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听说已经有了对于这篇证明的反对意见,是否有人可以填加进条目内?Flamerecca (留言) 2010年9月2日 (四) 12:06 (UTC)回复


- 我个人认为需要添加如下材料,包括该问题的现实意义、数学内涵(如最近的进展如Ketan Mulmuley的试图将该问题归约到黎曼猜想的努力)。而可能更重要的是一些该问题的历史,使得外行人通过了解问题的发展和历史而理解它的意义。 Apppletree (留言) 2010年3月31日 (三) 01:36 (UTC)回复

- 另外,下面的内容我认为与该主题无关。 Apppletree (留言) 2010年3月31日 (三) 01:36 (UTC)回复

Globaloneness (留言) 2009年5月11日 (一) 12:07 (UTC) [+ppNP]\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fullpage} \begin{document} "On The Nature of Optimality" by Martin Michael Musatov, m[dot]mm[at]vzw[dot]blackberry.net\\ "Mathematicians have tried in vain to this day to discover some order in the sequence of prime numbers, and we havereason to believe that it is a mystery into which the human mind willnever penetrate."\\回复

--Leonhard Euler\\

\\ When a number is prime it is only divisible by one and itself. By this definition the number one is prime. Traditionally, the first two prime numbers are two and three. We note that two multiplied by three is six and six is a perfect number. In the book of Genesis God made the world in six days and then rested on the seventh. So we note that two multiplied by three is six plus one is seven and seven is a prime number. We also note that two multiplied by three is six minus one is five and five is a prime number. But more importantly consider the relevant case of the numbers two and three. We can see clearly they must be a special case as their product plus or minus one is prime. Clearly prime number theorem cannot send them gathering into the ether to be lost forever. There must be some order here which has been overlooked or concealed. Well consider the case of the plus one prime. Marin Mersenne may have set the standard tuning guitar strings with mathematics and writing lots of letters but it seems we have all but ignored the instances that a number to an exponent plus one is prime.\\ \\ Two multiplied by three plus one is seven (prime). Please note at this point to make the paper more readable I will use the (prime) notation as prior each point going forward in this text. Square two and multiply it by the square of three and you have four times nine plus one is thirty-seven (prime). Now sixteen squared and eighty-one squared and you have two-hundred and fifty-six times six- thousand five-hundred sixty-one plus one and one million six-hundred seventy-nine thousand six-hundred and seventeen (prime). Following this same pattern two-hundred and fifty-six squared times six-thousand five hundred and sixty-one squared plus one and 2821109907457 (prime). The pattern continues on infinitely and is constantly prime. It should be noted that the first half in the fourth example two-hundred and fifty-six squared equals sixty-five thousand five-hundred and thirty-six plus one equals sixty-five thousand five-hundred and thirty-seven which is the fourth Fermat prime. Then by definition of this series we have established a pattern which declares sixty-five thousand five-hundred and thirty-six squared plus one (4294967297) is the fifth Fermat prime. And indeed we have established as propositioned Eisenstein in 1844 proposed as a problem the proof that there are an infinite number of Fermat primes. Not only there is a proof but a simple formula for infinite numbers of Fermat primes. The formula is begin with two and square the numbers successively at each step add one. So the Fermat primes proceed two squared plus one, four squared plus one, six- teen squared plus one, two-hundred fifty-six squared plus one, and continue on in this pattern infinitely.\\ \\\ Finally in this brief address I will formally state my theorem for constant prime numbers. The product of two multiplied by three infinitely is prime when the product is squared and cross multiplied plus one. The below table will establish the beginning of this series. Please note the author has deliberately decided against formulating these results in elaborate symbols for the sake of stark simplicity.\\ \\ Prime Numbers:\\ \\ 2*2*3*3+1=37\\ 4*4*9*9+1=1297\\ 16*16*81*81+1=1679617\\ 256*256*6561*6561=2821109907457\\ 65536*65536*43046721*43046721=7958661109946400884391937\\ 4294967296*4294967296*1853020188851841*1853020188851841+1=\\ 63340286662973277706162286946811886609896461828097\\ \end{document}  





祝编安。—InternetArchiveBot (报告软件缺陷) 2017年9月5日 (二) 23:18 (UTC)回复



Luisleee留言2020年4月14日 (二) 07:40 (UTC)回复
