汉隆剃刀(Hanlon's razor)是一句哲学剃刀格言:
“ | 能解释为愚蠢的,就不要解释为恶意[1]。 | ” |
“ | 你把愚蠢所導致的許多情況,都歸咎於邪惡[1]。 | ” |
2001年,昆汀·斯塔福德·弗雷澤在博客上发表了两篇文章,引述了来自約瑟夫·E·比格勒(Joseph E. Bigler)的邮件,阐述了汉隆的剃刀的起源[7][8]。文中写道,《墨菲定律》(Murphy's Law, and Other Reasons Why Things Go WRONG!)一书的作者亞瑟·布洛赫曾向公众征集自创“定律”的投稿,而汉隆的剃刀正是約瑟夫的好友,来自賓夕法尼亞州斯克蘭頓的罗伯特·J·汉隆(Robert J. Hanlon)的作品,被收录在《墨菲定律第二册》(Murphy's Law Book Two: More Reasons Why Things Go Wrong!)中[9]。
“ | 误解与成见,往往会在世界上铸成比诡诈与恶意更多的过错。至少可以肯定,后两者要罕见一些[10]。 | ” |
“ | 許多記者沉醉在政府陰謀論中。我可以擔保,如果他們支持的是“政府搞砸論”,報導就会更准确一些[11]。 | ” |
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Andrew S. Wigosky. RAPID Value Management for the Business Cost of Ownership. Digital Press. 2004: 5 [2018-07-30]. ISBN 9781555582890. (原始内容存档于2017-03-19).
[...] Hanlon's Razor: 'Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.' This definition comes from 'The Jargon File' (edited by Eric Raymond), but one poster attributes it to Robert Heinlein, in a 1941 story called 'Logic of Empire.'
- ^ Guy L. Steele; Eric S. Raymond (编). The Jargon File, Version 2.1.1 (Draft). jargon-file.org. 1990-06-12 [2017-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-31).
- ^ Livraghi, Giancarlo. Il potere della stupidità. Pescara, Italy: Monti & Ambrosini SRL. 2004: 1. ISBN 9788889479131.
- ^ Hanlon's Razor. 黑客字典. Eric S. Raymond. 2002-03-03 [2017-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-04).
- ^ Eric S. Raymond; Guy L. Steele (编). The Jargon File, Version 2.2.1. jargon-file.org. 1990-12-15 [2017-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-07).
- ^ Eric S. Raymond (编). The Jargon File, Version 4.0.0. jargon-file.org. 1996-07-24 [2017-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-07).
- ^ Stafford-Fraser, Quentin. [untitled]. 2001-11-26 [2017-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-18).
- ^ Stafford-Fraser, Quentin. The origins of Hanlon’s Razor. 2001-12-04 [2017-07-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-14).
- ^ Arthur Bloch. Murphy's Law Book Two: More Reasons Why Things Go Wrong!. Price Stern Sloan. 1980: 52. ISBN 9780417064505.
- ^ introduction, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; translated with an; Constantine, notes by David. The sorrows of young Werther. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2012. ISBN 978-0199583027.
- ^ Pigden, Charles. David Coady , 编. Conspiracy Theories: The Philosophical Debate (Chapter 3 - Popper Revised, or What is Wrong with Conspiracy Theories?). 2006: 17.