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自殺模仿,定義為一個參照一個知名的自殺方式或特定人物的自殺方式所進行的自殺行為,別稱「維特效應」(Werther effect),名稱來自歌德所著的《少年維特的煩惱》。
Thomas E. Joiner, Jr在其報告「The Clustering and Contagion of Suicide」中認為,容易自殺的人通常在任何自殺發生之前就聚集在一起,一旦這個群體發生了負性事件,那麼群體的自殺傾向會增加,這種增加可以通過社會的支持關心而減弱抵消;以核輻射類比,即當弱勢群體(容易自殺者)受到核輻射影響(負性事件)時,集體死亡事件會發生。
- 負性事件(如親近的人的自殺)會增加自殺傾向;
- 良好社會支持可以緩解自殺傾向;
- 自殺者本身帶有一些特質(如精神疾病);
- 人以群分,有類似特質的人容易聚集在一起。
- The Copycat Effect (ISBN 0-7434-8223-9)
- Suicide Clusters (ISBN 0-571-12991-9)
- The Clustering and Contagion of Suicide,Thomas E.Joiner,Jr. Current Directions in Psychological Science 1999 8:89 DOI : 10.1111/1467-8721.00021
- Phillips, D.P., & Carstensen, L.L. (1986). Clustering of teenage suicides after television news stories about suicide. New England Journal of Medicine, 315, 685–689.
- Phillips, D.P., & Paight, D.J. (1987). The impact of televised movies about suicide: A replicative study. New England Journal of Medicine, 317,809–811
- Copycat Effect (Article that discusses the how the sensational coverage of violent events tends to provoke similar events and the journalistic ethics involved).
- Suicide Contagion and the Reporting of Suicide: Recommendations from a National Workshop (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) - Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Reporting on Suicide: Recommendations for the Media (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) - American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
- Suicide and the media Links, resources and articles from The MediaWise Trust
- Gregor S, Copycat suicide: The influence of the media (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) 2004, Australian Psychological Society
- Stack S, Media coverage as a risk factor in suicide (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 2003;57:238-240
- Herman J, Reporting on suicide Australian Press Council news, February 1998
- Suicide and the media New Zealand youth suicide prevention strategy
- "Suicide and the Media: Recommendations on Suicide Reporting for Media Professionals (in Chinese)", The Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention, The University of Hong Kong
- 香港報業評議會正式發佈《處理自殺新聞守則》
- 迷因
- 共時性
- 2010年深圳富士康員工墜樓事件
- 荔灣廣場(十餘年來多人在此地跳樓自殺)