使用者:Ling Yiran/霍格沃茨特快 (美國奧蘭多環球影城)

[[File:代替=A funicular railway vehicle disguised as a red-colored steam locomotive pulling into an old-fashioned railroad station building.|250px]]
製造商Doppelmayr Garaventa索道製造公司
設計CWA Constructions公司和環球公司創意部
主題霍格沃茨特快 (來自哈利波特系列電影)
速度12.2 km/h(7.6 mph)
軌道數單軌 (建有會讓站)
軌寬1,800毫米(5英尺10 78英寸
availableUniversal Express

美國佛羅里達州奧蘭多環球影城的霍格沃茨特快列車是園區遊覽項目之一, 採用寬軌纜索鐵路設計,軌道間距1800毫米,可以載人。鐵路線全長676米,往返於冒險島樂園霍格莫德車站佛羅里達環球影城倫敦區內的國王十字車站。這條鐵路還原哈利波特系列電影中的場景,連接哈利波特魔法世界主題公園中的對角巷和霍格莫德小鎮。

這套鐵路系統由Doppelmayr Garaventa索道製造公司承包建造,以電影中的霍格沃茨特快為原型,目前共有兩部開往相反方向的列車投入使用,車上分別會播放不同的影像。火車是在兩個分開的主題公園之間運行,因此乘客必須同時持有這兩個公園的通行門票,經由檢票員確認之後才能登上列車。




引入霍格沃茨特快的想法最初由環球電影公司創意部門主管馬克·伍德伯瑞(Mark Woodbury)提出。[2][4]2010年開放了位於冒險島樂園的霍格莫德小鎮後,環球公司開始考慮如何平衡相鄰主題公園之間的遊客量。[5]一開始創意部門考慮把對角巷也建在冒險島樂園中,最終他們商定倫敦和霍格莫德兩個景區不應建在彼此可以望見的範圍內。因此伍德伯瑞提議把對角巷建在佛羅里達環球影城,然後用某種方式把這兩個哈利波特主題的景區連接起來。[2] 當時討論組提出了不少用來連接兩地的交通方式,最後決定採用霍格沃茨特快列車。[1][2]

2011年初,影城對冒險島樂園的「失落之洲」園區開展了工程測量,同時開始調查遊客對於園區擴建的想法,隨後就有傳言稱影城打算擴建哈利波特魔法世界主題公園。[6] 2011年末,影城宣布為了主題樂園的進一步建設,「大白鯊之旅」遊樂設施將於2012年1月2日關閉。[7] 近兩年半之後,奧蘭多及佛羅里達州中部地方電視台報導了一套高架鐵軌系統在奧蘭多環球影城落成,鐵軌連接冒險島樂園的霍格莫德小鎮和佛羅里達環球影城內的一處在建施工區。[4]

2013年5月,奧蘭多環球影城正式發布擴建哈利波特魔法世界主題公園的消息,在原大白鯊主題園區的位置新建對角巷和霍格沃茨特快。[8][9][10] 到2013年8月底,6節載客車廂和兩部煤水車已準備就緒等待組裝。[11] 兩輛列車先後於2013年10月24日和12月初完整嵌入軌道中。[12][13] 同年12月2日,奧蘭多一家遊樂景點雜誌的網站稱其中一輛火車已開始運行測試。[14]

2014年1月,環球影城在一檔直播節目中提前向大家展示了霍格沃茨特快的內部構造。[15][16] 2014年3月中旬,景區進一步公布了列車運行的相關信息,並發布介紹列車整體結構的官方動畫。[17] 2014年6月,景區正式宣布擴建後的對角巷以及霍格沃茨特快將於7月8日對公眾開放。[18] 一周之後,霍格沃茨在沒有任何官方通告的情況下開啟試運行,[19][20]並在正式開放一個月之內搭載了約一百萬名旅客。[21]這一切是由150人的團隊[1]花費近兩年半的時間[22]完成。



