























沙俄反猶太者杜撰之《錫安長老會紀要》為近代歐洲政府反猶太政策之藍本,當中對猶太人之毀謗,仍廣為反猶太者宣揚。十月革命曾獲指為猶太人陰謀。及至19441946年二戰末期,波蘭也曾有針對猶太人大規模暴力英語Anti-Jewish violence in Poland, 1944–1946,而1968年發生之學運風潮英語1968 Polish political crisis,波共政府藉老舊反猶太情緒,誣衊猶太人「煽動示威」,迫害國內殘存之猶太人,令他們數以十萬計流亡海外。


英國內監察反猶太暴力之組織有Community Security Trust英語Community Security Trust[12]Campaign Against Antisemitism英語Campaign Against Antisemitism[13]Board of Deputies of British Jews英語Board of Deputies of British Jews[14]Jewish Leadership Council英語Jewish Leadership Council[15][16]等。歐盟區內監察反猶太暴力之組織則有European Jewish Congress英語European Jewish Congress[17]、European Jewish Association、World Jewish Congress英語World Jewish Congress[18]B'nai B'rith英語B'nai B'rith德國[19]等。












二戰前與二戰期間,美國的反猶與排猶環境為猶太人從歐洲逃脫納粹的迫害造成了障礙。二戰期間逃難的猶太人不少被美國移民局拒絕入境。著名的事件包括1939年的「聖路易斯」號事件。二戰後則有三K黨持續針對猶太人幾十年。2018年10月27日,發生匹茲堡猶太教堂槍擊案,造成11人死亡。2019年4月28日,加利福尼亞州波威市恰巴德猶太教堂英語Chabad of Poway再度發生槍擊,造成1人死亡[32]


美國國會參議院遂於2023年12月辦聽證會,傳召諸位常春藤大學校長問責,而美國眾議院12月13日以303-126票通過決議,譴責包括哥倫比亞大學在內之校園反猶太暴力[69],再於2024年5月1日以320-91票通過決議,採納國際大屠殺紀念聯盟(International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance,IHRA)對反猶太主義之定義[70][71],要求諸校跟從[72]

2024年5月,哥倫比亞大學三名高層處理猶太師生投訴期間,因嘲諷他們「為籌款投訴」,招惹使用「反猶太比喻」(antisemitic tropes[73][74][75])之嫌疑,於7月遭停職[76][77][78][79][80][81][82],事件備受美國政府國會兩黨議員及不少媒體非議。相關人等於8月離職[83][84][85][86]。儘管記錄在案之大學校園反猶太事件(antisemitic incidents)高達數以千計[87][88][89][90][91][92][93][94][95][96][97][98][99],以左派為主之親學者矢口否認,堅稱反對猶太人之民族自決「並非」反猶太,而是「言論自由[100][101][102][103][104][105][106][107][108][109]


美國內監察反猶太暴力之組織有StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism[134]Hillel International英語Hillel International[135]American Jewish Committee英語American Jewish Committee[136]American Jewish Congress英語American Jewish Congress[137]反誹謗聯盟[138][139]、Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation[140]Simon Wiesenthal Center英語Simon Wiesenthal Center[141]、Combat Antisemitism Movement[142]等。




據猶太歷史學家萊昂·波里亞克夫(法語:Léon Poliakov)的研究,在早期伊斯蘭社會中,猶太人享有充分的自由,其社群活動也非常活躍。當時的法律或社會觀念並沒有限制猶太人從事任何經濟活動。許多猶太人跟隨著穆斯林,在新佔領的土地上建立新的家園和猶太人社區。巴格達的高官也將其資產委託給猶太銀行家打理。猶太人在海上貨物買賣和奴隸貿易中佔據了相當大的份額。更有甚者,基督教紀元10世紀波斯地區的主要港口城市Siraf的地方長官也由猶太人擔任[146]


