


更寬泛地說,達爾文機是一個利用達爾文本質的一些子集,通常是以自然選擇來創造非複製模式的過程,就如同神經達爾文主義英語Neural Darwinism那樣。神經發育英語Development of the nervous system在許多方面都利用過度生長,然後修剪成一種模式,但所產生的模式本身並不進一步產生複製。




  • 威廉·卡爾文 (1987), "The brain as a Darwin Machine"頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Nature 330:33-34.
  • 威廉·卡爾文 (1997) "The Six Essentials?頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Minimal Requirements for the Darwinian Bootstrapping of Quality," Journal of Memetics 1:1.
  • George B. Dyson (1998), Darwin Among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence (Perseus 1997)(1998) ISBN 0-7382-0030-1.
  • J. M. Manier (1996), Reason and Instinct (Robert Wright's The Moral Animal and Henry Plotkin's Darwin, Machines and the Nature of Knowledge). THEORY AND PSYCHOLOGY. 6 (2): 347-348. ISSN 0959-3543
  • Henry Plotkin (1994), Darwin Machines and the Nature of Knowledge (Harvard University Press. ISBN 0-674-19280-XISBN 0-674-19280-X
  • Henry Plotkin & Nicholas S. Thompson (1995), Darwin Machines and the Nature of Knowledge. Contemporary Psychology. 40 (12), 1179.
  • E. A. Smith (1995), Darwin Machines and the Nature of Knowledge (Henry C. Plotkin). Politics and the Life Sciences : the Journal of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences. 14 (2), 296. ISSN 0730-9384