遊客只有在進入其中任意一個主題公園並且出示當日在兩個公園都有效的門票後才能乘坐列車。[3] 列車全年365天運行,每天可搭載3萬名旅客。[1]


霍格沃茨特快採用的是單軌高架纜索鐵路,連接兩個主題公園的外景區域,路線中間建有一個可供相對行使的列車互相避讓的岔路段(會讓站)。[2][23] 軌道全長676米,軌間距為1800毫米,上有一條牽引索和一條反向牽拉索,直徑均為46毫米。負責纏繞纜索的發動裝置位於國王十字車站遊覽點,該裝置額定功率為215千瓦,最大功率可達636千瓦。[24]


霍格沃茨特快採用的兩部列車每一輛可搭載168名乘客,相當於一次往返總共可運載336名乘客。[25] 每一輛火車由五個鉸接的車廂構成:一個蒸汽火車頭模型,一節掛在車頭後面的煤水車,還有三節載客車廂,每一節車廂包含7個隔間。每個隔間可以容納8名乘客,隔間內安裝的不是普通的車窗而是投影設備。[24][26] 原本每輛火車計劃安裝兩節載客車廂,但旅客意向調查顯示,對於乘客們來說霍格沃茨特快並非是連接兩個主題公園的交通方式,而是一個獨具意義的遊覽景點,景區方面因此增加了車廂數量。[27] 火車全長70米,車頭重量為13噸,煤水車重15噸,每節車廂重量為27噸。由於列車採用的是纜索鐵路設計,因此兩輛火車同時出發並且同時抵達終點站,行駛速度均為每小時12公里,[24]會在路線中途的岔路段擦肩而過。[28]

由於車頭沒法朝向國王十字車站,因此兩列火車的車頭均朝向霍格莫德站,這樣一來從霍格莫德出發駛向國王十字車站方向的火車就是倒退進站。[29] 兩個車站的站台都位於火車左側,因此火車只對朝外面向遊客的一側車身進行了設計,另一側既沒有火車頭模型上的車輪也沒有車身花紋細節。[30][31][32] 火車上超過百分之七十的纜線都是為視覺效果而設計的,為了使火車外觀更加逼真。[1]

火車在瑞士的戈爾道(Goldau)製造,列車的外部和內部均由瑞士CWA Construction公司打造,成品儘可能還原哈利波特授權電影中的霍格沃茨特快。[1][22][24] 火車整體材質為鋁和玻璃鋼,火車頭部分以5972 Olton Hall型號為原型建造。新車建好之後採用人工風化侵蝕處理,使其看起來更有年代感。[33][34][35]

Frey AG公司負責為火車鋪設電線來運行列車的影像和聲音裝置,也同時負責安裝其他技術設備以便讓火車接入電腦控制系統。[24]




火車行駛途中播放的音樂是倫敦交響樂團於2014年3月25日在阿比路錄音室(Abbey Road Studios)錄製,向北行駛的旅途中所播放的音樂叫做「霍格莫德到倫敦的直通火車」(Connector Train – Hogsmeade to London)。[35]


前來主題公園遊玩的遊客們可以利用霍格沃茨特快在霍格莫德景區和倫敦國王十字車站景區(靠近對角巷)之間往返。遊客只要購買了當天內同時在兩個園區通行的門票(往返兩個園區的一次性、全年通票或季度通票不限),就可選擇乘坐任意方向的火車。[3] 列車上會根據兩個不同目的地播放兩段不同的影像,每段時長約為四分鐘。[24][39]