當時控制著伊比利亞地區的伊斯蘭教穆瓦希德王朝穆拉比特王朝奉行更徹底的伊斯蘭原教旨主義,因此對待統治範圍內的猶太人和基督教徒(這兩類人被統稱為「吉瑪人」,阿拉伯語:ذمي‎)更為苛刻嚴酷。大量猶太人和基督徒被驅逐出摩洛哥安達盧斯[153]。猶太人面對僅有的改宗皈依或種族滅亡的兩個選擇時,最終決定集體外遷。當時包括猶太思想家邁蒙尼德家族在內的許多猶太人向東遷移到較為寬容的穆斯林國家,而另一部分猶太人則被迫向北進入基督教日漸興盛的西歐和中歐地區。[154][155]而從15世紀起,摩洛哥的猶太人被限制居住在稱為「猶太人區」(阿拉伯語:الملاح‎, 希伯來語מלּאח‎)的特定社區內[156]



Steven K. Baum在《Antisemitism Explained》一書中提到遜尼派最重要的聖訓集《布哈里聖訓實錄》有58項反猶太人的提及。[159]


2012年1月,在法塔赫成立47周年紀念活動上,巴勒斯坦政府穆夫提穆罕默德·海珊(Muhammad Hussein)說《布哈里聖訓實錄》和《穆斯林聖訓實錄》的可靠聖訓都說:「那時刻不會來臨,直到你們與猶太人戰鬥,猶太人將會藏於石頭或樹木後,而石頭或樹木就會喊:穆斯林,安拉的僕民,我後面有猶太人,快來殺他。厄爾蓋德樹是例外。」他說人們看到以色列的定居點和殖民區被厄爾蓋德樹圍繞不用奇怪。以色列認為他的講話是呼籲殺死所有猶太人的仇恨言論[162]

2013年,埃及宗教捐助部長塔拉特·阿菲菲(Talaat Afifi)在電視上表示:「我希望先知穆罕默德的話可以實現:『審判日不會來臨,直到穆斯林與猶太人戰鬥,猶太人將會藏於石頭和樹木後,可是石頭和樹木就會喊:穆斯林,安拉的僕民,我後面有猶太人,快來殺他。厄爾蓋德樹是例外,因為它是猶太人的樹。』我們完全相信這片土地(指以色列)的將來是由伊斯蘭教和穆斯林決定。」[163]他的這番言論被以色列視為反猶。[164]

2015年10月,巴勒斯坦的伊瑪目Sheikh Khaled al-Mughrabi在耶路撒冷阿克薩清真寺講道時指猶太人將會在該寺外面興建一座崇拜魔鬼的廟宇,又引用上面的「石頭和樹木都會說話」的聖訓指出穆斯林將會殲滅猶太人。[165][166]







