此条目没有列出任何参考或来源。 (2012年2月15日) |
- 雅典的梭伦(Solon of Athens),他的格言相传是“避免极端”(Nothing in excess)。
- 斯巴达的契罗(Chilon of Sparta),他的格言相传是“莫妄想不可能之事”(Do not desire the impossible)或“认识你自己”(first Know yourself)。
- 米利都的泰勒斯(Thales of Miletus),他的格言相传是“只在乎稳定会带来毁灭”(To bring surety brings ruin)或“认识你自己”(Know thyself)[2]。
- 普里耶涅的毕阿斯(Bias of Priene),他的格言相传有“人多反而坏事”(Too many workers spoil the work)、“多数人皆恶人”(Most men are bad)。
- 林佐斯的克莱俄布卢(Cleobulus of Lindos),他的格言相传是“适度即至善”(Moderation is the chief good)。
- 米蒂利尼的庇塔库斯(Pittacus of Mitylene),他的格言相传是“认清你的时机”(Know thine opportunity)。
- 科林斯的佩里安德(Periander of Corinth),他的格言相传是“事事都应做长远考虑”(Forethought in all things)。
- Plutarch's The Dinner of the Seven Wise Men, in the Loeb Classical Library.
- Seven Sages of Greece with illustrations and further links.
- Jona Lendering's article Seven Sages (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) includes a chart of various canonical lists.
- Sentences of the Seven Sages (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Fragment of a poem in which the Seven Wise Men were mentioned together, from Oxyrhynchus Papyri