勇敢的劍士 武藏傳


勇敢的劍士 武藏傳(日語:ブレイヴフェンサー 武蔵伝,英語:Brave Fencer Musashi是一款由史克威爾於1998年在PlayStation家用機上發行的動作角色扮演遊戲。遊戲設計為3D畫面的實時劍術戰鬥系統,此外也支援對話配音、以及諸如晝夜交替和休息恢復體力之類的角色扮演遊戲要素。

勇敢的劍士 武藏傳
  • ブレイヴフェンサー 武蔵伝
  • Brave Fencer Musashi
  • 日本:1998年7月16日
  • 北美:1998年10月31日


遊戲的製作始於1997年初,由吉本陽一擔任總監、平田裕介擔任製作人、關戶剛負責遊戲配樂。遊戲與史克威爾先前的角色扮演遊戲截然不同,在製作過程中為團隊帶來諸多困難。遊戲收到正面評價。評價者讚揚了遊戲的圖像,相對於同時期其他類似遊戲來說。他們也覺得該作的遊戲性非常吸引人,尤其是在動作要素方面。《武藏傳》的續作為2005年於PlayStation 2上發行的《武藏傳II 劍聖》。


《武藏傳》是一款動作角色扮演遊戲。玩家在其中使用劍術與敵人進行動作為主,具有一些角色扮演的戰鬥。玩家控制著武藏,用他的劍「融合」和「流明」來對抗各種各樣的敵人。玩家可以搜尋5個捲軸,來增加「流明」的力量並給予武藏新的能力。遊戲中還有多個小遊戲和謎題分散在各處,玩家必須完成它們以推進情節。武藏用的兩把劍具有不同的能力和用途。「融合」,與日本刀相像,用來進行連擊,以及能夠吸收Bincho的能量。這是一種魔法的分數系統,能夠控制玩家可以施展多少魔法,以及如何快速地吸收敵人的技能。[1]另一把劍是「流明」,它本身不能有效地連擊使用。相反,它可以在捲軸中輸入元素屬性。[2] 流明主要是用來進攻的,但需要五個元素性捲軸結合,它可以獲得新的技能。這兩把劍通常與某些技術結合使用,它們被授予一些被拯救的城鎮居民。[3]






With help from the treasure hunter Jon, Musashi finds the Earth Scroll and defeats its crest guardian. After its defeat, half-vampire and half-zombie creatures known as Vambees appear in the nearby village. While searching for a way to stop the Vambees, Musashi finds the Water Scroll and defeats its crest guardian in the basement where the Vambees originate. While Musashi searches for the Fire Scroll, Musashi's rival, Kojiro, kidnaps Princess Fillet and uses her as a hostage to force a battle with Musashi. Kojiro is defeated and Fillet is then rescued. Musashi then searches for thieves from the Thirstquencher Empire and makes his way to the next crest guardian. It is then revealed that Princess Fillet is actually one of Thirstquencher's thieves disguised and that the real Fillet is still in their hands. Musashi then continues his journey, finds the Wind Scroll, and defeats its crest guardian in an ants' nest.

After finding the fifth and final Scroll, the Sky Scroll, Musashi discovers Thirstquencher's base, a floating ship known as the Soda Fountain. Musashi attacks the base and defeats the Sky Guardian. Thirstquencher's leader, Flatski, forces Musashi to give him Lumina in exchange for the Princess, and frees the Sky Crest. However, this unleashes the Wizard of Darkness, who was sealed within Brave Fencer Musashi's sword Lumina the entire time. It is also revealed by Jon that the original Brave Fencer Musashi sealed The Dark Wizard within the sword. Furthermore, it was Brave Fencer Musashi who entrusted the crests to the crest guardians to prevent The Dark Wizard's seal within Lumina from being broken. In effect, the present Musashi's quest merely aided The Dark Wizard's revival. Musashi recovers Lumina and uses it to defeat The Dark Wizard. After returning the Princess to Allucaneet Kingdom, Musashi takes Lumina to the place where he found it.




While the game conceptualized as an action oriented, Musashi was originally meant to be a wanderer. However, he was later changed to an itinerant Samaritan in order to have him interacting and helping other characters. During development, the team used an action base which was crucial to the game's fighting mechanics. Director Yoichi Yoshimoto was focused on the game's fully polygonal aspects that were a departure from Square's previous works. The development team prioritized the movement of polygons in real time and how light affected their appearance.[7]

When developing the characters for the game, Sakaguchi did not have a positive opinion of how popular the game would become. However, after the staff designed the graphics and the gameplay, he was surprised by the work, commenting that it was more interesting.[6] The characters were designed by Koji Matsuoka and illustrated by Tetsuya Nomura. When the game was localized英語Video game localization for an English release, translators had to change alcohol-based names with soda-pop names due to problems with rating boards. This resulted in several jokes being lost in translation.[8] The game's English title was changed from "Brave Fencer Musashiden" to "Brave Fencer Musashi" in order to avoid confusing non-Japanese players about the titular character's name, as "Musashiden" means Musashi's story.[9]

遊戲的音樂總譜是由關戶剛創作。他之前從未在史克威爾工作過。[10] 《勇敢的劍士 武藏傳:原生音軌》於1998年7月23日由DigiCube公司在日本地區發行。盒裝中有2張碟,其中含有78個音軌。[10]


《勇敢的劍士 武藏傳》最初於1998年7月16日在日本發行。遊戲於2000年6月29日作為史克威爾千禧系列的一部分重新發行,其中包括明信片、相機、手機錶帶、手錶錶帶和鑰匙圈[11][12] 另一個在日本地區的重新發行是在2008年7月9日的PlayStation Network上。[13] 在北美市場,遊戲被打包成為PlayStation 1998 Collector's CD Vol.2,在1998年10月31日發行。其中含有《最終幻想VIII》試玩版。[11]