  1. ^ Johnson (1987), p. 164.
  2. ^ Meyer, Michael A. German-Jewish History in Modern Times. New York: Columbia University Press. 1996: 9. ISBN 0-231-07472-7. 
  3. ^ Carr (2003), pp. 144–145.
  4. ^ Carr (2003), p. 151.
  5. ^ Carr (2003), pp. 141-145.
  6. ^ Carr (2003), pp. 157–158.
  7. ^ Johnson (1987), pp. 215–216.
  8. ^ Johnson (1987), pp. 174, 211–213.
  9. ^ Gartner 11-12
  10. ^ Johnson (1987), pp. 216–217.
  11. ^ 教會與第三帝國. [2012-11-30]. (原始內容存檔於2012-11-30). 
  12. ^ CST: Antisemitic Incidents Report (annual issue, 2014 - now). Community Security Trust英語Community Security Trust. 
  13. ^ Campaign Against Antisemitism. Campaign Against Antisemitism英語Campaign Against Antisemitism. 
  14. ^ Antisemitism. Board of Deputies of British Jews英語Board of Deputies of British Jews. 
  15. ^ JLC facilitates meeting between Shadow Faith Minister Sarah Owens and UJS. Jewish Leadership Council英語Jewish Leadership Council. 
  16. ^ Universities told to stamp out antisemitism on campus: The Universities Minister is calling on all institutions to accept the IHRA definition of antisemitism and step up to tackle religious-based hate.. 英國政府. 
  17. ^ ANTISEMITISM IN EUROPE. European Jewish Congress英語European Jewish Congress. 
  18. ^ The Global Fight against Antisemitism: International Commitments and Best Practices. World Jewish Congress英語World Jewish Congress. 
  19. ^ Combating Anti-Semitism. B'nai B'rith英語B'nai B'rith. 
  20. ^ Strafgesetzbuch section 86a. 德國刑法(官方網頁). 
  21. ^ 卡塞爾文件展前夕展覽空間因種族議題遭破壞,巴勒斯坦藝術家終順利開展. 典藏ARTouch.com. 2022-06-17 [2022-06-29] (中文(臺灣)). 
  22. ^ Number of anti-Semitic offenses recorded by the police in Germany 2001-2023. Statista. 
  23. ^ Nöstlinger, Nette. Germany records sharp rise in antisemitic incidents. Politico. 25 June 2024 [26 June 2024]. 
  24. ^ Germany - Events of 2022. Human Rights Watch. 
  25. ^ 中網反猶情緒升高 《辛德勒的名單》遭正反強力刷評. [2023-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2023-12-11). 
  26. ^ 【以巴衝突】群起批鬥猶太人 仇視以色列言論為何充斥中國網路?. [2023-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2023-12-11). 
  27. ^ 以色列哈马斯冲突,中国社媒上为何反犹太情绪高涨?. [2023-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2023-11-11). 
  28. ^ 小粉紅「反猶太」異常高漲 狂諷以色列咎由自取. 2023-10-12 [2023-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2023-12-11). 
  29. ^ 中共反猶太立場從何而來?. 2023年11月5日 [2023年12月11日]. (原始內容存檔於2023年12月11日). 
  30. ^ ‘Hornet’s nest’ of hateful content after Hamas attack uncovered on Chinese social media [中國社交媒體揭露哈馬斯襲擊後的像「馬蜂窩」一般的仇恨內容]. CNN. 2024-01-26 [2024-04-20]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-20) (英語). 
  31. ^ 付慧敏; 劉曉涵; 高晗蕊. CNN称中国网友“反犹”遭回怼. 中國日報. 2024-01-30 [2024-04-16]. (原始內容存檔於2024-04-20). 
  32. ^ 加州一犹太教堂枪击案一死三伤,似为仇恨犯罪. [2019-04-28]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-28). 
  33. ^ Jewish former student suing Harvard decries antisemitism at Ivy League college. The Jewish Chronicle英語The Jewish Chronicle. 
  34. ^ US student jailed after threatening to behead Jewish babies. The Jewish Chronicle英語The Jewish Chronicle. 
  35. ^ Princeton joins list of Ivy League unis under antisemitism investigation. Jewish News英語Jewish News. 
  36. ^ Jewish High Schoolers Abandon Ivy League Aspirations in Response to Campus Antisemitism. National Review英語National Review. 
  37. ^ To Be (Visibly) Jewish in the Ivy League. 紐約時報. 
  38. ^ Ivy League Legal Fees to Soar Amid Antisemitism Cases (Correct). Bloomberg Legal News. 
  39. ^ Jewish students sue Harvard over 'rampant' anti-semitism. BBC. 
  40. ^ America’s elite universities are bloated, complacent and illiberal. 經濟學人. 
  41. ^ {{Cite web |date=April 21, 2024 |title='Burn Tel Aviv to the ground:' Calls for violence continue at Columbia |url=https://www.jpost.com/diaspora/antisemitism/article-798160 |access-date=2024-04-25 |website=耶路撒冷郵報