國王十字建在前大白鯊主題景區的位置,車站的入口位於主題公園的倫敦區,離對角巷很近,是根據真實的倫敦國王十字火車站進行了1:4的等比例縮小。[10][40][41]乘客在火車站大樓入口處通過檢票,然後排隊等待進入車站的內部。這時乘客們可以看到頭頂的機械翻頁式車次顯示牌,沿途還有倫敦的站內廣告、成堆的手提行李箱以及一家商店售賣英國牌子的食品飲料。從樓梯上去後就可以來到國王十字車站9站台和10站台的標誌牌中間,這時排在後面的人可以看到前面的人從通往 9 34站台的那面牆穿過去,該效果藉助「佩珀爾幻象」(Pepper's ghost)技術完成。轉過幾個彎之後,乘客們就可以抵達 9 34站台等候下一班火車。霍格沃茨特快倒退進入 9 34站台且到站的乘客全部下車之後,乘坐下一班次的乘客們登上火車,在3個載客車廂的21個隔間就坐。[29][31]






乘客們下車來到國王十字車站9 34的站台,走下一段樓梯後進入車站大廳,隨後從車站大樓出來即使緊鄰對角巷的倫敦景區。[30]



Theme Park Insider網站的編輯羅伯特·奈爾斯(Robert Niles)的評價中提到霍格沃茨人特快相關的遊樂設施是如何「打破牆壁」的,例如巫師世界和麻瓜世界之間的牆壁,以及環球影城如何做到把觀眾變成場景的參與者(如遊客在國王十字車站排隊穿過牆壁來到9 34站台)。他在評論中寫道:「一般來說主題公園中可乘坐的遊樂設施會讓把你帶回到一開始出發的地方,或者是距出發點很近的地方。所以當你走下霍格沃茨特快,發現自己不僅來到了另一個火車站更是置身於完全不同的主題公園,還會有點暈頭轉向的感覺。」[43]

來自About.com網站的亞瑟·萊文(Auther Levine)則表達了對環球影城的失望,認為景區並沒有努力還原遊客進入9 34站台時的魔法效果。「遊客們親身走進站台本該是個隆重的時刻,而景區的設計卻讓這些准巫師們感覺自己只是在進入一個黑漆漆的走廊。除了一聲『唰』的音效之外,景區方面並沒有試圖還原那種粒子瞬移的魔法效果,這是個缺憾。」他還表示雖然火車進入霍格莫德車站的方向是正常,但是倒退著進入國王十字9 34站台的設計讓人十分摸不著頭腦。萊文的主要觀點是認為環球影城並非單純把霍格沃茨特快視作一個交通工具,「景區方面意在把它變成魔法世界主題部分不可或缺又吸引人的一個元素,大多數乘客都會想親身乘坐一番體驗完整的哈利波特世界。景區還把它設計成整個環球影城內部的交通工具且需要同時持有兩個主題公園道的門票才能乘坐,這無疑會吸引更多遊客花更多錢購買門票,同時增加遊客的遊玩天數,提高園區附屬酒店賓館的入住率,還能全面帶動環球影城步行街上餐飲、購物、娛樂服務的經濟效益。」[29]

2014年,佛羅里達環球影城的遊客量相比前一年的710萬人次增長到了830萬人次,冒險島樂園的遊客量沒有變化。據AECOM經濟部門副主席布萊恩·薩恩茲(Brian Sands)稱,佛羅里達環球影城遊客數增長很可能是由於對角巷擴建,而冒險島樂園的遊客量沒有變化原因是「遊客們都被新的遊樂設施吸引」,霍格沃茨特快可能已經在避免讓樂園遊客數減少了。[44][45]