一個以《武藏傳:移動武士》為題的簡化版手機遊戲於2005年在日本地區獨占發行。[14] 遊戲發行之後,有了發行續作的計劃,但是這一計劃延遲數年。由史克威爾艾尼克斯在PlayStation 2上製作的一個續作《武藏傳II 劍聖》於2005年在全球發行。[15]


Metacritic81 / 100 (12 reviews)[16]
GamePro4.5 / 5[3]
GameSpot7.7 / 10[17]
IGN8.5 / 10[18]
Fami通32 / 40[19]

《勇敢的劍士 武藏傳》在1998年日本共售出將近648,803份。是日本地區這一年第17位最佳銷售遊戲。[20][21]Fami通》雜誌給予本遊戲32/40的評分。[19]

遊戲收到正面評價。Metacritic給予其81/100的分數。[16] GameSpot評價者James Mielke表揚了圖像,稱其「非常好」並且優於同一時期史克威爾其他的角色扮演類遊戲。[17] IGN 和《GamePro》的評價者Randy Nelson和Air Hendrix,相對而言,也是同時表揚了遊戲的「非常棒的視覺設計」。[18][3] GameSpot和《GamePro》的評價者也表揚了遊戲的聲音配音者的表演質量。然而尼爾森同時也提到「主角聲軌」,但是他發現配音令人困擾。[17][18][3]

玩法同樣也收到正面評價。《GamePro》的Hendrix分享了他的看法。他認為遊戲在時間管理上做的非常好。[3] IGN和《GamePro》的Nelson和Hendrix都強調了對於遊戲動作元素的欣賞。[18][3] 《GameSpot》在感到動作元素是遊戲的著重點的同時,仍然喜歡遊戲具有大量的角色扮演元素。[17] 然而IGN的Nelson希望角色扮演元素能夠減少,甚至喜歡遊戲的動作部分。[18] 他們3個評價者都將遊戲與《薩爾達傳說》作比較。如GameSpot的Mielke探討了遊戲應該成為與其系列遊戲競爭的遊戲。[17] Both GameSpot和IGN都感到互相比較是不合適的。《武藏傳》與角色扮演相比著重於動作元素。這個導致了遊戲並不是其一個直接競爭對象。[17][18]


  1. ^ Brave Fencer Musashi Official Strategy Guide. Bradygames Strategy Guides. 1998: 18. ISBN 978-1-56686-832-7. 
  2. ^ Brave Fencer Musashi Official Strategy Guide. Bradygames Strategy Guides. 1998: 20. ISBN 978-1-56686-832-7. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 Hendrix, Air. Brave Fencer Musashi. GamePro. 2000-11-24 [2015-12-14]. (原始內容存檔於2008-12-05). 
  4. ^ Brave Fencer Musashi Official Strategy Guide. Bradygames Strategy Guides. 1998: 23. ISBN 978-1-56686-832-7. 
  5. ^ Brave Fencer Musashi Official Strategy Guide. Bradygames Strategy Guides. 1998: 14. ISBN 978-1-56686-832-7. 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 IGN staff. Brave Fencer: The Series?. IGN. 1998-03-09 [2009-01-12]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-02). 
  7. ^ IGN staff. Musashiden Interview Part 2. IGN. 1998-03-12 [2013-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-06-28). 
  8. ^ Fenlon, Wesley. The Rise of Squaresoft Localization. 1UP.com. 2011-04-28 [2013-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-11-08). 
  9. ^ Brave Fencer Musashiden Name Change. RPGamer. [2013-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2014-08-19). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Gann, Patrick. RPGFan Soundtracks - Brave Fencer Musashiden OST. RPGFan.com. [2008-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2012-08-11). 
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Brave Fencer Musashi release dates. GameSpot. [2009-08-24]. (原始內容存檔於2010-11-30). 
  12. ^ Koeppel, Christopher. Square Millennium Collection 2. RPGamer.com. 2000-07-18 [2008-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2009-01-13). 
  13. ^ Frank Caron. Curses: Japan gets more Square-Enix PSX loving. Ars Technica. 2008-07-09 [2008-07-09]. (原始內容存檔於2008-08-04). 
  14. ^ Score, Avery. Musashi: Mobile Samurai for Mobile Review. GameSpot. 2005-03-21 [2008-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2010-06-04). 
  15. ^ Alfonso, Andrew. E3 2004: Musashi Samurai Legend - Interview. IGN. 2004-05-13 [2013-07-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-06-28). 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Brave Fencer Musashi. Metacritic. [2009-08-22]. (原始內容存檔於2021-01-19). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 Mielke, James. Brave Fencer Musashi Review. GameSpot. 1998-08-05 [2009-08-22]. (原始內容存檔於2015-09-18). 
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 18.5 Nelson, Randy. Brave Fencer Musashi review. IGN. 1998-11-11 [2009-08-22]. (原始內容存檔於2020-06-28). 
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Chinn, Marty. Famitsu Top 120 PlayStation games. Gaming Age. 2000-06-23 [2008-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2011-06-05). 
  20. ^ Sony PS1 Japanese Ranking. Japan-GameCharts.com. [2008-12-20]. (原始內容存檔於2009-09-24). 
  21. ^ 1998 Top 30 Best Selling Japanese Console Games. The-MagicBox.com. [2009-01-01]. (原始內容存檔於2015-08-18). 