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  43. ^ Nazi Symbols Discovered at Columbia University After Weeks of Ongoing Antisemitic Hostilities. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  44. ^ Columbia University Slapped with Major Lawsuit over Antisemitism. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  45. ^ Anti-Israel Lecturer Praises Hamas During Event at Columbia University. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  46. ^ Shocking Video Captures Moment Protester Near Columbia University Yells, ‘We’re all Hamas,’ ‘Long live Hamas’. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  47. ^ Columbia University Sued Over Unsafe Campus Conditions Due to Antisemitic Encampments. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  48. ^ Pro-Hamas Mob Overtakes Columbia University and Calls for Murder of Jews. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  49. ^ Pro-Hamas Law Students Pledge Violence against Jews on Campus at Columbia University. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  50. ^ Columbia University Calls off Graduation Due to Persisting Anti-Israel Riots. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  51. ^ Students for Justice in Palestine Chapter at John Jay College Displays Unambiguous Support for Terrorism Post-October 7th. Combat Antisemitism Movement. 
  52. ^ Columbia University Professor Warns Students of Jewish Control Over Mainstream Media. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  53. ^ Columbia University Graduate Spews Antisemitic Vitriol and Misinformation in Commencement Address. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  54. ^ Black Lives Matter and the World's Oldest Hatred. 華爾街日報. 31 October 2023.  "The group's praise for Hamas's 'resistance' comes as no surprise to those paying attention."
  55. ^ Jewish groups raise concerns at Louis Farrakhan image on Black Lives Matter Mural. Campaign Against Antisemitism英語Campaign Against Antisemitism. 31 August 2022. 
  56. ^ Westchester town fights to remove Louis Farrakhan image on taxpayer-funded BLM mural. 紐約郵報. 2 September 2022. 
  57. ^ Repairing the World by Embracing Antisemites: American Jews and Black Lives Matter. The Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, Bar-Ilan University. 17 September 2020. 
  58. ^ Will Anti-Semitism Undermine the Black Lives Matter Movement?. 新聞週刊. 24 July 2020. 
  59. ^ Judicial Publication: 16-3109 - Zamarripa v. Farrakhan et al. GovInfo (United States). 
  60. ^ Bill De Blasio Only Cares About Anti-Semitism If It's Coming From The Right. The Federalist英語The Federalist. 16 December 2019. 
  61. ^ Columbia University Affiliated with Organization that Celebrated Hamas’ Massacre Against Israel. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  62. ^ Chait, Jonathan. Why Anti-Israel Protesters Won't Stop Harassing Jews. Intelligencer. April 22, 2024 [2024-04-25]. 
  63. ^ Otterman, Sharon. What Is Antisemitism? A Columbia Task Force Would Rather Not Say.. 紐約時報. March 21, 2024 [2024-04-25]. ISSN 0362-4331. 
  64. ^ Goldman, David. ADL gives Harvard and a dozen other universities failing grades on campus antisemitism. CNN. April 11, 2024 [2024-04-25]. 
  65. ^ Columbia professors questioned Jewish students about IDF and told them media‘owned by Jews’. The Jewish Chronicle英語The Jewish Chronicle. 
  66. ^ Columbia University Report Details Wide Campus Antisemitism. Psychology Today英語Psychology Today. 
  67. ^ 美国大学加强遏止校内反犹太主义. 聯合早報. 2023-11-11 [2023-11-12]. (原始內容存檔於2023-11-12) (中文(新加坡)). 
  68. ^ Tress, Luke. Queens College Hillel calls pro-Hitler graffiti a threat to student safety, demands action from administration. Jewish Telegraphic Agency英語Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 2024-03-22. (原始內容存檔於2024-05-16) (美國英語). 
  69. ^ H.Res.927 - Condemning antisemitism on University campuses and the testimony of University Presidents in the House Committee on Education and the Workforce.. 美國國會. 
  70. ^ What is antisemitism?. 國際大屠殺紀念聯盟(IHRA). 
  71. ^ Definition of antisemitism - European Commission. 歐盟委員會. 
  72. ^ US House votes to pass antisemitism bill in response to campus protests. 衛報. 
