
内谢尔拉姆拉人(英文:Nesher Ramla Homo)是一种已灭绝古代人类物种,生活在现代以色列地区的中更新世期间。

Nesher Ramla Homo fossils- reconstruction of their location in the head
Scan of the mandible (lower jaw) Nesher Ramla 2



Nesher Ramla
Qesem Cave
Mugharet el-Zuttiyeh
Tabun Cave
内谢尔拉姆拉遗址的位置,以及Zaidner等人在2021年假设的先前发现的人类化石的位置代表同一群体。 [1][1]


2021年,由以色列古生物学家赫什科维茨领导的挖掘工作发现了五块颅骨和一个近乎完整的下颌。这些遗骸的年代可追溯到140-120 kya的中更新世。该标本被认为是为尼安德特人东亚做出贡献的种群的最后幸存者之一。[4]哈佛大学的 Philip Rightmire 不同意这一发现,认为头骨实际上是早期的尼安德特人,并讨论了尼安德特人从欧洲迁移的可能性。[3]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Zaidner Y, Centi L, Prévost M, Mercier N, Falguères C, Guérin G, Valadas H, Richard M, Galy A, Pécheyran C, Tombret O, Pons-Branchu E, Porat N, Shahack-Gross R, Friesem D, Yeshurun R, Turgeman-Yaffe Z, Frumkin A, Herzlinger G, Ekshtain R, Shemer M, Varoner O, Sarig R, May H, Hershkovitz I. Middle Pleistocene Homo behavior and culture at 140,000 to 120,000 years ago and interactions with Homo sapiens. Science. 25 June 2021, 372 (6549): 1429–1433. doi:10.1126/science.abh3020. 
  2. ^ Friesem D, Zaidner Y, Shahack-Gross R. Formation processes and combustion features at the lower layers of the Middle Palaeolithic open-air site of Nesher Ramla, Israel. Quaternary International. 8 May 2014, 331: 128–138. doi:10.1016/j.quaint.2013.03.023. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Zaidner Y, Centi L, Prévost M, Shemer M, Varoner O. An Open-Air Site at Nesher Ramla, Israel, and New Insights into Levantine Middle Paleolithic Technology and Site Use. The Middle and Upper Paleolithic Archeology of the Levant and Beyond. 2018: 11–33. ISBN 978-981-10-6825-6. doi:10.1007/978-981-10-6826-3_2. 
  4. ^ Hershkovitz I, May H, Sarig R, Pokhojaev A, Grimaud-Hervé D, Bruner E, Fornai C, Quam R, Arsuaga J, Krenn V, Martinón-Torres M, Castro J, Martín-Francés L, Slon V, Albessard-Ball L, Vialet A, Schüler A, Manzi G, Profico A, Vincenzo F, Weber G, Zaidner Y. A Middle Pleistocene Homo from Nesher Ramla, Israel. Science. 25 June 2021, 372 (6549): 1424–1428. doi:10.1126/science.abh3169.