
法律不問瑣事拉丁語De minimis non curat lex.;英語:The law does not take account of trifles.)為拉丁語法律術語[1][2]

瑞典女王克里斯蒂娜(1633至1654年在位)鍾愛一條含義類似的拉丁語格言aquila non capit muscas(老鷹不捉蒼蠅)。[3]

「法律不問瑣事」的原則(英語:de minimis principle)可追溯至15世紀。[4]



  1. ^ Ehrlich, Eugene. Amo, Amas, Amat and More. New York: Harper Row. 1987: 100 [1985]. ISBN 978-0-06-272017-7. 
  2. ^ Garner (編). Black's Law Dictionary 7th. St. Paul, Minnesota: West Publishing. 1999: 443. ISBN 0-314-22864-0. 
  3. ^ Walter Keating Kelly, A Collection of the Proverbs of All Nations, 1869 
  4. ^ Max L. Veech & Charles R. Moon, "De Minimis Non Curat Lex", 45 Michigan Law Review. 537, 538 (1947) (quoting Thomas Branch, Principia Legis et Æquitatis 36 (William Waller Hening ed., T. H. White, 4th London ed. 1824))