  73. ^ AJC's glossary of antisemitic terms, phrases, conspiracies, cartoons, themes, and memes. (PDF). American Jewish Committee英語American Jewish Committee. 
  74. ^ ADL Publishes New Guide to Antisemitic Tropes. 反誹謗聯盟. 
  75. ^ An idiot's guide to anti-Semitic tropes. Jewish Telegraphic Agency英語Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 
  76. ^ In newly revealed texts, Columbia deans discuss Jewish student ‘privilege’ and ‘$$$$’. 以色列時報. 
  77. ^ Columbia University Suspends Top Administrators for Mocking Antisemitism Concerns in Texts. National Review英語National Review. 
  78. ^ Columbia U. suspends senior staff over mockery of antisemitism. Ynetnews英語Ynetnews. 
  79. ^ Columbia suspends 3 administrators over disparaging texts during panel on campus Jewish life. Jewish Telegraphic Agency英語Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 
  80. ^ Columbia puts deans on leave after texts evoking ‘antisemitic tropes’. 華盛頓郵報. 
  81. ^ 3 Columbia University officials lose posts over texts that 'touched on ancient antisemitic tropes'. 美聯社. 2024-07-08 [2024-09-05]. 
  82. ^ Columbia removes three deans over text messages with alleged ‘antisemitic tropes. 衛報. 
  83. ^ Columbia deans in antisemitic texting scandal resign. The Jewish Chronicle英語The Jewish Chronicle. 
  84. ^ Columbia University president resigns after Gaza protests turmoil. BBC. 
  85. ^ 3 Columbia University Deans Who Sent Insulting Texts Have Resigned. 紐約時報. 
  86. ^ 3 Columbia University administrators resign over controversial texts that "touched on antisemitic tropes". CBS. 
  87. ^ Antisemitic Incidents: Columbia University/Barnard College. AMCHA Initiative. 
  88. ^ Audit of Antisemitic Incidents 2023. 反誹謗聯盟. 
  89. ^ U.S. Antisemitic Incidents Skyrocketed 360% in Aftermath of Attack in Israel, according to Latest ADL Data. 反誹謗聯盟. 
  90. ^ ADL records more than 3,200 antisemitic incidents since start of Israel-Hamas war. CNN. 
  91. ^ ADL says antisemitic incidents in U.S. surged 140% in 2023. Axios. 
  92. ^ College campuses see disturbing rise of antisemitism since October 7. 耶路撒冷郵報. 
  93. ^ 'Snapshot of Radical Activist Movement': Over 2,000 anti-Israel Campus Incidents in U.S. Last Year, Says ADL. 國土報. 
  94. ^ These are the most antisemitic college campuses in the US. Ynetnews. 
  95. ^ The Crisis of Antisemitism on College Campuses. Brandei Magazine - Brandei University(官方網頁). 
  96. ^ Netanyahu labels US student protests ‘antisemitic’ and calls for them to end. 衛報. 
  97. ^ Antisemitism on Campus: Understanding Hostility to Jews and Israel. Brandei Library(官方網頁). 
  98. ^ An Antisemitism Academia Crisis: Communication Failure on Three Ivy League College Campuses. Baruch College - Student Theses and Dissertations(官方網頁). 
  99. ^ What It's Like to be Jewish on Campus Right Now. American Jewish Committee英語American Jewish Committee. 
  100. ^ The Anti-Israel Left Needs to Take a Hard Look at Itself. 紐約時報. 
  101. ^ Liberal media is still in denial about post-Oct. 7 antisemitism. Jewish News Syndicate英語Jewish News Syndicate. 
  102. ^ 3 Columbia University administrators resign over controversial texts that "touched on antisemitic tropes". CBS. 
  103. ^ Leftist Collective denies pro-Palestine protest was antisemitic after Alabama senators propose antisemitism legislation. The Crimson White. 
  104. ^ Time to nix 'Palestine': Terrorists aren't entitled to a state - opinion. 耶路撒冷郵報. 
  105. ^ Philip Abrams Memorial Prize Archive. British Sociological Association英語British Sociological Association. [2021-03-01]. 
  106. ^ Lipman, Jennifer. Ex-cabbie who took on the left. The Jewish Chronicle英語The Jewish Chronicle. 1 September 2017 [3 September 2017]. 
  107. ^ Allington, Daniel; Hirsh, David. The AzAs (Antizionist Antisemitism) Scale: Measuring Antisemitism as Expressed in Relation to Israel and Its Supporters. Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism英語Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. 2019-08-01, 2 (2): 43–52. ISSN 2472-9906. S2CID 213804306. doi:10.26613/jca/2.2.32. 