  • 2016年10月1日,火車行駛途中發生電子菸爆炸事故,導致一名男性乘客和一名14歲女孩被燒傷送往治療。[46]
  • 2017年8月17日,兩輛火車在尚未抵達終點站的途中實施緊急疏散,一些乘客被困在不通風的車廂超過一個小時。[47]一周之後的8月24日相同事故再次發生,環球公司譴責了兩起事故中發生的技術故障。[48]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Hinterseer, Andrea. A High Technology Nostalgic Experience (PDF). Seilbahnen International NSAA/National Ski Areas Association exhibition. 17 April 2015: 17–24 (英語). 168-FUL: Project 722-C: Hogwarts Express … Number of places per trains: 168 p. [originally targetted] Carrying capacity 1,747 p/h … idea of linking both parks. … considered various means of transportation. Then, one day, the idea to use the Hogwarts Express hit home … every seven minutes the train starts … 4 12 minute train ride … 2 trains consisting of 1 locomotive, 1 tender and 3 coaches for 56 passengers and one attendant each … More than 70 percent of the cables serve show effects in the 42 compartments 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Bevil, Dewayne. How Universal came up with Hogwarts Express and said goodbye to Jaws. Orlando Sentinel. July 2, 2014 [July 5, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於June 6, 2015). Thierry Coup ... "created the whole idea of the Hogwarts Express. ... everyone can ride the train, which we thought "This is fantastic." There's no limitation, no ride-height limitation. You get on the train, and it's a train except the journey is magical. ... we worked on that and created the layout, the path. Where would the train go? Of course, it will go backstage, but the guests will never know because we're going to take them on the actual journey." 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Hogwarts Express. Universal Orlando Resort. [January 20, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於March 4, 2018). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 What is Universal planning for Wizarding World of Harry Potter expansion?. WESH. May 3, 2013 [July 13, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 13, 2015). proves the permits clear the way for a track that connects the current Wizarding World at Islands of Adenture 原文如此 to the 8-acre corner of Universal Studios, ... The track gives major traction to a rumored Hogwarts Express attraction. 
  5. ^ Garcia, Jason. Universal Orlando ponders how to take full advantage of Wizarding World's popularity. Orlando Sentinel. December 10, 2010 [July 22, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 22, 2015). executives are wrestling with questions such as when to expand Wizarding World and how to keep business balanced between Islands and Universal Studios Florida — the park without Potter. 
  6. ^ MacDonald, Brady. Universal Studios wonders how and when to expand Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Los Angeles Times. April 6, 2011 [July 2, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 29, 2014). 
  7. ^ Garcia, Jason; Bevil, Dewayne. Universal Studios to close Jaws to make way for new attraction. Orlando Sentinel. December 2, 2011 [July 24, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 10, 2015). 
  8. ^ Universal Orlando announces expansion of 'Wizarding World of Harry Potter'. Fox 8. May 8, 2013 [July 2, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於November 14, 2014). 
  9. ^ Thurston, Susan. Universal Studios to add Harry Potter Diagon Alley theme area. Tampa Bay Times. May 8, 2013 [July 2, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於February 28, 2014). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Bevil, Dewayne. Universal Studios: Where to find 'Jaws' references in Diagon Alley. Orlando Sentinel. July 9, 2014 [July 24, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於June 8, 2015). 
  11. ^ New photos of Hogwarts Express train at Universal Orlando – Wizarding World expansion updatef. Orlando Attractions Magazine. Dream Together Media. August 26, 2013 [July 8, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 2, 2014). 
  12. ^ Hogwarts Express placed on tracks at Universal. WESH. October 25, 2013 [July 7, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於February 28, 2014). 
  13. ^ Allison Walker; Scott Fais; Mike Westfall. Diagon Alley grand opening: Photos, tweets at Universal Orlando. News 13. July 9, 2014 [July 16, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於April 4, 2015). 
  14. ^ Hogwarts Express begins testing at Universal Studios – Wizarding World: Diagon Alley update. Orlando Attractions Magazine. Dream Together Media. December 3, 2013 [July 8, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於March 22, 2015). 
