此,非最优)。而且可能过早的终止迭代了而没有达到收敛的目的。这些方法的想法是合适的选择迭代序列所产生的多项式。
GMRES方法的其中一部分是求解向量 使得
最小。这个可以通过计算QR分解来实现:找到一个(m+1) (m+1)阶正交矩阵Ωm和一个(m+1) m上三角矩阵 满足
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其中 是一个m m阶三角(方)矩阵。
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其中hm = (h1m, … hmm)T。这意味着,Hessenberg矩阵左乘上Ωm的扩大矩阵(通过并上零元和单位元素),所得到的是类似于三角矩阵的矩阵:
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记 为
其中gm ∈ Rm和γm ∈ R,则
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再一次,向量 能够简单的进行下去(update)。[3]
Example code
Regular GMRES (python3)
# from "https://github.com/J-N-ch/GMRES_py_restart/blob/master/GMRES_API/GMRES.py"
import numpy as np
import math
class GMRES_API(object):
def __init__( self,
A_coefficient_matrix: np.array([], dtype = float ),
b_boundary_condition_vector: np.array([], dtype = float ),
maximum_number_of_basis_used: int,
threshold = 1.0e-16 ):
self.A = A_coefficient_matrix
self.b = b_boundary_condition_vector
self.maximum_number_of_basis_used = maximum_number_of_basis_used
self.threshold = threshold
def initial_guess_input( self, x_input_vector_initial_guess: np.array([], dtype = float ) ):
self.x = x_input_vector_initial_guess
assert len( self.x ) == len( self.b )
except Exception:
print(" The input guess vector's size must equal to the system's size !\n")
print(" The matrix system's size == ", len( self.b ))
print(" Your input vector's size == ", len( self.x ))
self.x = np.zeros( len( self.b ) )
print(" Use default input guess vector = ", self.x, " instead of the incorrect vector you given !\n")
def run( self ):
n = len( self.A )
m = self.maximum_number_of_basis_used
r = self.b - np.dot(self.A , self.x)
r_norm = np.linalg.norm( r )
b_norm = np.linalg.norm( self.b )
self.error = np.linalg.norm( r ) / b_norm
self.e = [self.error]
# initialize the 1D vectors
sn = np.zeros( m )
cs = np.zeros( m )
e1 = np.zeros( m + 1 )
e1[0] = 1.0
beta = r_norm * e1
# beta is the beta vector instead of the beta scalar
H = np.zeros(( m+1, m+1 ))
Q = np.zeros(( n, m+1 ))
Q[:,0] = r / r_norm
for k in range(m):
( H[0:k+2, k], Q[:, k+1] ) = __class__.arnoldi( self.A, Q, k)
( H[0:k+2, k], cs[k], sn[k] ) = __class__.apply_givens_rotation( H[0:k+2, k], cs, sn, k)
# update the residual vector
beta[ k+1 ] = -sn[k] * beta[k]
beta[ k ] = cs[k] * beta[k]
# calculate and save the errors
self.error = abs(beta[k+1]) / b_norm
self.e = np.append(self.e, self.error)
if( self.error <= self.threshold):
# calculate the result
#y = np.matmul( np.linalg.inv( H[0:k+1, 0:k+1]), beta[0:k+1] )
#TODO Due to H[0:k+1, 0:k+1] being a upper tri-matrix, we can exploit this fact.