  108. ^ Hirsh, David. How the Word "Zionist" Functions in Antisemitic Vocabulary. Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism英語Journal of Contemporary Antisemitism. 12 January 2022, 4 (2): 1–18. doi:10.26613/jca.4.2.83. 
  109. ^ Hirsh, David. It was the new phenomenon of Israel-focused antisemitism that required the new definition. David Hirsh responds to a recent 'call to reject' the IHRA. Fathom Journal英語Fathom Journal. 
  110. ^ Report #1: Task Force on Antisemitism. Columbia University(官方網頁). 
  111. ^ Report #2: Task Force on Antisemitism. Columbia University(官方網頁). 
  112. ^ Civil Rights Act (1964). National Archives (United States). 
  113. ^ 40-year-old indicted for burning Israeli flag at April Columbia University protest. Jewish Telegraphic Agency英語Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 
  114. ^ 2 pro-Palestinian student groups at NYU, Columbia say Instagram removed their accounts. Jewish Telegraphic Agency英語Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 
  115. ^ Pro-Palestinian vandals deface apartment building of Columbia University administrator. Jewish Telegraphic Agency英語Jewish Telegraphic Agency. 
  116. ^ Universities brace for terrorist attacks in first post-riot semester. 耶路撒冷郵報. 
  117. ^ Anti-Israel activists try to stop first Columbia U classes with protests, vandalism. 耶路撒冷郵報. 
  118. ^ 40-year-old indicted for burning Israeli flag at April Columbia University protest. Israel National News英語Israel National News. 
  119. ^ Columbia University: Anti-Israel protesters target Hillary Clinton's course. Israel National News英語Israel National News. 
  120. ^ Shocking Columbia report reveals professor claiming ‘mainstream media is owned by Jews’. Israel Hayom英語Israel Hayom. 
  121. ^ ‘Settler colonialism’ is the latest academic construct to attack Jews. The Jewish Chronicle英語The Jewish Chronicle. 
  122. ^ Columbia prof told students not to watch mainstream media because ‘it is owned by Jews’: report. 紐約郵報. 
  123. ^ Qatar’s ties to US universities scrutinised amid rise in antisemitism. 金融時報. 
  124. ^ Columbia University Report Decries ‘Crushing Antisemitism’ Against Jewish Students. Yated Ne’eman. 
  125. ^ Belkin, Douglas. Columbia Failed to Stop Hate, Violence Against Jews on Campus, New Report Says. The Wall Street Journal. 30 August 2024. 
  126. ^ Fahy, Claire. Columbia’s Antisemitism Task Force Finds ‘Urgent Need’ for Change. 紐約時報. 2024-08-30 [2024-09-01]. ISSN 0362-4331. 
  127. ^ Tress, Luke. Columbia task force reports ‘crushing’ discrimination against Jews and Israelis. 以色列時報. 31 August 2024. 
  128. ^ Columbia University antisemitism report highlights bigotry among elites in college system. 紐約郵報. 
  129. ^ Jewish students at Columbia were stalked, spit on and harassed, university report finds. Gothamist. 
  130. ^ CAM Tracks Daily Average of 16.2 Antisemitic Incidents in May, a 263% Year-Over-Year Rise. Combat Antisemitism Movement. 
  131. ^ How Colleges Should Address Anti-Semitism. 大西洋雜誌. 
  132. ^ Jewish Groups Bring 19th-Century Weapon to Legal Fight against Antisemitism at Columbia: The KKK Act. StandWithUs英語StandWithUs. 
  133. ^ Columbia University encampments are fueling antisemitism. Bergen Record. 
  134. ^ StopAntisemitism publishes reports that detail the extent to which antisemitism has spread and is tolerated within various environments and communities in the United States including college campuses and corporate America.. StopAntisemitism英語StopAntisemitism. 
  135. ^ Campus for All. Hillel International英語Hillel International. 
  136. ^ AJC's glossary of antisemitic terms, phrases, conspiracies, cartoons, themes and memes (PDF). American Jewish Committee英語American Jewish Committee. 
  137. ^ Confronting Campus Antisemitism: An Action Plan for University Administrators. American Jewish Congress英語American Jewish Congress. 
  138. ^ The National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. 反誹謗聯盟. 
  139. ^ ADL records more than 3,200 antisemitic incidents since start of Israel-Hamas war. CNN. 