  15. ^ Meredith, Michelle. Knockturn Alley, Escape from Gringotts announced in Universal Harry Potter expansion. WESH. January 23, 2014 [July 7, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於May 29, 2014). 
  16. ^ Clay, Kevin. New details on Universal's Hogwarts Express to be announced. WESH. March 10, 2014 [July 7, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於April 20, 2014). 
  17. ^ Becker, Kayla. New details on Hogwarts Express coming to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. WESH. March 14, 2014 [July 7, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於May 3, 2014). 
  18. ^ Dennis, Andrea. Wizarding World of Harry Potter — Diagon Alley at Universal set to open on July 8. WESH. June 24, 2014 [July 16, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於August 12, 2014). 
  19. ^ Becker, Kayla. Some parkgoers get a chance to ride Hogwarts Express. WESH. July 2, 2014 [July 16, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於August 10, 2014). 
  20. ^ Bevil, Dewayne. Universal Studios visitors get early Hogwarts Express ride. Orlando Sentinel. July 1, 2014 [July 16, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 16, 2015). 
  21. ^ Bevil, Dewayne. Universal Orlando marks 1 million riders on Hogwarts Express. Orlando Sentinel. August 7, 2014 [July 12, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於December 4, 2014). One million passengers have now ridden the Hogwarts Express, the train that connects the two halves of the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, … The vehicle, … links Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure theme parks 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Secret Harry Potter theme park train unveiled. Swiss Info (Swiss Broadcasting Corporation). July 18, 2014 [June 30, 2015]. (原始內容 (video)存檔於July 1, 2015). 
  23. ^ Construction Update: Wizarding World's Hogwarts Express track and Diagon Alley expansion from above. Orlando Attraction Magazine. Dream Together Media. May 18, 2013 [June 30, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於May 25, 2015). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 24.5 Doppelmayr/Garaventa built the Hogwarts Express. Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH. July 25, 2014 [July 18, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 18, 2015). composed of two carriage sets, is a faithful reproduction … from the Harry Potter films. The train is made up of a steam locomotive, a coal tender and three passenger carriages. … Faithfully reproducing every detail … The carriage set is constructed to look of solid, heavy iron and wood sections and the interiors of the carriages are accurately lit 
  25. ^ 168-FUL Hogwarts Express. Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH. [July 18, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 18, 2015). 
  26. ^ MacDonald, Brady. What may come to Wizarding World of Harry Potter 2.0 at Universal Orlando. Los Angeles Times. May 9, 2013 [January 28, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於April 22, 2016). 
  27. ^ Sehlinger, Bob; Jenkins, Robert. Beyond Disney: The Unofficial Guide to Universal Orlando, SeaWorld & the Best of Central Florida. Unofficial Guides. 2013: 317. ISBN 9781628090109. Universal was somehow surprised by a survey that showed guests considered the Hogwarts Express an attraction rather than merely transportation connecting the two parks. ... the stations and track were already under construction and designed to handle only two cars carrying guests. 
  28. ^ MacDonald, Brady. A double dose of Harry Potter coming to Universal Orlando. Los Angeles Times. May 30, 2014 [February 19, 2018]. two trains will pass at the midpoint along parallel tracks much like a funicular. 
  29. ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Levine, Arthur. Hogwarts Express. Trip Savvy. June 2014 [January 26, 2018]. (原始內容存檔於August 21, 2017). 
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Hogwarts Express Complete Experience (Hogsmeade To Diagon Alley) (YouTube video). Universal Orlando Theme Park Worldwide. December 16, 2014 [July 2, 2015]. 
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 31.2 31.3 31.4 Hogwarts Express Train Ride Full POV from Kings Cross Station to Hogsmeade at Universal Orlando (YouTube video). July 6, 2014 [July 2, 2015]. 
  32. ^ Waddington, Bob. Universal Orlando Resort Diagon Alley Aerial Photos from 05/24/14. Pixels at the Park. May 24, 2014 [July 25, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於August 6, 2014). 