y = __class__.__back_substitution( H[0:k+1, 0:k+1], beta[0:k+1] )
self.x = self.x + np.matmul( Q[:,0:k+1], y )
self.final_residual_norm = np.linalg.norm( self.b - np.matmul( self.A, self.x ) )
return self.x
' Arnoldi Function '
def arnoldi( A, Q, k ):
h = np.zeros( k+2 )
q = np.dot( A, Q[:,k] )
for i in range ( k+1 ):
h[i] = np.dot( q, Q[:,i])
q = q - h[i] * Q[:, i]
h[ k+1 ] = np.linalg.norm(q)
q = q / h[ k+1 ]
return h, q
' Applying Givens Rotation to H col '
def apply_givens_rotation( h, cs, sn, k ):
for i in range( k-1 ):
temp = cs[i] * h[i] + sn[i] * h[i+1]
h[i+1] = -sn[i] * h[i] + cs[i] * h[i+1]
h[i] = temp
# update the next sin cos values for rotation
cs_k, sn_k, h[k] = __class__.givens_rotation( h[k-1], h[k] )
# eliminate H[ k+1, i ]
h[k + 1] = 0.0
return h, cs_k, sn_k
##----Calculate the Given rotation matrix----##
# From "http://www.netlib.org/lapack/lawnspdf/lawn150.pdf"
# The algorithm used by "Edward Anderson"
def givens_rotation( v1, v2 ):
if( v2 == 0.0 ):
cs = np.sign(v1)
sn = 0.0
r = abs(v1)
elif( v1 == 0.0 ):
cs = 0.0
sn = np.sign(v2)
r = abs(v2)
elif( abs(v1) > abs(v2) ):
t = v2 / v1
u = np.sign(v1) * math.hypot( 1.0, t )
cs = 1.0 / u
sn = t * cs
r = v1 * u
t = v1 / v2
u = np.sign(v2) * math.hypot( 1.0, t )
sn = 1.0 / u
cs = t * sn
r = v2 * u
return cs, sn, r
# From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47551069/back-substitution-in-python
def __back_substitution( A: np.ndarray, b: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
n = b.size
if A[n-1, n-1] == 0.0:
raise ValueError
x = np.zeros_like(b)
x[n-1] = b[n-1] / A[n-1, n-1]
for i in range( n-2, -1, -1 ):
bb = 0
for j in range ( i+1, n ):
bb += A[i, j] * x[j]
x[i] = (b[i] - bb) / A[i, i]
return x
def final_residual_info_show( self ):
print( "x =", self.x, "residual_norm = ", self.final_residual_norm )
def main():
A_mat = np.array( [[1.00, 1.00, 1.00],
[1.00, 2.00, 1.00],
[0.00, 0.00, 3.00]] )
b_mat = np.array( [3.0, 2.0, 1.0] )
GMRES_test_itr2 = GMRES_API( A_mat, b_mat, 2, 0.01)
x_mat = np.array( [1.0, 1.0, 1.0] )
print("x =", x_mat)
# GMRES with restart, 2 iterations in each restart ( GMRES(2) )
max_restart_counts = 100
for restart_counter in range(max_restart_counts):
GMRES_test_itr2.initial_guess_input( x_mat )
x_mat = GMRES_test_itr2.run()
print(restart_counter+1," : x =", x_mat)
xx = np.matmul( np.linalg.inv(A_mat), b_mat )
print("ANS : xx =", xx)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- A. Meister, Numerik linearer Gleichungssysteme, 2nd edition, Vieweg 2005, ISBN 978-3-528-13135-7.
- Y. Saad, Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, 2nd edition, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003. ISBN 978-0-89871-534-7.
- Y. Saad and M.H. Schultz, "GMRES: A generalized minimal residual algorithm for solving nonsymmetric linear systems", SIAM J. Sci. Stat. Comput., 7:856-869, 1986. doi:10.1137/0907058.
- J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch, Introduction to numerical analysis, 3rd edition, Springer, New York, 2002. ISBN 978-0-387-95452-3.
- Lloyd N. Trefethen and David Bau, III, Numerical Linear Algebra, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 1997. ISBN 978-0-89871-361-9.
- Dongarra et al. , Templates for the Solution of Linear Systems: Building Blocks for Iterative Methods (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), 2nd Edition, SIAM, Philadelphia, 1994
- https://github.com/J-N-ch/GMRES_py_restart (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)