  140. ^ ABOUT - WHO WE ARE. Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial Foundation. 
  141. ^ Anti-Semitism on Campus: A Clear and Present Danger (PDF). Simon Wiesenthal Center英語Simon Wiesenthal Center. 
  142. ^ Take Action. Combat Antisemitism Movement. 
  143. ^ Richard S. Levy (編). Antisemitism: A Historical Encyclopedia of Prejudice and Persecution. ABC-CLIO. 2005: 468 [2015-01-15]. ISBN 9781851094394. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  144. ^ Jon Irving Bloomberg. The Jewish World in the Middle Ages. KTAV Publishing House, Inc. 2000: 34-35 [2015-01-15]. ISBN 9780881256840. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  145. ^ M. A. Khan. Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery. iUniverse. 2009: 45-49 [2015-01-16]. ISBN 9781440118463. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  146. ^ Poliakov (1974), pg.68–71
  147. ^ The Treatment of Jews in Arab/Islamic Countries. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2008-05-14). 
  148. ^ Granada頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Richard Gottheil, Meyer Kayserling, 猶太教百科全書. 1906 ed.
  149. ^ The Jews of Morocco. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-21). 
  150. ^ The Jews of Egypt. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2012-04-26). 
  151. ^ The Jews of Syria. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2016-12-17). 
  152. ^ The Jews of Yemen. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2016-06-01). 
  153. ^ The Forgotten Refugees. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-28). 
  154. ^ Sephardim. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2010-01-06). 
  155. ^ Kraemer, Joel L., Moses Maimonides: An Intellectual Portrait in The Cambridge Companion to Maimonides pp. 16–17 (2005)
  156. ^ The Jews of Morocco, by Ralph G. Bennett. [2015-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2010-01-06). 
  157. ^ 卡拉‧鮑爾著,《古蘭似海:用生活見證伊斯蘭聖典的真諦》,新北市,八旗文化,2017年,p319。
  158. ^ Saudi Arabia's intolerable antisemitic textbooks頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),載於www.guardian.co.uk,2010年11月24日。
  159. ^ Steven K. Baum. Antisemitism Explained. University Press of America. 2011: 13 [2015-01-15]. ISBN 9780761855781. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-04). 
  160. ^ The Book Pertaining to the Turmoil and Portents of the Last Hour (Kitab Al-Fitan wa Ashrat As-Sa`ah)頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 41.
  161. ^ Palestine Center - The Charter of the Hamas. [2010-09-20]. (原始內容存檔於2010-11-11). 
  162. ^ PA Mufti’s speech at Fatah celebration encourages the killing of Jews頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),2012年1月19日。
  163. ^ Egypt’s Religion Minister Hopes to Visit Israel When All the Jews are Dead,frontpagemag.com,2013年4月4日。
  164. ^ Egyptian minister makes antisemitic remarks頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),antisemitism.org.il,2013年4月5日。
  165. ^ Jews will worship devil, be exterminated by Muslims, says al-Aksa hate preacher. Jerusalem Post. 2015-10-19 [2015-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2015-10-20). 
  166. ^ Al-Aqsa preacher: Jews will worship the devil. The Times of Israel. 2015-10-19 [2015-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2015-10-20). 
  167. ^ Immigration to Israel by European Jews hits a high as anti-Semitic attacks rise. Daily Mail Online. 2016-01-15 [2016-01-15]. (原始內容存檔於2016-01-15). ... There are increasing reports of assaults and intimidation against Jews by mostly from Muslim extremists. ... 
  168. ^ Yemeni Jews brought to Israel in secret mission. BBC News. 2016-03-21 [2016-03-22]. (原始內容存檔於2016-03-22). the Zaidi Shia Houthi movement, whose slogan is: "God is great. Death to America. Death to Israel. A curse on the Jews. Victory to Islam." 
  169. ^ Jewish Pokemon - Arabs See Jewish Conspiracy in Pokemon頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館),Los Angeles Times,2001年4月24日。
