1994年,時年27歲的王彤文成為哈佛大學講師,並於1997年擔任該校助理教授。在哈佛工作期間,王彤文擁有自己的研究室,並在包括《科學》和《細胞》等一流的生物科技學雜誌上發表多篇文章。王彤文曾被聘任為Pfizer公司和其他生物技術公司的技術顧問,多次在美國和國際會議上作學術報告。[1]2002年,王彤文的研究室獲得美國癌症研究協會(American Cancer Society )100萬美元的研究撥款。[2]2012年,王彤文與生物學研究者Johnson AR, Lao S, Galanko JA, Zeisel SH共同在著名的《PLOS ONE》(公共科學文庫期刊)網站上發表生物學研究性文章Choline Dehydrogenase Polymorphism rs12676 Is a Functional Variation and Is Associated with Changes in Human Sperm Cell Function。[3]
據紐約每日新聞報2013年3月6日報道,王彤文試圖於2012年重新開辦「全象特許學校」,該申請被紐約州教育部門否決。教育部門在回信中說申請手續不全。王彤文認為,申請被否決的原因是歧視法輪功學員。紐約州立大學特許學校協會的發言人Elizabeth Genco說,該協會在審核這些申請辦學時要「看它的創始團隊是否具有開辦一個有學習氛圍的、有財務保障的和法律上聲名良好的特許學校的意願、技能和能力」。[5]
- ^ New York Times: Who is Fethullah Gulen?. Diane Ravitch. 2016-07-16 [2021-10-25]. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-25) (英語).
- ^ John, Kusumi. Dissidents seek to derail the nomination of Gary Locke for U.S. ambassador , USA. Nolan Chart. 2011-05-12 [2013-04-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-04-19).
That year, the American Cancer Society awarded a grant of $1 million to Dr. Weiss' laboratory.
- ^ Neil John, Gemmell. Choline Dehydrogenase Polymorphism rs12676 Is a Functional Variation and Is Associated with Changes in Human Sperm Cell Function, Obama. PLOS. 2012-04-27 [2013-04-03]. (原始內容存檔於2013-04-22).
Johnson AR, Lao S, Wang T, Galanko JA, Zeisel SH (2012) Choline Dehydrogenase Polymorphism rs12676 Is a Functional Variation and Is Associated with Changes in Human Sperm Cell Function. PLoS ONE 7(4): e36047. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0036047.
- ^ John, Kusumi. Dissidents seek to derail the nomination of Gary Locke for U.S. ambassador , USA. Nolan Chart. 2011-05-12 [2013-04-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-04-19).
In 2002, Weiss undertook research to investigate human immune system responses to the practice of Falun Gong -- research that would use the techniques of Western medicine to perhaps vindicate the reported health benefits of practicing Falun Gong and advance cancer research.
- ^ Clare, Trapasso. Falun Gong follower behind attempt to open six charter schools,New York. NEW YORK DAILY NEWS. 2013-03-06 [2013-04-02]. (原始內容存檔於2013-04-19).
Her attempt to open the Whole Elephant Charter School, a Flushing boarding school for unwanted kids of Chinese immigrants, was shot down last year by the state Department of Education. The agency said in a letter her application was incomplete.Weiss, who used to go by the name Tongwen Wang, said that wasn’t true.
「Our application was not reviewed because of discrimination against me as a Falun Gong practitioner,」 said Weiss, who previously said she had been arrested for trespassing and unjustly diagnosed with manic depression because of her beliefs.SUNY Charter Schools Institute spokeswoman Elizabeth Genco said the institute 「seeks to determine if the founding group has the will, skill, and capacity to open an academically, fiscally, and legally sound charter」 before it green lights a proposed school.
- (簡體中文) 王彤文在博訊的個人博客 (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)