
ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 );

error_reporting( E_ALL );

require_once( '/data/project/jarry-common/public_html/global.php' );

$I18N->setDomain( 'templatecount' );

$oldtime = time();

list( $interfaceLang, ) = explode( '-', $I18N->getLang() );

$language = ( isset( $_GET['lang'] ) && $_GET["lang"] != "" ) ? htmlspecialchars( $_GET['lang'] ) : $interfaceLang;

$namespace = ( isset( $_GET['namespace'] ) && $_GET["namespace"] != "" ) ? htmlspecialchars( $_GET['namespace'] ) : 10; //10 is template namespace

$templateName = ( isset( $_GET['name'] ) && $_GET["name"] != "" ) ? str_replace( "_", " ", htmlspecialchars( $_GET['name'], ENT_QUOTES ) ) : ;

echo get_html( 'header', 'Template transclusion count' );

if( !preg_match( "/^[a-z-]{2,8}$/", $language ) ) { // Safety precaution

echo 'Error: Language parameter with invaid format.

die( get_html( 'footer' ) );


if( !is_numeric( $namespace ) ) { // Safety precaution

echo 'Error: Namespace parameter must be numerical.

die( get_html( 'footer' ) );



<?php echo _html( 'enter-details' ); ?>

<?php echo _html( 'introduction' ); ?>

<form action="index.php" method="GET">

<label for="lang"><?php echo _html( 'language-label' ) . _g( 'colon-separator' );?> </label><input type="text" name="lang" id="lang" value="<?php echo $language; ?>" style="width:80px;" maxlength="8" required="required">.wikipedia.org
<label for="namespace"><?php echo _html( 'namespace-label' ) . _g( 'colon-separator' );?> </label><?php echo getNamespaceSelect( $interfaceLang, $namespace ); ?>
<label for="name"><?php echo _html( 'pagename-label' ) . _g( 'colon-separator' );?> </label><input type="text" name="name" id="name" style="width:200px;" value="<?php echo $templateName; ?>" required="required"/> <input type="submit" value="<?php echo _g( 'form-submit'); ?>" />



if( isset( $_GET['lang'] ) && $templateName != ){

Counter::increment( 'templatecount/sincejune2011.txt' );

$templateName = str_replace( "Template:", "", $templateName );

$templateName = mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $templateName, 0, 1 ) ) . mb_substr( $templateName, 1 ); // For Xeno

$templateName = str_replace( " ", "_", $templateName );

// echo "\n";

$db = dbconnect( $language . 'wiki-p' );

$result = $db->query( "SELECT count(*) FROM templatelinks WHERE tl_title = '" . $db->real_escape_string( $templateName ) ."' AND tl_namespace = " . $db->real_escape_string( $namespace ) . ";" );

$row = $result->fetch_array();

$count = $row[0];

echo "

" . _html( 'transclusion-count-label' ) . "

\n"; $result = "

" . _html( 'transclusion-count', array( 'variables' => array( $count ) ) ); if ( $count === 0 ) { $result .= " " . _html( 'error-suggestion' ); } echo $result . "


$diff = time() - $oldtime;

echo "

" . _html( 'time-label' ) . _g( 'colon-separator' ) . " $diff " . _g( 'seconds', array( 'variables' => array( $diff ) ) ) . ".




<a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a>

<script type="text/javascript">


if( isset( $_GET['lang'] ) && $_GET["lang"] != "" && $templateName != ){

echo "document.location='#bottom';\n";



$( document ).ready( function(){ $( "#translateform" ).html5form( { async:false } ); } );


<?php echo '"; ?>


echo get_html( 'footer' );