  33. ^ Geiger, Christophe. Constructing European Intellectual Property: Achievements and New Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 2013: 356. ISBN 1781001634. The design of GWR 4900 Class 5972 Olton Hall locomotive is highly functional, built for a specific purpose in 1937. The artistic need to make an authentic visual representation of J.K. Rowling's Hogwarts Express in the visionary world of Harry Potter has, however shifted this utilitarian product into a highly stylistic and lucrative merchandising world. 
  34. ^ Funicular with a difference for Harry Potter fans. Internationale Seilbahn-Rundschau. September 15, 2014 [July 12, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 12, 2015). a special aging process to achieve a realistic effect for a historical train. 
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Vieira, Meredith. Harry Potter: The Making of Diagon Alley. Specials. Peacock Productions. 10:00 & 24:00 記錄於. June 30, 2014 [July 3, 2015]. NBC. 原始內容存檔於August 6, 2017. We are at the load station for the Connector, which is King's Cross Station, London. … It has the dimensions of a real station 
  36. ^ US patent 9509939,Henion, David; Gall, Matthew; McQuillian, Brian B.; Smith, Alex; Schwartz, Justin M.,「Display for immersive window effect」,發行於29 November 2016,指定於Universal City Studios LLC 
  37. ^ Bilbao, Richard. New Universal patent aims to enhance Harry Potter rides. Orlando Business Journal. 6 April 2017. patent, titled "Display for immersive window effect," looks to improve on the curved windows or displays used on attractions by adding more angles of perception … Images provided in the patent show how this could be used for a train attraction that resembles the Hogwarts Express ride that connects Universal Studios Florida's London and Diagon Alley areas to Islands of Adventure's Hogsmeade area. 
  38. ^ Failes, Ian. Innovation and immersion: Escape from Gringotts. Fxguide. March 29, 2015 [July 2, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 3, 2015). Double Negative also contributed to the Hogwarts Express — a transporter that takes guests between the two theme parks of Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Florida at the Universal Orlando Resort. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter spans both parks. Guests on the Hogwarts Express have views showing them leaving London and arriving at Hogsmeade ... projected onto curved screens outside the train windows. 
  39. ^ All aboard the Hogwart's Express! Harry Potter theme park recreates train ride through English countryside...all without leaving the U.S.. Daily Mail. March 16, 2014 [June 30, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於January 27, 2018). Riders will have two different experiences — one on the way to the new London-themed area at Universal Studios Park and another on the way to the original Wizarding World of Harry Potter area. 
  40. ^ Universal Studios Florida Park Map (PDF). Universal Orlando Resort. February 25, 2015 [July 2, 2015]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於July 4, 2015). 
  41. ^ Veness, Simon. Inside Harry Potter's Diagon Alley, Universal Studios. The Telegraph (London). June 19, 2014 [July 2, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於July 27, 2015). a one-fourth scale replica of King's Cross station 
  42. ^ Hogwarts Express Complete Experience (Diagon Alley To Hogsmeade) (YouTube video). Universal Orlando Theme Park Worldwide. December 16, 2014 [July 2, 2015]. 
  43. ^ Niles, Robert. Ride Review: The Hogwarts Express at Universal Orlando Resort. Theme Park Insider. June 21, 2014 [July 3, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於May 30, 2015). 
  44. ^ Pedicini, Sandra. Universal Orlando's visitation spikes, SeaWorld's plunges, report says. Orlando Sentinel. June 3, 2015 [July 12, 2015]. (原始內容存檔於June 3, 2015). 
  45. ^ 2014 Global Attractions Attendance Report (PDF). Themed Entertainment Association: 31. 2015 [July 12, 2015]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於June 26, 2015). 
  46. ^ Hayes, Chrystal. Man, girl injured after e-cigarette explodes on Universal's Hogwarts Express ride. Orlando Sentinel. October 1, 2016 [October 1, 2016]. (原始內容存檔於November 5, 2016). 
  47. ^ Cutway, Adrienne. Hogwarts Express at Universal Orlando evacuated. Local10. August 17, 2017 [August 17, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於August 18, 2017). 
  48. ^ Cutway, Adrienne. Hogwarts Express at Universal Orlando evacuated. Local10. August 17, 2017 [August 17, 2017]. (原始內容存檔於August 18, 2017).